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Petraeus 'Betray Us' ad is group's 'shock and awe' — was looking to get attention and so they have with their full-page New York Times ad in which they slam Gen. David Petraeus, rhyming his name with "betray us." It's the liberal group's version of shock and awe.

MOVEON.ORG HITS THE BOTTOM — General Petraeus is now testifying before the House, providing his assessment of the situation in Iraq and making recommendations as to how to proceed. Here is his written testimony. — This morning, the leftist group ran an ad in the New York Times …

Dems join GOP in slamming ad attacking Petraeus — WASHINGTON (CNN) - A liberal advocacy group's print ad attacking Gen. David Petraeus drew a firestorm of criticism from both sides of the aisle on Monday. — The ad, running in Monday's edition of the New York Times, shows a picture of Petraeus.

With Enemies Like This General Petraeus Gets New Friends
New York Times

Petraeus Falsely Claims That Six Months Ago, 'No One Would Have Forecast' Anbar's Success — Today in his testimony to the House, Gen. David Petraeus cited the reduced violence in the Anbar province as evidence that President Bush's "surge" is working. He added that it would be "premature" …

Slow Progress Being Made in Iraq, Petraeus Tells Congress — Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top American military commander in Iraq, told Congress this afternoon that the United States by next summer should be able to reduce its troop strength there to about 130,000, or what it was before the recent increase.

Day of Reckoning for Bush's Iraq Strategy — Top U.S. General Said U.S. Troop Withdrawals May Be Possible by Summer 2008 — During an emotional hearing on Capitol Hill, Gen. David Petraeus, the nation's top military commander in Iraq, testified the U.S. may be able to withdraw roughly 30,000 U.S. troops from Iraq by next summer.

Second Bin Laden Tape Expected — Brian Ross Reports: — A second tape from Osama bin Laden was recorded in the same location as the video released last week. — People in the intelligence community who have seen the tape feel it is directly related to the 9/11 anniversary since …
Associated Press, Bill Hobbs, The Jawa Report, QandO, Comments From Left Field, Hot Air, The Moderate Voice, Right Wing Nut House, A Blog For All, Atlas Shrugs, Captain's Quarters, Wizbang, Gateway Pundit, Mudville Gazette, Stop The ACLU, Flopping Aces, Weasel Zippers, Blogs of War, The Democratic Daily, Jihad Watch, Booman Tribune and GINA COBB

Thompson wants 'due process' for Bin Laden — Fred Thompson said today in South Carolina that Osama bin Laden should be granted "due process." — Speaking to reporters in Greenville, Thompson said the leader of Al Qaeda "needs to be located and killed." — But, according to the AP …

ARMY CHECKMATES THE NEW REPUBLIC — Last month Pajamas Media published an in-depth report on the scandal surrounding the "Baghdad Diarist" articles by Scott Thomas Beauchamp in The New Republic. — Now PJM's Bob Owens interviews Major John Cross, who led the U.S. Army's investigation into Private Beauchamp's shocking claims.
Balloon Juice, INSTAPUTZ, Roger L. Simon, The Strata-Sphere,, QandO, Dean's World, A Blog For All, Gay Patriot and BLACKFIVE

Hagel bows out of politics — Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) officially announced Monday that he will not run for a third term and does not plan to run for president in 2008, setting in motion a battle for his Senate seat and leaving anti-war Republicans and independents without one of their candidates of choice in the presidential contest.

2008 Republican Presidential Primary — The Thompson Bounce — Former Senator Fred Thompson first announced that he might be available for the Republican Presidential nomination nearly six months ago. Since then, he has done well in the polls, missed a few possible dates to formally enter the campaign …

Petraeus Live Blog 2 - Petraeus Opening Statement — General Petraeus speaks (his opening remarks are here. Via TPM, here is Ambassador Crocker's opening statement): — Will discuss "his recommendations to his chain of command." Insists that this is his personal statement uncleared by anyone.

COOKING THE BOOKS....Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Republicans are making a big mistake by spending all their TV time this morning complaining about accusations that Gen. Petraeus is cooking the books in his assessment of progress in Iraq? Repeating the accusation …

Activists take Al Gore to task on his diet — He may be the hero of the environmental movement for his crusade against global warming but Al Gore is about to be targeted by animal rights activists over his carnivorous contribution to greenhouse gases. — Citing United Nations research …

PETRAEUS'S DRAWDOWN....This slide from Gen. David Paraeus's testimony today is a work of art, isn't it? It looks like some kind of timeline for withdrawal, but all it actually says is that we'll withdraw five brigades by next July, something we already know is driven not by strategic considerations …

Democrats Face Hobson's Choice — I must say that I sympathize with the bind that Democratic leaders are in somewhat. Defeatism is forced upon them by their base. That's why they have no choice but but to insist that Iraq is going disastrously badly, that it was all a mistake, and that we should get out now.
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