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Members of the audience seemed startled, then many clapped, and she proceeded to open the floor to questions, reported — After her comments, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean issued a press release expressing his outrage. Dean called Coulter's remarks 'hate-filled and bigoted.'
Media Matters for America, The Corner, Vox Popoli, Betsy's Page, Pam's House Blend, Democratic National Committee, All Spin Zone, Roger L. Simon, Sister Toldjah, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Reasoned Audacity,, The Strata-Sphere, Villainous Company, Argghhh!, Inside Europe, Decision '08, Balloon Juice, Brainster's Blog, Neocon Express and Pandagon

Romney and Giuliani Make Pitch to Conservatives — Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and Rudolph W. Giuliani of New York are both Republican presidential candidates who have been voted into office by largely Democratic electorates. They both have a history of taking liberal positions on social issues.
Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Captain's Quarters, The Carpetbagger Report, Eschaton and CorrenteWire

Coulter Said What? (Bumped) — Ann Coulter is speaking at the moment, and drawing a huge crowd — with longer lines than those for the Rudy Giuliani. She's definitely one of the stars here at CPAC, and I listened to the audio stream for a bit while she opened her speech.

UPDATE: Ann Coulter Suggests John Edwards Is a 'Faggot' — Now The Backlash Begins — NEW YORK In recent years she has suggested that Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore have or may have homosexual tendencies. Now columnist/author Ann Coulter has targeted former senator (and current candidate for president) John Edwards.

Coulter In Her Element — "I was going to talk about John Edwards …

THE PURGE OF U.S. ATTORNEYS (PARTIALLY) EXPLAINED. — The more we learn about the purge of at least eight U.S. attorneys around the country, the bigger the mystery becomes. Not so much the "how" of it all: It's clear that GOP staffers slipped unnoticed language into the about-to-be-reauthorized Patriot Act …
Transterrestrial Musings

White House Backed U.S. Attorney Firings, Officials Say — The White House approved the firings of seven U.S. attorneys late last year after senior Justice Department officials identified the prosecutors they believed were not doing enough to carry out President Bush's policies on immigration …

Activists' expulsion cited as Bush rule — 2005 FORUM IN DENVER — A former White House official who ordered three activists expelled from a 2005 Denver public forum with President Bush says it was White House policy to exclude potentially disruptive guests from Bush's appearances nationwide.
The Carpetbagger Report

Army Secretary Is Ousted in Furor Over Hospital Care — Army Secretary Francis J. Harvey was forced to resign Friday over the handling of revelations that wounded soldiers were receiving shabby and slow treatment at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. — Even as the grim-faced defense secretary …

Remember: for Cambodia, read Iraq — The Killing Fields illustrates brilliantly part of the long disaster that has been Cambodia over recent decades. It is a compelling film that follows the story of a young Cambodian, Dith Pran, who worked for the New York Times reporter Sidney Schanberg …

The Virginian

Noticeably Absent From the Giuliani Campaign: His Children — Rudolph W. Giuliani at his inaugural as mayor of New York in 1994, where his son, Andrew, 7, captured the show. But Andrew was not at events like the one in Spartanburg, S.C., last month, right, part of Mr. Giuliani's bid for the presidency …

Since you asked — A left-wing extremist exhibits many, but not necessarily all, of the following attributes: —believes that the decision to go to war in Iraq was not an individual case of monumental stupidity, but a consequence of America's fundamental imperialistic nature.

Bill Maher is Sorry the Assassination Attempt on Dick Cheney Failed — In 2002, ABC made the decision to not renew Bill Maher's contract after he made some disgraceful comments on his program "Politically Incorrect" concerning America's military response to 9/11.
protein wisdom

U.S. Predicting Steady Increase for Emissions — The Bush administration estimates that emissions by the United States of gases that contribute to global warming will grow nearly as fast through the next decade as they did the previous decade, according to a long-delayed report being completed for the United Nations.

Liechtenstein: no retaliation for Swiss 'invasion' — Mark Oliver and agencies — The Swiss army is not renowned for its aggressive expeditionary adventures - but it does appear to have accidentally invaded Liechtenstein. — According to the Swiss daily Blick, around 170 infantry soldiers …

RUDY DRAGGED DOWN — RIGHTIES CROSS ABOUT HIS DRESS — Rudy Giuliani's liberal stance on abortion, guns and gays wasn't his biggest problem yesterday as he addressed a conference of conservative activists - it was his having dressed in drag. — A whisper campaign targeting …