Top Items:

Justices End 96-Year-Old Ban on Price Floors — Striking down an antitrust rule nearly a century old, the Supreme Court ruled today that it is no longer automatically unlawful for manufacturers and distributors to agree on setting minimum retail prices. — The decision will give producers …

Resegregation Now — The Supreme Court ruled 53 years ago in Brown v. Board of Education that segregated education is inherently unequal, and it ordered the nation's schools to integrate. Yesterday, the court switched sides and told two cities that they cannot take modest steps …

Justices Reject Diversity Plans in Two Districts — In a decision of sweeping importance to educators, parents and schoolchildren across the country, the Supreme Court today sharply limited the ability of school districts to manage the racial makeup of the student bodies in their schools.
neo-neocon, La Shawn Barber's Corner, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, Wizbang, Wonkette and protein wisdom

Court strikes down school integration plans, ends Term — UPDATED to 11 a.m. — Concluding its current Term with a historic ruling on race in public policy, the Supreme Court divided 5-4 on Thursday in striking down voluntary integration plans in the public schools of Seattle and Louisville.

Supreme Court strikes down school integration policies
Balkinization, The Volokh Conspiracy, Booman Tribune, Supreme Court, SCOTUSblog, and ACSBlog

Death Penalty for Delusional Murderer Blocked

Ann Coulter Loses It, Calls Elizabeth Edwards A "Harridan" — Boy, it looks like the pressure from Elizabeth Edwards is really getting to Ann Coulter. Seems to be really rattling her badly. Give this a watch, from MSNBC this morning: — Woah. — Incidentally, the Coulter column …
Hullabaloo, Shakespeare's Sister, Taylor Marsh, Media Matters for America and Riehl World View

Watch Ann Coulter lose it
Media Matters for America, The Huffington Post, The Carpetbagger Report and Liberal Values

Immigration Bill Dies in Senate — Bipartisan Compromise Fails To Satisfy the Right or the Left — The most dramatic overhaul of the nation's immigration laws in a generation was crushed yesterday in the Senate, with the forces of the political right and left overwhelming a bipartisan compromise …

46-53, immigration bill goes down in defeat — The comprehensive immigration reform bill that has dodged attacks from the left and right for weeks, survived "poison pill" amendments, and was once pulled from the Senate schedule failed its most important test Thursday. Passage of the legislation now appears unlikely.
Hot Air, The Daily Background, DownWithTyranny!, ABCNEWS, Macsmind, 24thstate and Michael P.F. van der Galiën

Bush won't supply subpoenaed documents — WASHINGTON - President Bush, in a constitutional showdown with Congress, claimed executive privilege Thursday and rejected demands for White House documents and testimony about the firing of U.S. attorneys. — His decision was denounced as …
The Newshoggers, The Raw Story, At-Largely, DownWithTyranny!, Scholars and Rogues, The Politico, Bark Bark Woof Woof, Daily Kos, Booman Tribune, Outside The Beltway, D-Day, Comments From Left Field, Brian Beutler, Michael P.F. van der Galiën, Left in the West, The Heretik, Happy Furry Puppy Story …, Corrente, JammieWearingFool, The Carpetbagger Report and Washington Monthly

House votes to ban FCC on 'fairness' — The House voted overwhelmingly yesterday to prohibit the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from using taxpayer dollars to impose the Fairness Doctrine on broadcasters who feature conservative radio hosts such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

'I assume Cheney will get a Katrina trailer,' Republican mocks — A group of Democrats made their case Thursday afternoon to cut all funding for the executive branch office of Vice President Dick Cheney on the floor of the House of Representatives. The move prompted a Republican Congressman …
Taylor Marsh, DownWithTyranny!, bustardblog, Sadly, No!, Think Progress, The American Street, Salon and The Garlic

Pelosi, Reid plan new push to end war — Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) are expected tomorrow to announce a new coordinated effort to force votes in July to end the Iraq war, according to Democratic insiders.

Wall Street Journal morons wonder: Who's behind Hot Air's attack ads? Update: WSJ issues correction — It's come to this, my friends. Having been routed this morning on the Senate floor, the open-borders shills at the WSJ turn, as they must, to vengeful, vintage-nutroots conspiracy smears.

Why WSJ reporters didn't show up for work Thursday — A statement from Wall Street Journal reporters: — Wall Street Journal reporters across the country chose not to show up to work this morning. — We did so for two reasons. — First, The Wall Street Journal's long tradition of independence …

FOX News Poll: Bush Approval Rating Hits New Low — NEW YORK — Americans are giving bad grades all around. President Bush's job approval rating now stands at 31 percent, the lowest ever in the FOX News poll, and almost twice as many Americans say they disapprove of the president's job performance.
The Atlantic Online, Macsmind, Taegan Goddard's …, The Daily Background and

Around the filter Mitt goes — Hillary has her Hub and now Mitt has his MittTV. — This is what Ben Smith wrote in describing Clinton's efforts to get out her message via her own internal news, well, hub: … Romney is taking similar, if for now less ambitious, steps with his own internal video network.
Patrick Ruffini