Top Items:

It's Official: McCain's Press Staff Resigns — Sen. John McCain's top three press aides resigned this morning, Republicans close to the campaign said and one of those aides confirmed. — The campaign's research director and two other press staffers also stepped down.

More Departures From McCain '08 — In a widely expected move, Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) press department resigned en masse today. — Communications director Brian Jones stepped down, along with deputies Matt David and Danny Diaz. Research director Brian Rogers and South Carolina …

McCain's Fall a Warning to All GOP Candidates: Support the War at Your Own Risk — John McCain's cratering campaign is an object lesson in how to kill a candidacy in three simple steps: 1) locate the biggest foreign policy disaster in U.S. history 2) embrace it 3) implode.
The Corner, Right Wing News, Outside The Beltway, TigerHawk, Sister Toldjah and Riehl World View

Campaigns Raise, Burn More Cash, More Quickly — Rapid Spending Puts Some in Jeopardy Early — Candidates for the White House are not only raising far more than ever before, many are also spending that money as fast as they get it, leaving some close to being forced from the race almost six months before the first votes are cast.

The Trouble About Tehran — UK Guardian: Cheney wants to whack Iran. Apparently there is concern that Iran, as a partner for peace, is full of it, and Bush doesn't want to leave the mullahs and their efforts to dominate the region with nuclear weapons and terrorism unaddressed.

Cheney pushes Bush to act on Iran
Daniel W. Drezner, Captain's Quarters, The Atlantic Online, Right Wing Nut House, Hot Air, IMAO, DownWithTyranny!, MoJoBlog, LENIN'S TOMB, No More Mister Nice Blog, Pam's House Blend, The Heretik, State of the Day, Outside The Beltway, Comments From Left Field, Brilliant at Breakfast, The Reaction, Shakesville, Hullabaloo, Crooks and Liars, All Spin Zone, Watching Those We Chose, and Middle Earth Journal

Rice Losing Internal "War" With Cheney Over Iran Military Action
Drifting Through The Grift

Thompson Reaches to the Right — Laying the groundwork for evangelical support — For months, conservative evangelical activists have been fretting over a Republican presidential field whose front-runners are the pro-abortion rights Rudy Giuliani, the formerly pro-gay rights Mitt Romney …

Interest flares for Thompson's papers
Patterico's Pontifications

Memo to Senate Democrats: Force Republicans To Actually Filibuster — In an interview with the Young Turks on Friday, Senator Kent Conrad indicated that there was "growing consensus" in the Democratic Senate caucus to actually make Republicans stand in the well of the Senate and filibuster popular Democratic legislation.

Hamas Support Melting Away — The degree of the self-inflicted catastrophe that Hamas created with its rebellion has come into clearer focus after polling Gaza voters. The territory used to serve as Hamas' political power base, but now a plurality of voters support their rival, Fatah.

Giuliani to Reveal Five-Star Conservative Judicial Advisory Panel — WASHINGTON — GOP frontrunner Rudy Giuliani will unveil his "Justice Advisory Committee" this week on a two-day swing through heavily Republican western districts of Washington, D.C., home of the first presidential caucuses in 2008.

A GOP comeback strategy — Way behind in the polls, the party should exploit the anti-politician mood and offer a hopeful message. — ALL THE BIG questions for 2008 are on the Democratic side: Can Hillary Clinton show her humanity? Does Obama have enough experience? Will Edwards find a cheaper barber?
Right Wing News, Macsmind, The Crone Speaks, Sound Politics, Connecting.the.Dots, Cliff Schecter and

Mahdi Army, Not Al-Qaeda, is Enemy No. 1 in Western Baghdad — BAGHDAD — The lights were on in Baghdad. Something was wrong. — Two platoons were creeping through the southwestern neighborhood of al-Amil well past midnight last week. Headlights snapped off, night vision lenses lowered into place …

[TS] Op-Ed Columnist: The Waiting Game — The opponents of universal health care appear to have run out of honest arguments.
Middle Earth Journal, Ezra Klein, Bark Bark Woof Woof, The Atlantic Online, Liberal Values, Brian Beutler and Fact-esque

Execution Of Ga. Man Near Despite Recantations — SAVANNAH, Ga. — A Georgia man is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection on Tuesday for killing a police officer in 1989, even though the case against him has withered in recent years as most of the key witnesses at his trial have recanted …

51% Say Wait Till September for Iraq Policy Change — Fifty-one percent (51%) of American voters say that the United States should wait for the September progress report before making major policy changes in Iraq. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 38% disagree.
Washington Times

Mistrust as Iraqi Troops Encounter New U.S. Allies — Abu Azzam says the 2,300 men in his movement include members of fierce Sunni groups like the 1920s Revolutionary Brigade and the Mujahedeen Army that have fought the American occupation. Now his men patrol alongside the Americans …

Young Adults Are Giving Newspapers Scant Notice — With the United States military fighting a protracted war in Iraq and a wide-open presidential campaign already making headlines daily, Americans of all ages are interested in current affairs and are consuming news like never before, right?

Pentagon balked at pleas from officers in field for safer vehicles — Pfc. Aaron Kincaid, 25, had been joking with buddies just before their Humvee rolled over the bomb. His wife, Rachel, later learned that the blast blew Kincaid, a father of two from outside Atlanta, through the Humvee's metal roof.