Top Items:

Internal Dem memo faults party message — Democrats are losing the battle for voters' hearts because the party's message lacks emotional appeal, according to a widely circulated critique of House Democratic communications strategy. — "Our message sounds like an audit report on defense logistics …

New Democrat strategy: We must stimulate the amygdalae! — This is high-larious. The Hill reports on an internal Democrat strategy memo complaining that the Democrat Party is too hyper-rational and lacks emotional appeal. — For real. They think "SUFFER THE LITTLE CHILLLLLDREN!" is too bland and accountant-like:

House Passes Revised Children's Health Bill, but Timing Irks GOP
The Moderate Voice, DownWithTyranny!, Buck Naked Politics, Health Blog, The Seminal and Suburban Guerrilla

The New Right-Wing Smear Machine — On February 27, 2001, two members of the American Gold Star Mothers, an organization of women who've lost sons or daughters in combat, dropped by the temporary basement offices of the new junior senator from New York, Hillary Clinton.

FEMA Meets the Press, Which Happens to Be . . . FEMA — FEMA has truly learned the lessons of Katrina. Even its handling of the media has improved dramatically. For example, as the California wildfires raged Tuesday, Vice Adm. Harvey E. Johnson, the deputy administrator, had a 1 p.m. news briefing.
Think Progress, MoJoBlog, Comments from Left Field, The Carpetbagger Report, At-Largely, State of the Day and First Draft

Panel to See Papers on Agency's Eavesdropping — The White House on Thursday offered to share secret documents on the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance program with the Senate Judiciary Committee, a step toward possible compromise on eavesdropping legislation.
The Swamp, Firedoglake, Balkinization, The Raw Story, The Next Hurrah,, The Heretik and The American Street

Analysis: Obama must show he's ready to rumble — CNN Senior Political Analyst — (CNN) — What can Sen. Barack Obama do to turn the Democratic campaign around? He has to try a different kind of campaign. — No more Mr. Nice Guy. — When the senator from Illinois got into the presidential race …
Lynn Sweet

Court frees teen in controversial sex case — ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) — The Georgia Supreme Court on Friday ordered that Genarlow Wilson be released from prison, ruling 4-3 that his sentence for a teen sex conviction was cruel and unusual punishment. — Wilson was convicted in 2005 …

Another Man From Hope — Who is Mike Huckabee? — Republicans have won five of the last seven presidential elections by running candidates who broadly fit the Ronald Reagan model—fiscally conservative, and firmly but not harshly conservative on social issues.

NH primary: Room to breathe? — CONCORD - Secretary of State William Gardner said yesterday that key developments in Iowa and Michigan this week could clear the way for New Hampshire to hold its first-in-the-nation presidential primary in early January, rather than December.

Democrats, the War and Shays's Rebellion — A poll released yesterday by the Associated Press made it official: Americans are more likely to believe in ghosts (34 percent) than to believe that President Bush is doing a good job with the war in Iraq (29 percent).

The Outsourced Brain — The gurus seek bliss amidst mountaintop solitude and serenity in the meditative trance, but I, grasshopper, have achieved the oneness with the universe that is known as pure externalization. — I have melded my mind with the heavens, communed with the universal consciousness …

Lennonism at Bloomies — Bloomingdale's is advertising jewelry with a political message. A necklace by designer Georgianna Koulianos is fashioned to look like military dog tags. But the tags read "Imagine" "Peace" and "Love." — So trendy ladies in Chevy Chase and Manhattan are going to wear …

Sen. Webb On Hardball: "The Cheney element of the administration is well represented in the United States Senate" — Play (372) (thanks to Heather for vids) — On Thursday's Hardball Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) talked with Chris Matthews about the strong push from Dick Cheney and some members of the Senate …

Officials balked on '05 Blackwater inquiry — State Department e-mails obtained by ABC News discuss how to deflect a Times reporter's questions about a civilian shooting death. — Even as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice defended her department's oversight of private security contractors …
The Blotter

Pa. Won't Release List of Polling Places — HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - State officials have decided not to publicize their list of polling places in Pennsylvania, citing concerns that terrorists could disrupt elections in the commonwealth. — The Department of State was influenced …

UPDATE on the Copenhagen demonstration: MURDER ATTEMPT ON SIOE/SIAD DENMARK LEADER AND MEMBERS — SIOE Denmark is only coming with a report now on the murder attempt and the demonstration in Copenhagen. There was a need for recover but also because the main stream medias …