Top Items:

President Bush Discusses Global War on Terror — Washington, D.C. — In Focus: Defense — In Focus: National Security — THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Ed, thanks. Thanks for the kind introduction. I'm looking forward to working with you for the next 14 months …

Sen. Kennedy turns against AG nominee — WASHINGTON - President Bush, seeking Thursday to salvage the embattled nomination of Michael Mukasey as attorney general, defended the former judge's refusal to say whether he considers waterboarding as illegal torture. But the nomination suffered another setback in the Senate.

Bush: 'war on terror' critics are 'disingenuous or naive.' — Today in his speech at the Heritage Foundation, President Bush attacked critics of the term "war on terror," saying that "people who deny we are at war are either being disingenuous or naive." He added, "We are at war …
Shakespeare's Sister

Campaign call reveals Clinton debate concern — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's (D-N.Y.) top advisers, doing damage control after the candidate's debate performance Tuesday, told supporters on a conference call Wednesday that the campaign needed more money to fight back.
Associated Press, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Oliver Willis, Stop The ACLU, Telegraph, A Chequer-Board of Nights …, Salon, MSNBC, Captain's Quarters, New York Times, Redstate, The Democratic Daily, Roger L. Simon, The Daily Gut, GINA COBB, The Atlantic Online,, Wake up America, Scholars and Rogues, Hot Air, Blogs for Bush and Riehl World View

But They're Unaffiliated, Of Course — Media Matters insists that it has no intention of supporting a candidate, but it's hard to tell that from its content. As Jonah Goldberg noted, the site went into a full-throated defense of Hillary Clinton by attacking Tim Russert for ... well, asking questions about issues:

There's A History Here: Russert Blindsided Hillary With Question About Bill's Affair Back In 2000; Hillary Camp Seethed — Since the Dem debate a few days ago a lot of people have understandably been taking shots at Tim Russert for his often small-minded "gotcha" questions and his constant references to Bill Clinton.

But Media Matters Doesn't Shill For Hillary — Karl Frisch, Director of Media Relations at Media Matters (aka Brockville) has sent out an email with clips from a whole bunch of sources to back up this note at the top of the email: … So here's the question.
The Anchoress

S.C. Dems reject Colbert candidacy — Stephen Colbert's satirical run for the presidency has run into its first roadblock - his bid to be on the ballot in the South Carolina Democratic presidential primary was rejected on Thursday. — The party's executive council voted 14 to 3 …
MoJoBlog, The Raw Story, Hot Air, The Rachel Maddow Show, Balloon Juice, The BRAD BLOG and Open Left

The most influential US conservatives: 21-40 — As the US prepares for what is arguably the most open presidential election since 1928, the last time there was no incumbent president or vice-president on the ballot, the Daily Telegraph's Washington correspondents compile a list of the 100 …
Washington Monthly, The Corner, The Carpetbagger Report, UrbanGrounds and Reason Magazine

Finalists Announced — Here is a complete list of the finalists for The 2007 Weblog Awards. Finalists badges (hosted by Imageshack) will be available Thursday. Voting is scheduled to begin Thursday evening (late), but at this point we can't pinpoint the exact time polls will open.

From the Desk of Donald Rumsfeld . . . In Sometimes-Brusque 'Snowflakes,' He Shared Worldview, Shaped Policy — In a series of internal musings and memos to his staff, then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld argued that Muslims avoid "physical labor" and wrote of the need to …

Time to Close the US Embassy — I don't try to start an internet campaign very often, because the blogosphere has its own priorities and logic that are democratic and should not be forced. But here is a plea for everyone in the blogging world to help force congress to save our diplomats.

Blackwater sneak silencers into Iraq? — Security firm under investigation for allegedly sidestepping export controls — A Blackwater employee shows off a silencer-equipped rifle in Iraq in a photo obtained by NBC News. The picture has been digitally altered to protect the identity of the subject.

Will there be a VA bill by Veterans Day? — Will Democrats pass a budget before the budget year ends? — The federal budget year began Oct. 1 without a budget. The Democratic Congress has yet to send even one budget bill to the president. — And they wonder why their job approval is 11%.
Discussion:, Assorted Babble, NPR,, Right Voices and Riehl World View

Minnesota senator to endorse Rudy — Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) plans to endorse the presidential campaign of former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, according to Republican sources. — It's a union of two Brooklyn-native, non-Protestant former mayors. — The endorsement holds clear advantages for each of them.