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Too Bad — President Bush has torn the conservative coalition asunder. — What political conservatives and on-the-ground Republicans must understand at this point is that they are not breaking with the White House on immigration. They are not resisting, fighting and thereby setting …
The Moderate Voice, Washington Post, The Impolitic, Heading Right, TBogg, Central Sanity, Six Meat Buffet, The Strata-Sphere, The Gun Toting Liberal™, DownWithTyranny!, BizzyBlog, The Carpetbagger Report, Silflay Hraka, Blue Crab Boulevard, Vox Popoli, La Shawn Barber's Corner, Think Progress, Rising Hegemon, Cliff Schecter, rubber hose, Sadly, No! and Hot Air

Top Bush Aide Leaving White House — WASHINGTON — Dan Bartlett, one of President Bush's most trusted advisers and his longest-serving aide, said Friday he is resigning to begin a career outside of government. — The move was announced on Bartlett's 36th birthday.
The Atlantic Online, Watching Those We Chose, Wonkette, TIME, TalkLeft, The Next Hurrah and The Heretik

Obama's Inconvenient Truths — Presidential-primary politics tends to be played like a game of connect the dots, with all the would-be nominees running from interest group to interest group, knowing and delivering precisely what each constituency is expecting to hear.

One Place Where Obama Goes Elbow to Elbow — Last Christmas, Senator Barack Obama flew to Hawaii to contemplate a presidential bid in the peace of his childhood home. But there, on a humid playground near Waikiki Beach, he found himself being roughed up by some of his best friends.

RNC faces donor falloff, fires solicitors — The Republican National Committee, hit by a grass-roots donors' rebellion over President Bush's immigration policy, has fired all 65 of its telephone solicitors, The Washington Times has learned. — Faced with an estimated 40 percent falloff …

RNC fires phone solicitors
Discussion:, Wonkette, Right Wing Nut House, Tammy Bruce, MyDD, Michael P.F. van der Galiën, Flopping Aces, Six Meat Buffet, My Left Wing, CorrenteWire, Hot Air,, Moonbattery, Outside The Beltway, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Senate 2008 Guru, Greatscat!, Right Wing News, Bring it On!, Bluey Blog, DownWithTyranny!, Blue Crab Boulevard and New Pairodimes

Aide Says Edwards Misspoke on Reading Classified Iraq Report — Former Senator John Edwards, a Democratic presidential candidate, told an interviewer on Wednesday that he had read the classified October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate before voting to authorize force in Iraq, but his campaign retracted the statement yesterday.
Dick Polman's American Debate, TIME, Michael P.F. van der Galiën, The Politico and Liberal Values

Sunni Insurgents Battle in Baghdad — Residents of Western Neighborhood Join Groups' Fight Against Al-Qaeda in Iraq — Sunni residents of a west Baghdad neighborhood used assault rifles and a roadside bomb to battle the Sunni insurgent group al-Qaeda in Iraq this week …

Month 50 of the Iraq War: The Surge That Isn't
Kiko's House

Senate Panel Questions C.I.A. Detentions — The Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday questioned the continuing value of the Central Intelligence Agency's secret interrogation program for terrorism suspects, suggesting that international condemnation and the obstacles it has created …
Washington Post, Firedoglake, Los Angeles Times, Balkinization, The Agonist and Air America Radio

Get in Line, Einstein — Beware legislative behemoths. Beware "comprehensive immigration reform." Any bill that is 380 pages long is bound to have nooks and crannies reflecting private deals, quiet paybacks and ad hoc arrangements that you often don't learn about until it's too late.

Kyl Unmasked as 'Senator Secrecy' on FOIA Reform; Defends Big Government's First Line of Defense — Sen. Jon Kyl, R-AZ, has conceded that he is the senator behind the secret hold on the proposed Open Government Reform Act of 2007, which would provide much-needed improvements in the federal Freedom of Information Act.

Iraq to dominate Presidential debates — GOFFSTOWN - As the dual debates for Democrats and Republicans at Saint Anselm College draw near, political analysts say the war in Iraq remains the most important issue in the Presidential campaign. — "That is the dominant issue," said Wolf Blitzer …
Taegan Goddard's …

Shays, Lieberman: Please stop talking — Maybe Messrs. Shays and Lieberman can clear up a few things. — Those two esteemed congressional representatives are recently back from trips to the never-ending war in Iraq, but neither of them seems especially downbeat.