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Digging out more CNN/YouTube plants: Abortion questioner is declared Edwards supporter (and a slobbering Anderson Cooper fan); Log Cabin Republican questioner is declared Obama supporter; lead toy questioner is a prominent union activist for the Edwards-endorsing United Steelworkers
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A Depressing Debate — What a depressing debate. CNN's long slide into mediocrity accelerates. Is this what running for president of the greatest democracy in the world has become? Standing in front of CNN's corporate logo in a hall full of yowling Ron Paul loons and enduring clumsy webcam questions …

A powerful moment — A retired Army general, Keith Kerr, just listed all his military credentials and then left the crowd silent by saying at the end of his video that he is "an openly gay man" and wants to know why gays can't serve in the military. — Romney was hit by Anderson Cooper …

Why is a Hillary Clinton Campaign Member Asking Questions at a Republican Debate? — So, the fellow who just asked the Republican candidates about Don't Ask, Don't Tell, retired Brigader General Keith Kerr, is a member of Hillary Clinton's campaign for the Presidency.

Video: Debate questioner is affiliated with Hillary's — and Kerry's — campaigns; Update: Plantmania! — As incredible as it may seem, given all the flak they took for not vetting questioners after the last debate, CNN not only approved a question from someone affiliated …
Power Line, Confederate Yankee, Suitably Flip, Gateway Pundit, GINA COBB, The American Mind, Liberty Pundit, Stop The ACLU and Assorted Babble

CNN/YouTube Debate — CNN Wins (Update: A Major Error Mars Their Night) — So the Republicans finally braved the CNN/YouTube format, and the most apparent result was that CNN and YouTube did their homework. For the most part — with a few glaring exceptions — the network eliminated the silliness and stuck to substance.

Hillary plants question in Republican debate — It turns out that Keith Kerr, retired Colonel., U.S. Army; retired Brigadier General, California National Reserve, who submitted a YouTube question about gays in the military, is actually a member of Hillary Clinton's Lesbian, Gay …

CNN Fails to Mention Retired Gay General's Endorsement of Hillary — [Update: Keith Kerr was known to CNN as a gay activist as far back as December 2003, when he was featured in this CNN article.] — CNN, as part of its Republican debate with YouTube, failed to mention that retired general Keith Kerr …

YouTube A, CNN F — A little after 1 a.m. eastern …

Liveblogging the CNN/YouTube debate: "Edginess," …
Althouse, Riehl World View, HRC Back Story, Gateway Pundit, UrbanGrounds and CNN Political Ticker

The Republican Debate — Following is a transcript of the Republican Presidential debate in St. Petersburg, Fla., as provided by the Federal News Service. — PARTICIPANTS: — FORMER NEW YORK MAYOR RUDY GIULIANI — FORMER ARKANSAS GOVERNOR MIKE HUCKABEE

Giuliani billed obscure agencies for trips
Talking Points Memo, Dick Polman's American Debate, the talking dog, Firedoglake, Daily Kos, Reason Magazine, Village Voice, The Carpetbagger Report, Political Machine, The Huffington Post, Hot Air, TPMmuckraker, News Hounds, Whiskey Fire, The Reaction, Chuck Adkins, Fox News, No More Mister Nice Blog, DownWithTyranny!, The Corner, The Trail, The Kenosha Kid's Blog, Left in the West, The Agitator, The Atlantic Online, MyDD, The Washington Note, Attytood, Los Angeles Times, Betsy's Page, Blog, All Spin Zone, TalkLeft,, Majikthise, Political Radar, Washington Monthly, Wonkette, The Autopsy, Rising Hegemon, Taylor Marsh, bustardblog, Spin Cycle, The American Street, Boston Globe, Washington Wire,, Hullabaloo and TownHall Blog

Scruggs, son, others charged; read full-text of indictment here — A grand jury in North Mississippi has indicted Richard "Dickie" Scruggs, his son, Zach Scruggs, Scruggs Law Firm attorney Sidney A. Backstrom, attorney Timothy Balducci and former State Auditor Steve Patterson for conspiring …

Lott's brother-in-law indicted — Sen. Trent Lott's brother-in-law, Richard "Dickie" Scruggs, a high profile trial lawyer best known for suing big tobacco and insurance companies, has been indicted on bribery charges. — Several media outlets are reporting the news about Scruggs …

POLL: INSIDERADVANTAGE POST DEBATE SURVEYS — InsiderAdvantage/Majority Opinion released two new statewide surveys (conducted 11/28) of 1,035 registered Republicans in Iowa and 341 undecided Republicans in Florida who said they watched tonight's debate and were willing to call in after the debate to answer questions.

Romney Battles, Huckabee Shines In GOP Debate — The questions in last night's Republican presidential debate may have come from ordinary Americans but most of the answers the candidates gave were aimed directly at their primary opponents. In the most contentious GOP debate thus far …

And now a rebel flag? — So immigration, guns, God, gays and now the stars and bars? — Is this the Upper East Side view of the GOP? — Talk about a caricature. — Conservative talk radio and righty blogs will be on fire tomorrow.
Bluey Blog

'Stop treating me like a pariah' — "Stop treating me as a pariah," Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni told Arab delegates at the Annapolis conference on Tuesday, according to The Washington Post. — Livni and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke to the summit's attendees …
Power Line

Transcript: CNN/YouTube debate Part I — Editor's note: This is part one of the transcript for the CNN/YouTube Republican presidential debate. To see the transcript of part two, click here. — ST. PETERSBURG, Florida (CNN) — The eight candidates vying to be the Republican nominee …