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US Senate Democrats Plan Around-the-Clock Debate on Iraq — U.S. Senate Democratic leaders are planning an around-the-clock debate on Iraq beginning Tuesday to try to pressure Republicans to vote for legislation calling for a withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq by next April.

Democrats Maneuver To Force Iraq Votes — Senate Democratic leaders are planning a rare all-night session tonight, employing theatrics and scheduling votes that they hope will chip away at Republican resolve to back President Bush's Iraq war strategy. — Majority Leader Harry M. Reid …

Iran Is Found To Be a Lair of Al Qaeda — Intelligence Estimate Cites Two Councils — WASHINGTON — One of two known Al Qaeda leadership councils meets regularly in eastern Iran, where the American intelligence community believes dozens of senior Al Qaeda leaders have reconstituted …
Captain's Quarters, Associated Press, Gateway Pundit, JammieWearingFool and Michael J. Totten

Romney spent $300 on makeup 'consulting' — What kinds of things do you think of when you hear "communications consulting"? — Speechwriting? Message strategy? — Well, "communications consulting" is how presidential candidate Mitt Romney recorded $300 in payments to a California company …
Outside The Beltway, MyDD, Chicago Tribune, The American Mind, Sister Toldjah, The Democratic Daily and Shakesville

Libertarians and the War — Ron Paul doesn't speak for all of us. — While the number of Americans who self-identify as "libertarian" remains small, a substantial proportion agree with the core stances of limited constitutional government in both the economic and social spheres …

Superman — Superman — Route Tampa is the major supply route for Coalition forces in Iraq. Billions of dollars' worth of gear and supplies are pumped up the northbound artery, while rumbling down the southbound vein back to Kuwait are damaged vehicles, units returning from a year or longer at war and convoys of empty trucks.

Read the "confidential memo" from the Minnesota Republican Party that is the basis of CREW's FEC complaint — CREW filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint today against the Republican Party of Minnesota and its former treasurer, Marina Taubenberger, alleging multiple egregious violations …

No Magic Bullets For Iraq — Leave Washington in the winter, return in midsummer. First you'll be surprised by the heat, then by the humidity. Then you'll be surprised by the certainty. — Out in the world, there are shades of gray. Here inside the Beltway, there are black-and-white solutions.

Bill O'Reilly smears YearlyKos — Bill O'Reilly sent his rinky-dink camera crew over to assault the CEO of JetBlue because they sponsored YearlyKos. It's another embarrassing effort by O'Reilly to smear people who he feels threatened by and a larger response by FOX News itself for being finally seen as an arm of the GOP.

Habeas Restoration: Down To The Razor Thin Wire — I am told by a source who knows the head count that we are within a slim margin on the habeas restoration amendment — and that the vote could still go either way. It is a razor thin margin right now, which means there is no Senator whose vote can be taken for granted.
My Left Nutmeg

TNOYF vs. CAIR's Ibrahim Hooper On BBC Radio — Potfry was on BBC Radio last night with Ibrahim Hooper from CAIR, discussing Islamic Rage Boy. — For those of you who don't know Islamic Rage Boy, his history at TNOYF can be found here. — The BBC Radio page, and audio of the debate, is here.
Jules Crittenden

Dow Jones, News Corp. Set Deal — Tentative $5 Billion Pact — Gets Board Vote Tonight; — Family to Meet Thursday — News Corp. reached a tentative agreement for the purchase of Dow Jones & Co. at its original $5 billion offer price. The deal will be put to the full Dow Jones board …

The Question of Impeachment - UPDATED — Last week I came here to discuss how I plan to tighten my legislation to end the open-ended military mission in Iraq so the Administration would not be able to exploit it and keep tens of thousands of troops, if not more, stuck in the middle of an Iraqi civil war.

Better Bombs: Scientists Develop Metal That Explodes on Impact — When most bombs go off, — they release a spray of deadly shards of steel. Now, imagine that those shards were themselves explosive, detonating in a massive chain reaction. It's for real: Defense contractors are harnessing …