Top Items:

US: Top al-Qaida in Iraq figure captured — BAGHDAD - The U.S. command said Wednesday the highest-ranking Iraqi in the leadership of al-Qaida in Iraq has been arrested, adding that information from him indicates the group's foreign-based leadership wields considerable influence over the Iraqi chapter.

Intelligence Puts Rationale For War on Shakier Ground — The White House faced fresh political peril yesterday in the form of a new intelligence assessment that raised sharp questions about the success of its counterterrorism strategy and judgment in making Iraq the focus of that effort.
Slate, The Atlantic Online, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Gateway Pundit, New York Times, PoliBlog (TM), All Spin Zone, Left I on the News, Salon, The Buck Stops Here, Prairie Weather, The Heretik, Balloon Juice, The Carpetbagger Report, the talking dog, Daily Kos and Watching Those We Chose

Hot on the... CURIOUS TIMING — Hot on the heels …
The Carpetbagger Report

After GOP Iraq-Withdrawal Filibuster, Reid Sets Aside Defense Authorization Bill — In an in-your-face response to Republicans continuing to block a full Senate vote on withdrawing American troops from Iraq, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) just moments ago set aside …
Firedoglake, The Newshoggers, DownWithTyranny!, AMERICAblog, The American Street and Think Progress

Reid Pulls Defense Authorization Bill Off The Floor, Vows To Return To Iraq Redeployment Legislation — After forcing conservatives to stand all-night and filibuster the Levin-Reed Iraq redeployment bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has pulled the entire Defense Authorization bill from consideration on the Senate floor.
Discussion:, The Huffington Post, TalkLeft, The Gavel, Tangled Webs and Watching Those We Chose

Breaking: Reid Yanks Defense Authorization Bill To Force GOP's Hand — Ratcheting up the stakes in the wake of the GOP's successful blocking of a vote on Iraq withdrawal just moments ago, Harry Reid just announced on the Senate floor that he won't allow a vote on the entire Defense Authorization bill until …

Edwards ad touts him as a tough guy — CONCORD, N.H. - Elizabeth Edwards tells voters her husband, Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards, is a tough guy "who can stare the worst in the face and not blink" in an ad set to start airing Wednesday in New Hampshire.
Open Left, New York Times, Taylor Marsh, The Hill, Chicago Tribune, JustOneMinute, New York Times and Wonkette

Spineless Sages — Top GOP Senators Only Talk Against the War — Anyone searching for the highest forms of invertebrate life need look no further than the floor of the U.S. Senate last week and this. These spineless specimens go by various names — Republican moderates …

R. Milhous Giuliani — With the same rootless confidence that causes people to ignore hurricane warnings, many social conservatives remain in denial about Rudy Giuliani's chances of winning the Republican nomination. — But with three debates and eight months as the Republican front-runner under his belt …
Salon, The Corner, Power Line, Strategist, TIME: Swampland, The Atlantic Online, National Review, MSNBC and PoliBlog (TM)

Attorneys in Rudy firm buck boss
Bloomberg, Los Angeles Times, CNN Political Ticker, JustOneMinute, Liberal Values, The Carpetbagger Report and MSNBC

Americans' Ratings of Dick Cheney Reach New Lows — Job approval rating, favorable rating both at 30% — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans' ratings of Vice President Dick Cheney are now at their lowest point to date, according to the latest Gallup Poll, with only 30% approving of the way Cheney …
Think Progress

Bush's Latest Quarterly Approval Average Easily Surpasses Previous Low
First Draft

Voters unhappy with Bush; Congress: Reuters poll — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Most U.S. voters think the country is on the wrong track and remain deeply unhappy with President George W. Bush and Congress, but still feel good about their finances and optimistic about the future, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday.

Generation Chickenhawk: the Unauthorized College Republican Convention Tour

Flynt Ready to Implicate Another Senator — Larry King interviewed Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt last night on how he linked Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) to an alleged prostitution ring. Flynt now says he's got information linking another U.S. Senator to a sex scandal.

If We Don't Call Them Names, the Terrorists Win — After the terrorist near misses in London and Glasgow, British officials did the expected. They raised their nation's threat-assessment level. They weighed the balance between civil liberties and new, tougher security measures.

Greatest Living American Ignored — Today in Washington I was in the room as the greatest living American received a medal. George W. Bush, Nancy Pelosi and others were present. But will you ever hear this event occurred? To judge from tonight's major network evening newscasts, perhaps not.
Reuters, Outside The Beltway, TigerHawk, News Bloggers, KCEN-TV, The American Mind and digg

Fredo Finally Gives U.S. Attorney a Good Evaluation — In the Justice Department's Great Hall (the very room where giant, blue drapes covered the underdressed statuary during John Ashcroft's tenure as attorney general), an array of prosecutors, securities regulators and FBI honchos gathered yesterday …

Legal odds against Vick just got much longer … A grand jury indicted Atlanta Falcons' quarterback Michael Vick on Tuesday, which at least partially answers one question that has lingered since the news first broke about an alleged dogfighting operation on property owned by Vick in Virginia: Was Vick involved?
Riehl World View

Why Bush Is A Loser — Who knew Bill Kristol had such a flair for satire? — How else to read his piece for Outlook on Sunday, in which he declared, "George W. Bush's presidency will probably be a successful one"? Surely Kristol, the No. 1 cheerleader for the Iraq war, was mocking himself …