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Bush won't supply subpoenaed documents — WASHINGTON - President Bush, moving toward a constitutional showdown with Congress, asserted executive privilege Thursday and rejected lawmakers' demands for documents that could shed light on the firings of federal prosecutors.

Bush called out for his earmarks — Democratic and Republican appropriators are accusing President Bush of urging Congress to pack spending bills with pet projects despite his high-profile crackdown on earmarks this year. — A House Appropriations Committee report accompanying legislation funding …

Bush facing GOP mutiny over immigration — The bitter fight over a comprehensive immigration overhaul has pushed President Bush and his fellow Republicans to the brink of divorce — and, for the first time, the opportunities for reconciliation appear severely limited.

Court strikes down school integration plans, ends Term — UPDATED to 11 a.m. — Concluding its current Term with a historic ruling on race in public policy, the Supreme Court divided 5-4 on Thursday in striking down voluntary integration plans in the public schools of Seattle and Louisville.

BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Down Public School Desegregation Law — In the "biggest school desegregation ruling in more than a decade," the Supreme Court today ruled 5-4 to reject public school assignment plans "that take account of students' race." The AP reports:

Senate Hands Down a Major Defeat on Immigration Bill — The most dramatic overhaul of the nation's immigration laws in a generation was trounced this morning by a bipartisan filibuster, with the political right and left overwhelming a coalition of Republicans and Democrats who had been seeking compromise …

Immigration bill suffers crushing defeat … WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Bush's immigration bill suffered a crushing defeat Thursday in the Senate, when members voted against advancing the controversial legislation. — The tally was 46 to 53, 14 votes shy of the 60 needed to end debate.

Immigration Bill Prompts Some Menacing Responses — The threat came in the weekend mail. — The recipient was Senator Mel Martinez, Republican of Florida, who has been a leading advocate of the proposed legislation for changing the immigration system. His offices in Washington …

Immigration Stance Is Costly for McCain
protein wisdom, Don Surber, MSNBC, The Caucus, ABCNEWS, Bluey Blog, Blue Crab Boulevard and DownWithTyranny!

The imperial vice presidency — New details about his secret mission to expand the power of the president show that Cheney, at the end of his career, refuses to loosen his grip. — Vice President Cheney speaks about the war in Iraq on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, April 24, 2007.
Slate, BartBlog, The Washington Note, The Impolitic, Washington Post and Prairie Weather

White House Drops Vice President's Dual-Role Argument as Moot
Harper's, Corrente, The Carpetbagger Report, Shakespeare's Sister, TPMmuckraker and TIME: Swampland

46-53, immigration bill goes down in defeat — The comprehensive immigration reform bill that has dodged attacks from the left and right for weeks, survived "poison pill" amendments, and was once pulled from the Senate schedule failed its most important test Thursday. Passage of the legislation now appears unlikely.

NBC's David Gregory thinks we just need to "strip away" Ann Coulter's inflammatory rhetoric to listen to her points — Not kidding. According to NBC's David Gregory we're all missing the very important points that Ann Coulter makes because we get caught up in her hate speech.

Costs Skyrocket As DHS Runs Up No-Bid Contracts — $2 Million Security Project Balloons to $124 Million — The project started in 2003 with a $2 million contract to help the new Department of Homeland Security quickly get an intelligence operation up and running.
Heading Right, The Next Hurrah, Captain's Quarters, Norwegianity, Prairie Weather, On Deadline and Donklephant

Cloture Call: Live Blog — I'll be watching and reporting on the cloture process this morning, and the opponents of the immigration bill seem to be off to a good start. John Ensign, the chair of the NRSC, has announced that he will vote against cloture to kill the bill.

House members seek $4,400 pay raise — WASHINGTON - Despite low approval ratings and hard feelings from last year's elections, Democrats and Republicans in the House are reaching out for an approximately $4,400 pay raise that would increase their salaries to almost $170,000.

An iPod Has Global Value. Ask the (Many) Countries That Make It. — Who makes the Apple iPod? Here's a hint: It is not Apple. The company outsources the entire manufacture of the device to a number of Asian enterprises, among them Asustek, Inventec Appliances and Foxconn.