Top Items:

Harkin: 'Maybe Limbaugh was high on drugs again.' — Today on the Senate floor, Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) condemned Rush Limbaugh's "phony soldiers" comment, saying that the radio host makes these "provocative things to make more money." He then offered another possible explanation for Limbaugh's "over-the-line" remarks:

Gibson aired edited Limbaugh clip to "prove" Media Matters had edited Limbaugh clip … During the September 28 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, in response to Media Matters for America's documentation of Rush Limbaugh's recent description of service members who advocate U.S. withdrawal …

Rush's Challenge to Senator Reid — BEGIN TRANSCRIPT — RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, in the last half hour, Harry Reid took to the floor of the Senate and proceeded to spend five-to-seven minutes denouncing me, spreading the smear that started last week on this phony soldiers business.
Hot Air, Sister Toldjah, TIME, Weekly Standard, Gateway Pundit, Washington Times, Conservative Belle and The Oxford Medievalist

Democrats go after Limbaugh — Democrats on Monday called on the chief executive of Clear Channel Communications to denounce remarks by radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, whom they say made a "hateful" and "unpatriotic" attack on U.S. troops opposed to the war in Iraq.

Take Rush Off Armed Forces Radio Network
Crooks and Liars, Hullabaloo,, Think Progress and The Huffington Post

Report Depicts Recklessness at Blackwater — Guards working in Iraq for Blackwater USA have shot innocent Iraqi civilians and have sought to cover up the incidents, sometimes with the help of the State Department, a report to a Congressional committee said today.

Republicans urge Blackwater hearing delay — Seven House Republicans have urged Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.) to postpone an expected hearing this week about Blackwater USA until the State Department and a separate commission release reports …

PARODY SURGE HITS MIL CONTRACTORS IN IRAQ — A few days ago the State Department released what it called a "first blush" report on the Blackwater incident in Baghdad, a report which largely exonerated the Blackwater personnel involved. — I noted at the time that "first blush" …

Email Shows State Officials Doing Blackwater Damage Control
Committee on Oversight …

Thompson: Iraq had WMDs before U.S. invaded — Newton, Ia. — Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson said today he was certain former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction prior to the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, a point of contention in the 4.5 years since the war began.
Flopping Aces, The Carpetbagger Report, Chuck Adkins, The Right's Field, Real Clear Politics and Daily Kos

Thompson: Saddam Hussein 'clearly' had WMD
TPM Election Central

Last letter from doomed Al Qaida chief: 'We are so desperate for your help' — BAGHDAD — The U.S. military is eliminating Al Qaida's chain of command in Iraq. — Officials said several leading aides to Al Qaida network chief Abu Ayoub Al Masri have been killed by the U.S.-led coalition.
PrairiePundit, In From the Cold, Wizbang, Weasel Zippers, Patterico's Pontifications and Gateway Pundit

BREAKING: Clinton to Join Webb on Iran Bill — In March, James Webb introduced legislation demanding that the President seek congressional approval before striking Iran. — I've just learned that Senator Hillary Clinton will co-sponsor legislation with Webb and re-introduce it into the Senate.

Israel officially denies responsibility for death of al-Dura in 2000 — Seven years after death of Gaza boy captured by France 2 cameraman was blamed on Israel, Prime Minister's Office issues first official document stating incident was staged. French reporter defends video, calling it 'authentic'

The Usual Suspect — The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy — IN OCTOBER 2002, Osama bin Laden issued a statement in which he analyzed America's inexhaustible number of sins and prescribed ways of repenting for many of them. The statement was, by the standards of bin Laden's cave encyclicals, unusually coherent.

Ron Paul's Fund-Raising Takes Off — Mary Jacoby reports on the 2008 presidential campaign. — Rep. Ron Paul is bucking trends in the political money race. — While both Democrats and Republicans in the presidential race are finding it more difficult to pass the hat …

Voters Reject Clinton Baby Bond Proposal By 2-to-1 Margin — Sixty percent (60%) of America's Likely Voters oppose giving every child born in the United States a $5,000 savings bond, or "baby bond." A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 27% support the concept suggested on Friday by Senator Hillary Clinton.