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Snatched: Israeli commandos 'nuclear' raid — Uzi Mahnaimi, Tel Aviv, Sarah Baxter, Washington, and Michael Sheridan — ISRAELI commandos from the elite Sayeret Matkal unit - almost certainly dressed in Syrian uniforms - made their way stealthily towards a secret military compound near Dayr az-Zawr in northern Syria.

Israelis seized nuclear material in Syrian raid — Israeli commandos seized nuclear material of North Korean origin during a daring raid on a secret military site in Syria before Israel bombed it this month, according to informed sources in Washington and Jerusalem.

N Korea trains Syrian missile engineers: report — A report says North Korea has trained Syrian missile engineers and the Arab nation has bartered farm products and computers for missiles from the Stalinist state. — The two countries have recently strengthened missile cooperation …

The Day Before Ahmadinejad's US Visit: Down With USA (Update: Arabic Reads, 'Death to USA') — Tomorrow, Iranian thug-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad leaves for New York, to speak at the UN and be feted by the National Press Club and Columbia University, and by "progressives."

Open Letter to Progressive Opponents of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad — by The Columbia Coalition Against the War — As Columbia only very recently announced, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be speaking in Roone Arledge auditorium this Monday. A number of students and student organizations …

Explosives belt designated for holiday attack found in Tel Aviv apartment — A suicide attack in Tel Aviv was thwarted on Saturday when security forces found an explosives belt in an apartment in the city, designated to be used in an attack over the Yom Kippur holiday.

Video: Of course we'd invite Hitler to speak, says Columbia dean — Webloggin's also on this. I have it in my head somehow that Dwight Eisenhower, when offered the opportunity to personally accept the surrender of a German general, refused. So unspeakably loathsome did he find the Nazis …

Video: Columbia University Dean Says School Would Invite Hitler — Update #2: A dean at Columbia University said they would give Hitler a platform as well! — University Dean John Coatsworth, aging relic and bastion of liberal idiocy appeared on Fox News to defend the invite of a man …
Atlas Shrugs, Stop The ACLU, Sister Toldjah, Redstate, Don Surber, Gateway Pundit and JOSHUAPUNDIT

Iraq: Blackwater guards fired unprovoked — BAGHDAD - Iraqi investigators have a videotape that shows Blackwater USA guards opened fire against civilians without provocation in a shooting last week that left 11 people dead, a senior Iraqi official said Saturday. He said the case was referred to the Iraqi judiciary.

Bush: Kids' health care will get vetoed — WASHINGTON - President Bush again called Democrats "irresponsible" on Saturday for pushing an expansion he opposes to a children's health insurance program. — "Democrats in Congress have decided to pass a bill they know will be vetoed," …

Rapeseed biofuel 'produces more greenhouse gas than oil or petrol' — A renewable energy source designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is contributing more to global warming than fossil fuels, a study suggests. — Measurements of emissions from the burning of biofuels derived …

Romney Falls Flat — Bombs, Even. — Romney hit some of the themes he needs to — he spoke on being a "Change Republican" and emphasized family values in particular. He also pointed out his support for the Federal Marriage Amendment, which, with Thompson's rejection of it, makes him unique among the major Republican candidates.

Nuance and Resolve in Nominee's Judicial Rulings — In his 18 years on the federal bench, Judge Michael B. Mukasey issued more than 1,500 decisions concerning matters as cataclysmic as the Holocaust and as mundane as milk, beer and cigarettes. — In his opinions, Judge Mukasey comes across …

Family Values — A Republican stands by his daughter, does the right thing, and backs his daughter's right to marry the woman she loves. If only more Republicans had the humanity and courage of the mayor of San Diego, they could go into the twenty-first century sharing their ideas rather than their phobias.

BAD CALL BY RUDE RUDY — PUTS NRA CROWD ON HOLD FOR JUDI — Hold on, it's Judi. — That's the stunning line Rudy Giuliani told an already-skeptical crowd of gun enthusiasts yesterday when he abruptly interrupted his speech - to take a call from his wife.