Top Items: moves from 'betray us' to 'betrayal' ad — WASHINGTON (CNN) - Five days after set off a political firestorm by publishing an ad in the New York Times attacking the top U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, the liberal advocacy group has set its sights on President Bush.
The Swamp

Giuliani attacks Clinton in campaign ad
Sweetness & Light

A Meeting with President Bush — President Bush met with a group bloggers today in an almost hour-long discussion of the war on terror. Eight individuals attended the meeting in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, while Bill Roggio and I video conferenced in from Camp Victory in Baghdad.

Scholars Decry Law School's About-Face on New Dean — Scholars across the political spectrum protested what they called an assault on academic freedom after the University of California at Irvine withdrew a job offer from a liberal professor who wrote an op-ed criticizing the Bush administration.

Why I let Chemerinsky go — I made a management decision …
Law Blog, Power Line, Front Page Magazine, Brian Leiter's Law …, Balkinization and The Volokh Conspiracy

FOX News Poll: Rudy Giuliani Preferred President Over Hillary Clinton If Terrorists Attack America — NEW YORK — A majority of Americans say they would feel more comfortable with Rudy Giuliani in the White House than Hillary Clinton if another terrorist attack were to happen in the United States, according to a new FOX News poll.

What If Existed 65 Years Ago? — How NOT To Understand The Reconstruction Effort In Iraq — Comments (9) » — Had and their ilk been around 65-years ago this conversation would likely be taking place in German. — And our beer might be better.

HI-DEF BUSH....Last night Andrew Sullivan wrote that George Bush seemed "almost broken to me...his affect exhausted, his facial expression almost bewildered." Today he offers a second opinion: … Clearly we're seeing a technology paradigm shift at work. Just as Richard Nixon "lost" …

BUSH'S APPALLING IRAQ SPEECH. — President Bush's TV address tonight was the worst speech he's ever given on the war in Iraq, and that's saying a lot. Every premise, every proposal, nearly every substantive point was sheer fiction. The only question is whether he was being deceptive or delusional.

Allen admits helping Stevens with remodel — From Kyle Hopkins at the federal courthouse: — On the stand, former Veco chief Bill Allen just admitted that he helped Sen. Ted Stevens remodel his Girdwood house. — Reporter Rich Mauer took notes on the conversation. Here's what he heard:

Allen Admits Veco Employees Worked on Stevens' Home Renovation
Talking Points Memo

The Least Bad Plan — PRESIDENT BUSH'S explanation of his latest plans for Iraq last night was marred by a couple of important omissions. First, the president failed to acknowledge that, according to the standards he himself established in January, the surge of U.S. troops into Iraq has been a failure …

Sunnis: "al-Qaeda is the enemy of Allah" — al-Qaeda has broken the faith with Muslims. al-Qaeda propaganda and the attacks on the US in the 90's and culminating with 9-11 made it seem to be a force to take on America and Western values. It promised to return the Arab world to the pinnacle of world power.

Shays Says He'll Not Run Again If Denied Chairmanship — WASHINGTON - Rep. Christopher Shays said today he will not seek another congressional term unless House Republican leaders support his bid for the job of top GOP member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

[TS] Op-Ed Columnist: A Surge, and Then a Stab — President Bush's actions have been what you'd expect from a man whose plan is to keep up appearances for the next 16 months.

RIGGING A STUDY TO MAKE CONSERVATIVES LOOK STUPID. — Are liberals smarter than conservatives? — It looks that way, according to a study published this week in Nature Neuroscience. In a rapid response test—you press a button if you're given one signal, but not if you're given a different signal …
Sister Toldjah

Paleoconservatism Rising — A Southerrner against the Iraq war - on conservative grounds.

Michigan GOP activist gets 5 years for sex assault — A Michigan lawyer who sexually attacked a 21-year-old woman at a Young Republicans convention here said Thursday that he disgraced himself, his family and his political party. — Michael Flory, 33, of Jackson, Mich. …

After Speech, Bush Seeks to Overcome Doubts on Iraq — President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney offered upbeat views of Iraq before friendly audiences today as they sought to build on momentum from the president's Thursday prime-time address to the country.

Trending Towards Inanity — SHARE Digg Reddit Newsvine — If you wanted to ruin the political career of Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton's chief pollster and strategist, here would be one way to do it: First, create some sort of artifact bearing his name that you could use to tank his reputation.