Top Items:

Reid To Force Senate Into All-Night Session Tuesday — Forcing his Republican colleagues to put up or shut up on the notion of an up-or-down vote, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) just moments ago announced that he will immediately file a cloture motion on the Reed-Levin troop redeployment bill and …

Memo to Senate Democrats: Force Republicans To Actually Filibuster — In an interview with the Young Turks on Friday, Senator Kent Conrad indicated that there was "growing consensus" in the Democratic Senate caucus to actually make Republicans stand in the well of the Senate and filibuster popular Democratic legislation.
Firedoglake, Crooks and Liars, Taylor Marsh, The Huffington Post, Campaign for America's Future, The Impolitic and TalkLeft

GOP: Grand Obstruction Party — Reader Zach wants Harry Reid to do his job — and make the GOP (the Grand Obstruction Party) stand up and filibuster the hard way. If you agree, call Sen. Harry Reid today: he can be reached at 202-224-3542 in DC and 702-388-5020 in Nevada.

Sen. Reid: Force Republicans to Stage an Old-Fashioned Filibuster …

BREAKING NEWS: Joseph Wilson Endorses Hillary Clinton — The blogs got it first. … A conference call announcing the endorsement of Hillary Clinton by Joseph Wilson was just held with bloggers to hear the breaking news. This is a huge deal for Candidate Clinton and a big endorsement for her candidacy.

Joe Wilson Endorses Hillary! — Joe Wilson just endorsed Hillary during an ongoing conference call with liberal bloggers. — Wilson just said that "she is the one candidate in my judgment who understands the need to get America out of harm's way," and into a "political process."

It's Official: McCain's Press Staff Resigns — Sen. John McCain's top three press aides resigned this morning, Republicans close to the campaign said and one of those aides confirmed. — The campaign's research director and two other press staffers also stepped down.
CBS News,, A Blog For All, Balloon Juice, Donklephant, Boston Globe, National Review and Sister Toldjah

More Departures From McCain '08 — In a widely expected move, Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) press department resigned en masse today. — Communications director Brian Jones stepped down, along with deputies Matt David and Danny Diaz. Research director Brian Rogers and South Carolina …

McCain Press Staff Quits — ABC News' Rick Klein and John Berman report: The bleeding continues at John McCain's presidential campaign. — On Monday, five McCain press aides — including his three top communications officials — quit en masse, just days after the campaign lost …

GOP senator to Rove: Bush legacy on the line in Iraq — WASHINGTON (CNN) — A Republican senator says he warned top White House aide Karl Rove that President Bush quickly needs to craft a workable plan to withdraw U.S. troops fom Iraq in order to salvage his legacy.
The Carpetbagger Report

The GOP is the party of the Iraq war — A new prong of conventional wisdom has arisen that the prime reason for the collapse of John McCain's presidential campaign is his vigorous support for the war in Iraq. Arianna Huffington became the latest pundit to spout this reasoning, when she wrote today:

Giuliani to Reveal Five-Star Conservative Judicial Advisory Panel — WASHINGTON — GOP frontrunner Rudy Giuliani will unveil his "Justice Advisory Committee" this week on a two-day swing through heavily Republican western districts of Washington, D.C., home of the first presidential caucuses in 2008.

Bill Kristol: On the Train to Delusionville — I know it's a pretty high bar, but Bill Kristol, the founder of the Project for a New American Century that spawned the Iraq war, the man whose editorials often seem to be inserted directly into the president's speeches, and who once boasted that …

Pace: Another troop buildup possible — BAGHDAD - The U.S. military's top general said Monday that the Joint Chiefs of Staff is weighing a range of possible new directions in Iraq, including, if President Bush deems it necessary, an even bigger troop buildup.

Thompson Reaches to the Right — Laying the groundwork for evangelical support — For months, conservative evangelical activists have been fretting over a Republican presidential field whose front-runners are the pro-abortion rights Rudy Giuliani, the formerly pro-gay rights Mitt Romney …
Associated Press, Captain's Quarters, Heading Right, TIME, Patterico's Pontifications, Hot Air and Real Clear Politics

Young Adults Are Giving Newspapers Scant Notice — With the United States military fighting a protracted war in Iraq and a wide-open presidential campaign already making headlines daily, Americans of all ages are interested in current affairs and are consuming news like never before, right?

Cunningham report portrays entangled panel — The still-unreleased findings say intelligence committee aides were used by the California congressman, now in prison for bribery. — WASHINGTON — An internal investigation that the House Intelligence Committee has refused to make public portrays …

A GOP comeback strategy — Way behind in the polls, the party should exploit the anti-politician mood and offer a hopeful message. — ALL THE BIG questions for 2008 are on the Democratic side: Can Hillary Clinton show her humanity? Does Obama have enough experience? Will Edwards find a cheaper barber?

51% Say Wait Till September for Iraq Policy Change — Fifty-one percent (51%) of American voters say that the United States should wait for the September progress report before making major policy changes in Iraq. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 38% disagree.