Top Items:

Limbaugh: Service members who support U.S. withdrawal are "phony soldiers" — During the September 26 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh called service members who advocate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq "phony soldiers." He made the comment while discussing …

So I'm a "Phony Soldier," Rush? — As Media Matters reported today, Rush Limbaugh, on his show said that those troops who come home and want to get America out of the middle of the religious civil war in Iraq are "phony soldiers." I'd love for you, Rush, to have me on your show and tell that to me to my face.
Calitics, DownWithTyranny!, Brilliant at Breakfast, Think Progress, Take Our Country Back and Rook's Rant

A Challenge For Lawmakers Who Voted To Attack MoveOn Ad: Will They Now Condemn Limbaugh? — On September 20, 72 Senators voted for the highly politicized, "bait and switch" resolution that condemned a newspaper ad by The amendment, offered by Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) …

Democrats Blast Limbaugh For Saying That Antiwar Troops Are "Phony Soldiers" — As we reported earlier today over at The Horse's Mouth, Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show that soldiers who favor U.S. withdrawal from Iraq are "phony soldiers." — The assertion — reminiscent of MoveOn's attack …

Edwards eyes $105M from public kitty — ABOARD THE CNN ELECTION EXPRESS, New Hampshire (CNN) — Former Sen. John Edwards Thursday said he will accept public financing for his presidential campaign, and challenged his chief rivals for the Democratic nomination, Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, to follow his lead.
The Caucus, Daily Kos, Right Voices, MyDD, The Newshoggers, Liberal Values, Roger L. Simon, TPM Election Central, Oliver Willis, TIME: Swampland and The Politico

Why Did Edwards Do This? Pros and Cons — Advisers to Sen. John Edwards argued that the decision to opt in to the public finance system will boost the campaign's coffers before the primaries, but conceded that the campaign's fundraising to date had not met their expectations.

Foto Funnies Pt. II — From Little Green Footballs, 9/21/07: — Above: Screen-capture of LGF post — That's a reprinted press release from David Horowitz's FrontPageMag. The text reads, "The photo accompanying this article, which shows a teenage girl buried before being stoned to death …

Kids' health bill passes despite veto threat — WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Senate voted 67-29 Thursday night to expand the State Children's Health Insurance program by up to 4 million children, a measure President Bush has vowed to veto. — The bipartisan House and Senate deal …

Following Bush Over a Cliff — The spectacle Tuesday of 151 House Republicans voting in lock step with the White House against expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) was one of the more remarkable sights of the year. Rarely do you see so many politicians putting their careers in jeopardy.
Think Progress, Talking Points Memo, NO QUARTER, MyDD, Daily Kos, Firedoglake and The Sideshow

WHY DID VERIZON REALLY AX NARL'S TEXT MESSAGING? MEET TOM TAUKE, ANTI-CHOICE FANATIC AND VERIZON EXECUTIVE VP — Verizon claims it was— oops!— all a great big misunderstanding; they meant no harm and it was certainly nonpartisan. Big mistakey-poo. Sorry, sorry, sorry; you can trust us.
Boing Boing, Public Knowledge, Open Left, The Atlantic Online, My Left Nutmeg, WorkingForChange and The Huffington Post

NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER — Has the protest movement in Myanmar been crushed or is Burma's military government starting to crack? PJM Sydney editor Richard Fernandez looks at the events of the last few hours. — Support Pajamas Media; Visit Our Advertisers

Matthews To Dodd: 'Do You Find It Difficult To Debate A Woman?' — During last night's post-Democratic presidential debate analysis, MSNBC host Chris Matthews was hung up on the fact there is a woman running for president. After questioning Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) about Sen. Hillary Clinton's …
Media Matters for America, MSNBC, Huffington Post, The Carpetbagger Report and ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES

Dan Rather stands by his story — His lawsuit will attempt to show that CBS tried to suppress the report on Bush's National Guard Service and the Abu Ghraib abuses. — Dan Rather talks on the Fox News show "Your World" about the state of television news, June 12, 2007.

Washington, D.C., Judge Issues Bench Warrant for Cindy Sheehan — WASHINGTON — A bench warrant was issued Thursday for antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan, who did not appear for arraignment Thursday in a Washington, D.C., courtroom to face charges related to her Sept. 10 disorderly conduct arrest on Capitol Hill.

Mistake costs dishwasher $59,000 — MIAMI, Florida (CNN) — For 11 years, Pedro Zapeta, an illegal immigrant from Guatemala, lived his version of the American dream in Stuart, Florida: washing dishes and living frugally to bring money back to his home country.