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Iran Is Found To Be a Lair of Al Qaeda — Intelligence Estimate Cites Two Councils — WASHINGTON — One of two known Al Qaeda leadership councils meets regularly in eastern Iran, where the American intelligence community believes dozens of senior Al Qaeda leaders have reconstituted …
Captain's Quarters, Michael J. Totten, Outside The Beltway, Gateway Pundit, JammieWearingFool and Jihad Watch

Exit Strategies — Would Iran Take Over Iraq? Would Al-Qaeda? The Debate About How and When to Leave Centers on What Might Happen After the U.S. Goes. — If U.S. combat forces withdraw from Iraq in the near future, three developments would be likely to unfold.

Report says al-Qaida seeks to attack U.S. — WASHINGTON - The terrorist network Al-Qaida will likely leverage its contacts and capabilities in Iraq to mount an attack on U.S. soil, according to a new National Intelligence Estimate on threats to the United States.

Obama's Camp Cultivates Crop in Small Donors — Senator Barack Obama was the guest of honor at a dinner at the luxurious Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco this spring with a few hundred lawyers, executives and investors. The guests drank a boutique beer with Mr. Obama's face on the label …

Democrats Maneuver To Force Iraq Votes — Senate Democratic leaders are planning a rare all-night session tonight, employing theatrics and scheduling votes that they hope will chip away at Republican resolve to back President Bush's Iraq war strategy. — Majority Leader Harry M. Reid …

Romney spent $300 on makeup 'consulting' — What kinds of things do you think of when you hear "communications consulting"? — Speechwriting? Message strategy? — Well, "communications consulting" is how presidential candidate Mitt Romney recorded $300 in payments to a California company …

2008 Nomination Contests Holding Steady With Clinton and Giuliani on Top — No further decline in McCain's support despite rough patch on campaign trail — PRINCETON, NJ — A new Gallup survey, conducted July 12-15, 2007, finds little change from earlier this month in public preferences …

The Hand That Controls the Sock Puppet Could Get Slapped — Correction Appended — On the Internet nobody knows you're a dog — or the chief executive of a Fortune 500 company. — Or so thought John Mackey, the chief executive of Whole Foods Market, who used a fictional identity …

Scaife-Owned Newspaper Calls for Iraq Troop Withdrawal — Questions Bush's 'Mental Stability' — NEW YORK The Pittsburgh newspaper owned by conservative billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife yesterday called the Bush administration's plans to stay the course in Iraq a "prescription for American suicide."
The Sideshow,, The Moderate Voice, Middle Earth Journal and The Carpetbagger Report

Dow Jones, News Corp. Set Deal — Tentative $5 Billion Pact — Gets Board Vote Tonight; — Family to Meet Thursday — News Corp. reached a tentative agreement for the purchase of Dow Jones & Co. at its original $5 billion offer price. The deal will be put to the full Dow Jones board …

Belabor the Point — Democrats find one government office they want to cut back. It's the one that exposes union corruption. — The new Democratic Congress has finally found a government agency whose budget It wants to cut: an obscure Labor Department office that monitors the compliance of unions with federal law.

Islamic Creationist and a Book Sent Round the World — In the United States, opposition to the teaching of evolution in public schools has largely been fueled by the religious right, particularly Protestant fundamentalism. — Now another voice is entering the debate, in dramatic fashion.

Habeas Restoration: Down To The Razor Thin Wire — I am told by a source who knows the head count that we are within a slim margin on the habeas restoration amendment — and that the vote could still go either way. It is a razor thin margin right now, which means there is no Senator whose vote can be taken for granted.

No Magic Bullets For Iraq — Leave Washington in the winter, return in midsummer. First you'll be surprised by the heat, then by the humidity. Then you'll be surprised by the certainty. — Out in the world, there are shades of gray. Here inside the Beltway, there are black-and-white solutions.

Bush to Bolster Abbas and Seek Peace Talks — President Bush announced an initiative on Monday to shore up the Palestinian president and to begin building a Palestinian state, signaling that his administration will use its remaining months to make a major push for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.