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New OBL Tape: Iraq, Democratic Control — ABC News' Jonathan Karl, Pierre Thomas, Luis Martinez and Theresa Cook Report: ABC News has obtained a transcript of the latest taped message from the United States' most wanted terrorist, and a senior U.S. intelligence official has confirmed to ABC News that …
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OBL — As I skimmed the transcript of the new bin Laden tape with its discussion of global warming, subprime credit woes, Noam Chomsky, Richard Perle, the low tax nirvana of Islam and a bunch of other stuff, I could not help feeling sad again about how we gave this joker a new lease on life by invading Iraq.

Thompson Calls bin Laden "Symbolic"; Draws GOP Fire — acABC News' Bret Hovell and Jennifer Parker report: Former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., has only been an official Republican presidential candidate for a day. But his comments are already drawing fire from his GOP rivals.

"(AP) Thompson campaign bus rumbles through rural Iowa" — Republican presidential hopeful Fred Thompson defended his support for the war in Iraq on Friday, saying public support for the war is beginning to grow. — Thompson was in Iowa, where he started the day meeting with residents …

Bush: Bin Laden's video underscores threats — Al-Qaida chief criticizes Dems over Iraq, urges Americans to embrace Islam — SYDNEY, Australia - President Bush said Saturday that Osama bin Laden's first video appearance in three years is a reminder of "the dangerous world in which we live."
Jihad Watch, The Blotter, Taylor Marsh, Macsmind, Liberty Pundit, Weasel Zippers and JammieWearingFool

U.S. intel: New Osama tape is authentic and recently produced …
protein wisdom, IMAO, The Jawa Report, Sadly, No!, Little Green Footballs, GINA COBB, Classical Values and Associated Press

Madeleine L'Engle, Children's Writer, Is Dead — Madeleine L'Engle, who in writing more than 60 books, including childhood fables, religious meditations and science fiction, weaved emotional tapestries transcending genre and generation, died Thursday in Connecticut. She was 88.

New Twist In Saga Over 'Petraeus Report': There Will Be No Report — In the latest twist to the ongoing saga over the White House report, a senior military official tells the Washington Times today that there will actually be no report at all: … To recap, first the public was incorrectly led …

Bush has bad day at Sydney Opera House — SYDNEY, Australia - President Bush had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day at the Sydney Opera House. — He'd only reached the third sentence of Friday's speech to business leaders, on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, when he committed his first gaffe.

OVER THE TOP, EVEN FOR THE WHITE HOUSE — Maybe there is a limit as to how far the White House will—or can—go to spin the situation on the ground in Iraq as positive. — On his way to the APEC conference in Australia this week, President Bush made a surprise visit to Iraq.

ADVICE AND CONSENT: THE BUSH WAY — Yesterday, the White House announced it would nominate E. Duncan Getchell, Jr., to a seat on the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. But as the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports today, Getchell was not on a list of five possible nominees submitted …

Rudy: Illegal immigration not a crime — WASHINGTON - Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani said illegal immigration is not a crime, prompting rival Mitt Romney to accuse him of not taking the problem seriously. — The two have clashed for weeks over illegal immigration …

Doolittle: 'I am running again. Period.' — WASHINGTON - Rep. John Doolittle defiantly declared Friday that he will not retire from Congress despite increasing Republican concern that if he runs for a 10th term next year, the seat could fall to Democratic challenger Charlie Brown.

Thompson's First Campaign Event: Unimpressive — I just attended Fred Thompson's first campaign event in Des Moines, Iowa. The quick take: This is a whimper of a start. — I'm writing from the filing center that the Thompson campaign has set up in the Polk County Convention Complex …

The Curious Case Of Skilling's Really Long Appellate Brief — When we received Mr. Skilling's 239-page appellate brief this morning, we raised our eyebrows at its length. Coming in at roughly 60,000 words, we wondered whether the court placed limitations on the length of briefs. Indeed, it does.

Paul Krugman, Reality-Based? — Paul Krugman explains how the Dem sought to tackle the Petraeus hearings and delivers this ahistorical nonsense: … Congressional Democrats gave Bush everything he wanted in 2002? It was five long years ago, yet I remember as if it was only four …

Hillary wants withdrawal bill with teeth — Hillary is finally showing leadership on the pre-emptive capitulation efforts in Congress. This statement was sent to me via email, so no link yet: … I have to say I'm shocked at the silence from the Obama campaign.