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Petraeus: "I Don't Know" If My Iraq Policy Makes America Safer — Sen. John Warner (R-VA) questions Gen. David Petraeus:
AMERICAblog, Taylor Marsh, Sideways Mencken, Middle Earth Journal, The BRAD BLOG and Slog

Petraeus, Crocker Face Skepticism on Drawdown — Army Gen. David H. Petraeus and U.S. Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker went before Congress for a second day today to deliver a progress report on the war in Iraq and explain a new military plan to withdraw the 30,000 reinforcements sent there earlier this year to improve security.

Official: Bush to announce troop withdrawal — WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Bush is expected to announce plans to withdraw roughly 30,000 U.S. troops from Iraq by next summer, following a recommendation by the top American commander there, a senior administration official said Tuesday.

Is Petraeus' Drawdown Part Of The White House's 2008 Political Strategy?
The Hill

Petraeus: 'I don't know' if Iraq war makes America safer. »
The Next Hurrah

BREAKING NEWS: New Times poll examines 3 early states — At the beginning of the autumn dash to the primaries, a new Times/Bloomberg Poll of 3,211 Democrats and Republicans in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina shows that Hillary Clinton maintains a strong lead in all three states (28%, 35% and 45%, respectively).

Olbermann's Win A Surprise Even Inside MSNBC — Phil Griffin knew it would happen, he just didn't think it would happen this quickly. On Friday night, MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann was the top-rated cable news show in the 25-54 demo. That means Olbermann beat his cable rival …

Sources confirm Israeli airstrike on Syria — (CNN) — Israeli aircraft carried out an airstrike inside Syria last week, possibly targeting weapons that were destined for Hezbollah militants, according to sources in the region and in the United States. — Syria reported that its aircraft fired …
SyriaComment, Ynetnews, Commentary, Time, Israellycool, Wake up America, Weasel Zippers and Israel Matzav

U.S. Officials Begin Crafting Iran Bombing Plan — WASHINGTON — A recent decision by German officials to withhold support for any new sanctions against Iran has pushed a broad spectrum of officials in Washington to develop potential scenarios for a military attack on the Islamic regime, FOX News confirmed Tuesday.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich Stands Alone Opposed to Sept. 11 Commemoration Resolution — WASHINGTON — Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Democratic presidential candidate and no stranger to contrarian views, was the sole congressman Tuesday to vote against the House's Sept. 11 commemoration resolution.

Republicans introduce measure condemning MoveOn ad — House Republican leaders introduced a resolution Monday condemning a full-page newspaper ad from that criticizes the character of Gen. David Petraeus, the commanding general of U.S. troops in Iraq.

'Swear Him In' Provokes Expulsion
Discussion:, truthout, Alternate Brain,, The American Street and The Heretik

Resistance "is a normal thing, and a right for everyone" — Perhaps more than any other element, contextual local perspective is missing from analysis about Iraq as a whole and Fallujah in particular. Western media, media consumers, and the political class offer strategic assessments …

Can Gen. Petraeus and Ryan Crocker Save the Next Democratic President? — Despite what the pundits will say, I fear the testimony of Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker on the Hill Monday and Tuesday is not a turning point, does not give Bush breathing room, and is largely irrelevant.

Rudy Planning To Spend Part Of 9/11 Anniversary With Noted Basher Of 9/11 Widows — Rudy Giuliani may be running for President on his 9/11 performance, but that hasn't stopped him from planning to spend part of the sixth anniversary of the attacks with a high-profile pundit who's repeatedly bashed …

9/11 and the cult of death — Our correspondent contends that our response to September 11 has been deficient. Radical Islam, he argues, must be recognised as a fanatical death cult, such as Nazism or Bolshevism — "In my humble", as one of Updike's Pennsylvanians likes to put it …
Reason Magazine

Six Held In West Virginia Torture Horror — Cops: Black woman raped, beaten, abused during week-long captivity — A black West Virginia woman was sexually assaulted, stabbed, and tortured while being held captive by her white abductors, one of whom told her, "That's what we do to niggers around here."

Peace Activist Axes Dutch Student to Death Over Iraq War — "He hates soldiers and says that the army kills people, so it would be legitimate if he were also to kill someone ... from the American military or from its NATO allies." … An American antiwar activist butchered a Dutch student with an axe.