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Petraeus 'Betray Us' ad is group's 'shock and awe' — was looking to get attention and so they have with their full-page New York Times ad in which they slam Gen. David Petraeus, rhyming his name with "betray us." It's the liberal group's version of shock and awe.
The Politico, Blue Crab Boulevard, The Hill, The Tank, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, Confederate Yankee, Agence France Presse, Reuters, The Democratic Daily, Liberal Values, On Deadline, Macsmind, skippy the bush kangaroo, Middle Earth Journal, Taylor Marsh, The American Mind, Balloon Juice, Needlenose, The Caucus, Redstate, Wake up America and baldilocks

REPORT: Petraeus Spent At Least 17 Days In August Flacking For Bush's Escalation — The Washington Post reported this weekend that the White House political office and Gen. David Petraeus' unit have been "hard-wired" together, working jointly to "map out ways of selling the surge."

Kerry: is 'over the top' — WASHINGTON (CNN) - Sen. John Kerry, D-Massachusetts, criticized Monday for taking an ad out in The New York Times criticizing Gen. David Petraeus. The general is testifying before Congress today about the situation in Iraq.

Thompson calls on Democrats to return donations — COLUMBIA, South Carolina (CNN) - Former senator and Republican White House hopeful Fred Thompson called on Democratic presidential candidates Monday to refund all donations received from after the liberal advocacy group ran …

With Enemies Like This, General Petraeus Gets New Friends
The Politico

Petraeus Falsely Claims That Six Months Ago, 'No One Would Have Forecast' Anbar's Success — Today in his testimony to the House, Gen. David Petraeus cited the reduced violence in the Anbar province as evidence that President Bush's "surge" is working. He added that it would be "premature" …

Initial thoughts on Petraeus-Crocker testimony — After three hours of testimony — at times grueling testimony — I've some initial reactions. (As it is, I have to get ready to give a speech this evening.) — My first thought is lost this political battle — the chumps went an …
Guardian, The Monkey Tennis Centre,, Gateway Pundit, CNN, Wake up America and

Petraeus Says Objectives in Iraq Are Largely Being Met
Discussion:, MoJoBlog, Outside The Beltway, RIGHTWINGSPARKLE, The Democratic Daily and PoliBlog (TM)

Anti-Thompson Site Connects to Romney Camp — A top adviser to former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney appears to be behind today's launch of a new Web site attacking GOP presidential rival Fred Thompson. — The site,, paints an unflattering picture of Thompson …
The Politico, The Caucus, DownWithTyranny!,, and The American Mind

PETRAEUS'S DRAWDOWN....This slide from Gen. David Paraeus's testimony today is a work of art, isn't it? It looks like some kind of timeline for withdrawal, but all it actually says is that we'll withdraw five brigades by next July, something we already know is driven not by strategic considerations …

Clinton to return $850,000 raised by Hsu — WASHINGTON - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign said Monday it will return $850,000 in donations raised by Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu, who is under federal investigation for allegedly violating election laws.
Suitably Flip, Blue Crab Boulevard, Stop The ACLU, JammieWearingFool, Macsmind, Wizbang and Sweetness & Light

Plans to ban plasma TV's — THE Conservatives will propose banning plasma screens and other energy-guzzling electrical goods in a report to be unveiled next week. — The proposals target white goods like fridges and freezers, as well as TVs, personal computers and DVD players that use too much energy or operate on stand-by.

Hope: The New Plan — Check out this briefing slide from General Petraeus' presentation: — Basically, the idea is that about nine months from now, we'll be back to the number of troops we had in Iraq about nine months ago. After that, more stuff is supposed to change . . . maybe …

New U.S. Law Credited in Arrests Abroad — The government's ability to eavesdrop on terrorism suspects overseas allowed the United States to obtain information that helped lead to the arrests last week of three Islamic militants accused of planning bomb attacks in Germany, Mike McConnell …
Don Surber

Uh oh... *Sigh* — How can someone so shallow, be so far off the deep end? — *Sigh* — Give Me A Break!!
Captain's Quarters,, Olbermann Watch, The Jawa Report and Sister Toldjah

SO LOW — It's 9:13 PM. If you have a chance, flip on Fox News at least for a moment. It's Gen. Petraeus's (and Crocker's) one hour "exclusive" with Brit Hume on Fox. The chyron actually reads "A Briefing for America." And that's really pretty much what it is. It's another briefing.