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PELOSI CALLS BUSH TO COMPLAIN OF CHENEY'S COMMENTS ON DEMOCRATS' IRAQ STRATEGY — WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday phoned President Bush to air her complaints over Vice President Dick Cheney's comments that the Congressional Democrats' plan for Iraq would "validate the Al Qaeda strategy."
Hot Air, QandO, Jules Crittenden, Riehl World View, The Gavel, Gateway Pundit, MyDD and alphabet city

The Thinking Behind Blair's Iraq Decision — Tony Blair's announcement Wednesday of the planned withdrawal of about 1,600 UK combat troops from Iraq has been greeted with predictable gloating and derision on both sides of the Atlantic. — Most of the commentary in Britain …

Ally's Timing Is Awkward for Bush — As the British announced the beginning of their departure from Iraq yesterday, President Bush's top foreign policy aide proclaimed it "basically a good-news story." Yet for an already besieged White House, the decision was doing a good job masquerading as a bad-news story.

Blair: We'll Go Back If Needed — Critics of the Iraq war have painted Tony Blair's decision to draw down the British troop levels as a repudiation of the war and an end to the Coalition in Iraq. Democrats wasted no time in pointing out the supposed incongruity of a British withdrawal …

In Both Parties, 2008 Politeness Falls to Infighting — The sun was not yet up yesterday, and members of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign team were confronted with the kind of attack that most infuriates them: one questioning the character of Mrs. Clinton and her husband.

The War on Error — HILLARY CLINTON'S SORRY NONAPOLOGY. — Five years ago, Hillary Clinton supported a Senate resolution authorizing President Bush to use force in Iraq. So did I. It took me four years to admit this was a mistake. I've been wondering when Clinton would admit it.

Clinton, Obama Camps' Feud Is Out in the Open — An increasingly acrimonious competition between Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton to enlist the Democratic Party's leading fundraisers and operatives burst into the open yesterday, overshadowing what was billed as the presidential campaign's …

Tell Democrats to Freeze Out Fox News — The Nevada Democratic Party is working with Fox News Channel to host a debate with all the Democratic Party presidential candidates in August. This is, to put it mildly, insane. Fox News is a partisan Republican propaganda outlet, not a news station …

Iraq Insurgents Employ Chlorine in Bomb Attacks — A truck bomb that combined explosives with chlorine gas blew up in southern Baghdad on Wednesday, and officials said it might represent a new and deadly tactic by insurgents against Iraqi civilians. — It was at least the third truck bomb …

Iraqi insurgents use 2nd 'dirty' bomb
Outside The Beltway, Blue Crab Boulevard, On Deadline, Decision '08, CorrenteWire, New York Times and The Daily Dish

Iranian official offers glimpse from within: A desire for U.S. ally … TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) — As I sat down recently with a senior Iranian government official, he urgently waved a column by Thomas Friedman of The New York Times in my face, one about how the United States and Iran need to engage each other.

National Guard May Undertake Iraq Duty Early — The Pentagon is planning to send more than 14,000 National Guard troops back to Iraq next year, shortening their time between deployments to meet the demands of President Bush's buildup, Defense Department officials said Wednesday.

The Spanish Connection — What the 9/11 Commission didn't consider. — The 9/11 Commission relied on information derived from two captured al Qaeda perpetrators for much of its picture of the conspiracy leading up to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Let's Hear It for the Mainstream Media — This Jurassic journalist is tired of all the bitching and moaning by denizens of the blogosphere about the deficiencies of the Mainstream Media (MSM in the snarky parlance of blognoscenti). Out of touch, corrupted by proximity to power, dinosaur media …

Pentagon Faults Leadership for Walter Reed

GOP 'darlings' slow to sign tax-cut pledge — The two front-runners for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination — Arizona Sen. John McCain and former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani — have not signed an anti-tax-increase pledge that has been embraced by several of their rivals.

Obama's Worn-Out Economic Ideas — Senator Barack Obama recently said, "let's allow our unions and their organizers to lift up this country's middle class again." — Ironically, he said it at a time when Detroit automakers have been laying off unionized workers by the tens of thousands …

In Far North, Peril and Promise — Great Forests Hold Fateful Role in Climate Change — PINE FALLS, Manitoba — Here on the edge of the silent and frozen northern tier of the Earth, the fate of the world's climate is buried beneath the snow and locked in the still limbs of aspen trees.