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Assassination chic, Cheney edition — The Vice President of the United States was reportedly targeted by Taliban jihadists in Afghanistan. Jonathan Karl of ABC News reported from the scene: … Whatever your partisan leanings, an attack planned on the Vice President of the United States is an attack on America.

A Rough Ride on Air Force Two
The Strata-Sphere, On Deadline, A Blog For All, Norwegianity, The Heretik and Daniel W. Drezner

Document shows Romney's strategies — Plan addresses faith, rivals, shift on issues — Here are some views of Mitt Romney causing concern inside his campaign: His hair looks too perfect, he's not a tough war time leader, and he has earned a reputation as "Slick Dancing Mitt" or "Flip-Flop Mitt."
Washington Wire, Big Brass Blog, TAPPED, Outside The Beltway, The Fix, DownWithTyranny!, Shakespeare's Sister, TIME: Swampland, PoliBlog (TM), Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, CNN Political Ticker, Daily Kos, rubber hose, Political Radar, The Caucus, Wonkette, Power Line, On Deadline, PowersPoint, CBS News, Liberal Values, Eunomia, Reason Magazine and Sister Toldjah

The CEO Candidate — HOW MITT ROMNEY'S CORPORATE SUCCESS EXPLAINS HIS CAMPAIGN—AND HIS FLIP-FLOPS. — For Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the transition from moderate, gay-friendly, abortion-tolerating Massachusetts governor to a certified social conservative isn't going smoothly.

Today's Must Read — Two weeks ago, the Bush administration organized an intelligence briefing for journalists in Iraq to demonstrate that Iran was providing weapons to Iraqi insurgents. According to the anonymous briefers, the weapons — particularly explosively formed penetrators or E.F.P.s …
The Road to Surfdom, Balloon Juice, Hullabaloo, Talking Points Memo, and New York Times

Wall Street Plummets After Chinese Stocks Take a Big Hit — Stocks retreated sharply Tuesday after a sell-off in China rattled markets worldwide and data on durable goods orders came in well below expectations. — After reaching record highs on Monday, China's stock markets reversed course drastically …

Stocks have worst day since 9/11 attacks — NEW YORK - Stocks had their worst day of trading since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks Tuesday, hurtling the Dow Jones industrials down more than 400 points on a worldwide tide of concern that the U.S. and Chinese economies are stumbling and that share prices have become overinflated.

Carl Levin Calls for Attacks On Syria. Admits Al-Qaeda In Iraq & Troops Need to Stay — UPDATE: The video is here. — Get ready for Carl Levin to get shot by Cindy Sheehan or some other angry lefty. I'm not sure what happened to him, but he's making sense right now.

Rice: U.S. joining Iraq in inviting Iran, Syria to 'neighbors meeting' — The United States and the Iraqi government are launching a new diplomatic initiative to invite Iran and Syria to a neighbors meeting on stabilizing Iraq, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Tuesday.

Clintons' Charity Not Listed On Senate Disclosure Forms — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and former president Bill Clinton have operated a family charity since 2001, but she failed to list it on annual Senate financial disclosure reports on five occasions. — The Ethics in Government Act …

Jeb in 2008? — Don't be surprised if, come November of 2008, voters are choosing between Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush for president. — But how can that be? Jeb's not running. — Well, he isn't running now, but the new, front-loaded primary system may, counterintuitively …

Pelosi Falls Short On Election Promises — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is discovering the cold truth about governing with a slim majority: It's much easier to promise behavioral change for Congress than to deliver it. — Pelosi vowed that five-day workweeks would be a hallmark of a harder-working Democratic majority.

Perle: Bush Failed by his Own People … Richard Perle tells NewsMax that key members of the Bush administration have failed the president - and Perle names names. — In a wide-ranging interview, the former assistant Secretary of Defense under President Reagan and chairman …

L.A. madam's 'trick book' is unsealed — Jody 'Babydol' Gibson's list of alleged clients includes Tom Lasorda and Bruce Willis. They both deny using her services. — When Hollywood madam Jody "Babydol" Gibson was busted eight years ago, word that police had seized her list …

An Early Environmentalist, Embracing New 'Heresies' — Stewart Brand has become a heretic to environmentalism, a movement he helped found, but he doesn't plan to be isolated for long. He expects that environmentalists will soon share his affection for nuclear power.

Gen Y's ego trip takes a nasty turn — A new report suggests that an overdose of self-esteem in college students could mean a rough road ahead. — No wonder YouTube is so popular. — All the effort to boost children's self-esteem may have backfired and produced a generation of college students …

Gen. Pace: Military capability eroding — WASHINGTON (AP) — Strained by the demands of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is a significant risk that the U.S. military won't be able to quickly and fully respond to yet another crisis, according to a new report to Congress.

About that "scalping"... and other blogospheric collective activities. — After this post of mine questioning Lindsay Beyerstein's assertion that there is a right-wing term "scalping" — meaning "pick a target and harass that person and his or her employer until the person either jumps …