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A Meeting with President Bush — President Bush met with a group bloggers today in an almost hour-long discussion of the war on terror. Eight individuals attended the meeting in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, while Bill Roggio and I video conferenced in from Camp Victory in Baghdad.
Argghhh!, The Long War Journal, Captain's Quarters, protein wisdom, BLACKFIVE, Hot Air and Riehl World View

President Bush Meets with N.Z., Milbloggers — You might wonder whether the President of the United States pays any attention to blogs supporting the war effort. Is he aware of the contribution that milblogs and new media more generally are making to the effort to educate the American public … moves from 'betray us' to 'betrayal' ad — WASHINGTON (CNN) - Five days after set off a political firestorm by publishing an ad in the New York Times attacking the top U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, the liberal advocacy group has set its sights on President Bush.
The Swamp

What If Existed 65 Years Ago? — How NOT To Understand The Reconstruction Effort In Iraq — Comments (9) » — Had and their ilk been around 65-years ago this conversation would likely be taking place in German. — And our beer might be better.

Gonzales Ready to Leave the Stage — After nine months of noisy controversy over his troubled tenure, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales is leaving office quietly today with a low-key farewell address to Justice Department employees in Washington. — Gonzales, who has made only three …

Taxpayers eat $7 million government lunch tab — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Hungry attendees at Justice Department conferences have been enjoying millions of dollars in meatballs and other goodies courtesy of U.S. taxpayers, according to an inspector general's report released Friday.

Subject to Debat: What did ABC Know and When Did It Know It? — In the end, it was Pascal Riché, a Paris-based former Washington correspondent for France's Libération newspaper, who uncovered a scandal at a top US television news network. On September 11, Pascal reported …
Right Wing Nut House

Shays Says He'll Not Run Again If Denied Chairmanship — WASHINGTON - Rep. Christopher Shays said today he will not seek another congressional term unless House Republican leaders support his bid for the job of top GOP member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
My Left Nutmeg, Cliff Schecter, Booman Tribune, TPM Election Central and Swing State Project

CIA Bans Water-Boarding in Terror Interrogations — The controversial interrogation technique known as water-boarding, in which a suspect has water poured over his mouth and nose to stimulate a drowning reflex, has been banned by CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden, current and former CIA officials tell

RIGGING A STUDY TO MAKE CONSERVATIVES LOOK STUPID. — Are liberals smarter than conservatives? — It looks that way, according to a study published this week in Nature Neuroscience. In a rapid response test—you press a button if you're given one signal, but not if you're given a different signal …
Sister Toldjah

Michigan GOP activist gets 5 years for sex assault — A Michigan lawyer who sexually attacked a 21-year-old woman at a Young Republicans convention here said Thursday that he disgraced himself, his family and his political party. — Michael Flory, 33, of Jackson, Mich. …
Shakespeare's Sister

President Bush Signs Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 — Today I signed into law S. 1, the "Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007." This bill represents some progress towards ethics, lobbying, and earmark reform, all of which I strongly support.

[TS] Op-Ed Columnist: A Surge, and Then a Stab — President Bush's actions have been what you'd expect from a man whose plan is to keep up appearances for the next 16 months.

Condi's "Closest Female Friend" — Yesterday on the show I had an interesting conversation with Washington Post diplomatic correspondent Glenn Kessler, whose new book is The Confidante: Condoleezza Rice and the Creation of the Bush Legacy. — There have long been questions …

Fox only broadcast network that did not air Democratic response to Bush speech … Following President Bush's September 13 prime-time address to the nation on Iraq, Fox was the only broadcast network not to air the Democratic response, which was delivered by Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI).
Think Progress