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CNN Admits Holes in Screening of Questioners — CNN expressed regret yesterday for allowing a Hillary Clinton adviser to ask a question at Wednesday's Republican presidential debate, even as controversy swirled about two other questioners who have declared their support for Democratic candidates.

JOHN FUND EMAILS THIS on the CNN debacle. From's Political Diary: … (Emphasis added). It makes it kind of hard to trust CNN.

Thousands of Islamic fanatics wielding knives demand jailed teddy bear teacher is executed — Thousands of Islamic fanatics wielding clubs and knives are marching through the streets of Khartoum demanding the execution of teddy bear teacher Gillian Gibbons.
Slog, Telegraph, The Sundries Shack, GINA COBB, The American Street, Hot Air and Scared Monkeys

Murtha's surge comments a problem for Dems — Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), one of the leading anti-war voices in the House Democratic Caucus, is back from a trip to Iraq and he now says the "surge is working." This could be a huge problem for Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other Democratic leaders …

Democrats: Voters shifting focus from Iraq — Congressional Democrats are reporting a striking change in districts across the country: Voters are shifting their attention away from the Iraq war. — Rep. Jim Cooper, a moderate Democrat from Tennessee, said not a single constituent has asked …

Murtha: Surge is working
The Huffington Post, New York Times, Power Line, Captain's Quarters and Cheat Seeking Missiles

Mandates and Mudslinging — From the beginning, advocates of universal health care were troubled by the incompleteness of Barack Obama's plan, which unlike those of his Democratic rivals wouldn't cover everyone. But they were willing to cut Mr. Obama slack on the issue, assuming that in the end he would do the right thing.

Why Science Can't Save the GOP — No one is happier than I am about the latest development in stem-cell research. Scientists in Japan and Wisconsin have independently figured out how to turn ordinary human skin cells into something like pluripotent stem cells.

Stem Cell Vindication — "If human embryonic stem cell research does not make you at least a little bit uncomfortable, you have not thought about it enough." — A decade ago, Thomson was the first to isolate human embryonic stem cells. Last week, he (and Japan's Shinya Yamanaka) …
The Huffington Post,, Redstate, Don Surber, National Review Online, Daily Kos, Soccer Dad and If I Ran the Zoo

Rudy Giuliani campaign team backtracks on tryst talk — The uproar grew Thursday over expenses for Rudy Giuliani's protection during his trysts with Judith Nathan as his campaign's initial defense - that its accounting methods were the same as previous mayors' - unraveled.

The Candidate's 'Catch Me if You Can' — Reporters Following Hillary Clinton on the Campaign Trail Are Covered in Dust — CONCORD, N.H. — ABC correspondent Kate Snow was ready to push through the crowd and ask Hillary Clinton a question until an aide blocked the path of Snow's sound man …

Republicans Report Much Better Mental Health Than Others — Relationship persists even when controlling for other variables — PRINCETON, NJ — Republicans are significantly more likely than Democrats or independents to rate their mental health as excellent, according to data …

Card Rejects Rove's Claim That Congress Pushed Bush To War: 'His Mouth Gets Ahead Of His Brain' — Karl Rove asserted on the Charlie Rose show recently that it was Congress that pushed the Bush administration into war with Iraq. "The administration was opposed" to voting for a war resolution in the fall of 2002, Rove claimed.

Biden: Impeachment if Bush bombs Iran … — Check back mid morning on Friday for a photo gallery from this event — PORTSMOUTH — Presidential hopeful Delaware Sen. Joe Biden stated unequivocally that he will move to impeach President Bush if he bombs Iran without Congressional approval.

A surprise turn in Iowa's Republican race — Huckabee suddenly appears poised to challenge Romney to win the first GOP presidential contest. — DES MOINES — With 34 days remaining, the Republican presidential race in Iowa has broken wide open, as Mike Huckabee surges into contention with the longtime front-runner, Mitt Romney.

Conservative, Or Just Plain Corrupt? — Through their ethics scandals, Republicans in Washington long ago began making the word "conservative" synonymous with the term "corrupt." Surprisingly, though, it is a group of Democrats that is cementing this definitional conversion for good.
The Huffington Post