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In 7th Round, a Pitched Debate: Clinton Hears It From Her Rivals — Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York came under withering attack from the rest of the Democratic presidential field last night in a pitched two-hour debate that her opponents used to challenge her candor and electability …

Clinton's Foes Go on the Attack — Front-Runner Is Target in Season's Liveliest Democratic Debate — With just over two months until the first primary contest, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's Democratic rivals aggressively challenged their party's front-runner here Tuesday night …

Democrats target Clinton's vote on Iran — Candidates in NBC debate say resolution paves the way for new war — Sen. Hillary Clinton's vote to authorize the U.S. war in Iraq again came under attack, but her major rivals indicated at Tuesday night's Democratic presidential debate …

Debate Preview: All Eyes on Obama — It seems hard to believe that after SO many debates this year, that another one could provoke more than just a yawn. But it seems fair to say that the Democratic debate taking place in Philadelphia tonight, televised on MSNBC starting at 9 p.m. Eastern …
Agence France Presse, Taylor Marsh, MyDD, The Huffington Post, All Spin Zone,, Slog, Hot Air and The Fix

Clinton gets no love in Democrats debate — PHILADELPHIA - In the City of Brotherly Love, there wasn't much for a sister. — Hillary Rodham Clinton's rivals ganged up on her during a two-hour Democratic presidential debate Tuesday night, putting the front-runner on defense on issues ranging …
Captain's Quarters

Live-Blogging the Democratic Debate
Washington Monthly

Cross-dressing state lawmaker blackmailed following late night tryst — SPOKANE — State Representative Richard Curtis says he's not gay, but police reports and court records indicate the Republican lawmaker from southwestern Washington dressed up in women's lingerie and met a Medical Lake man …
DownWithTyranny!, Pam's House Blend, Slog, Pandagon, HorsesAss.Org, Big Head DC, AMERICAblog, Cliff Schecter, Middle Earth Journal, The Democratic Daily and TBogg

Stephen Colbert Tops Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich in Presidential Poll — Fresh from a victorious interview on "Meet the Press," Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert continues to out-pun pundits and expectorate political expectations with his half-sincere, three-quarters-book-promoting campaign for the presidency.

Supreme Court Stays Execution in a Sign of a Broader Halt — Moments before a Mississippi prisoner was scheduled to die by lethal injection Tuesday evening, the Supreme Court granted him a stay of execution and thus gave a nearly indisputable indication that a majority intends to block …
ABCNEWS, SCOTUSblog, Patterico's Pontifications, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, Lawyers, Guns and Money and TalkLeft

Mukasey Losing Democrats' Backing — Nominee Unsure If Waterboarding Breaks Torture Law — Attorney general nominee Michael B. Mukasey told Senate Democrats yesterday that a kind of simulated drowning known as waterboarding is "repugnant to me," but he said he does not know whether …
the talking dog, Chuck Adkins, The Atlantic Online, Macsmind, Obama HQ, BLACKFIVE, The RBC, State of the Day, Prairie Weather and The New Republic

Live Debate Blogging — Diplomacy, diplomacy and also diplomacy. Did I mention diplomacy? — 9:25 PM ... Hillary "I will do everything I can" to prevent from Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. Good answer. — 9:26 PM ... Obama: We cannot act as if we are the weakest nation in the world when we are the strongest.

River Don't You Weep — I've isolated out a couple of other bloggers' postings for a roundup about the voting on the Trinity River that Dallas is doing now, just to lump them together in this post. — North Texas Liberal seems to be trying to be fair to both sides, though referring …
Three Wise Men, Off the Kuff, Capitol Annex,, The Texas Blue and The Texas Cloverleaf

Tax law: Are you eating those pumpkins? — DES MOINES, Iowa - The Iowa Department of Revenue is taxing jack-o'-lanterns this Halloween. The new department policy was implemented after officials decided that pumpkins are used primarily for Halloween decorations, not food, and should be taxed …

U.S. Military Will Supervise Security Firms in Iraq — All State Department security convoys in Iraq will now fall under military control, the latest step taken by government officials to bring Blackwater Worldwide and other armed contractors under tighter supervision.

University of Delaware Requires Students to Undergo Ideological Reeducation — The University of Delaware subjects students in its residence halls to a shocking program of ideological reeducation that is referred to in the university's own materials as a "treatment" for students' incorrect attitudes and beliefs.

U.S. and Pakistan: A Frayed Alliance — As Military Efforts Falter, Trust Suffers — Five years ago, elite Pakistani troops stationed near the border with Afghanistan began receiving hundreds of pairs of U.S.-made night-vision goggles that would enable them to see and fight al-Qaeda and Taliban insurgents in the dark.

CLEAR CHANNEL, REPUBLICAN PROPAGANDA NETWORK, OUT TO KILL SPRINGSTEEN'S MAGIC? — If you look for Springsteen in Google News, you get one rave review of his live sold out tour after another. Last Thursday and Friday he wowed 'em at the Oakland Coliseum. Last night he was in L.A.
The Democratic Daily, Crooks and Liars, Los Angeles Times, Cliff Schecter, Fox News and TalkLeft