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Huckabee Reaction to Bhutto Assassination — From CBS News' Nancy Cordes" — ORLANDO, FLA. — With about 150 supporters crowded around a podium set up on the tarmac of Orlando Executive airport (and about 20 Ron Paul supporters waving signs outside) Mike Huckabee strode out to the strains of …
Reason Magazine, Hot Air, TownHall Blog, Captain's Quarters, Power Line and The Campaign Spot

Bhutto Assassinated in Attack on Rally — RAWALPINDI, Islamabad — An attack on a political rally killed the Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto near the capital, Islamabad, Thursday. Witnesses said Ms. Bhutto was fired upon before the blast, and an official from her party said Ms. Bhutto …
Times of London, White House, Washington Post, The Long War Journal, BBC, The Belmont Club, ALL THINGS PAKISTAN, DAWN, Washington Wire, Daily Kos,, Telegraph, Christian Science Monitor, CNN, Jules Crittenden, culturekitchen, Political Radar, Guardian, The New Republic, The Pakistani Spectator, Oliver Kamm, The 3rd world view, Main and Central, Gothamist, Big Brass Blog,, Bark Bark Woof Woof and Bookworm Room

Report: Bhutto killed in attack — RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (CNN) — Pakistan former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has died after a suicide attack, according to media reports. — Geo TV quoted her husband saying the politician had died following a bullet wound in the neck.
Washington Post, Hot Air, The Swamp, Guardian, Daily Mail, The Moderate Voice,, Time, Ben Smith's Blogs, Sky News, Baltimore Sun, Boston Globe, Times of London, Brilliant at Breakfast, The Agonist, Flopping Aces, ABCNEWS, USA Today, EU Referendum, Washington Times, The Newshoggers, The Seminal, The Belmont Club, Simply Left Behind, The Strata-Sphere and A Blog For All

Huckabee Flubs A Pakistan Question — CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes writes about Mike Huckabee's newser in Orlando, FL today: … It's not the mistake itself that will raise eyebrowses — it's Huckabee's lack of intellectual ease, his lack of felicity, with foreign policy at a critical moment when everyone is paying attention.

Ex-Intel Official: Don't Be So Quick to Blame al-Qaeda, Musharraf for Bhutto Killing — Here I take my lumps like everyone else. Throughout the day I've either said that the most likely culprit for the Bhutto assassination is “the Pakistani Taliban and al-Qaeda,” or I've reported …

U.S. Checking al Qaeda Claim of Killing Bhutto — Brian Ross, Richard Esposito & R. Schwartz Report: — While al Qaeda is considered by the U.S. to be a likely suspect in the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Banazir Bhutto, U.S. intelligence officials say they cannot confirm …
Hot Air, Channel NewsAsia, Associated Press, Guardian, The Newshoggers, A Chequer-Board of Nights …, CANNONFIRE and Wonkette

After Bhutto — EDITOR'S NOTE: Former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in Rawalpindi Thursday. National Review Online asked a group of experts on the region to gauge what her murder means for her country. — JONATHAN FOREMAN — I was in Islamabad, Pakistan …
Pajamas Media

John Edwards talked to Musharraf regarding Bhutto — Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards talked with Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf early this afternoon (Iowa time). Here's Edwards talking about the situation (mp3 runs 2 minuates) — Henderson: “In regards to the situation …

HORSE RACE — The leading Dem candidates for president appear to be in a pitched battle to make the most craven and insipid uses of the Bhutto assassination for immediate political advantage. A true horse race.

Joe Scarborough: Bhutto Assassination Helps Rudy And Hillary — It's the predictability of this stuff that can sometimes get to you. Here's NBC's Joe Scarborough saying — already! — that Bhutto's assassination helps Rudy and Hillary: — As Atrios says, the logic is very tortured here indeed.

Obama advisor links Clinton vote and Bhutto death? — Top Obama adviser says war in Iraq (and Clinton's support of it) contributes to instability in Pakistan. — DES MOINES, Iowa (CNN) — In comments to reporters after Barack Obama's first speech Thursday, his chief strategist David Axelrod seemed …

Richardson: We Must Force Musharraf Out Of Power — At one point, I considered Bill Richardson the most prepared Democrat for the Presidency, based on his extensive experience in foreign relations, Congress, and the executive branch. That experience doesn't do much good without common sense …

Mrs. Clinton and Ms. Bhutto — Benazir Bhutto with Hillary …
The Trail

Pakistan's 2007 Crises Come to a Crescendo; Benazir Assassinated …
AMERICAblog, Crooks and Liars, Telegraph, The Fix, Firedoglake, TPMmuckraker and neo-neocon

Huckabee Apologizes for Bhutto's Assassination
TownHall Blog

Pakistan's Bhutto assassinated
CNN, Slate, Fox News, TPMmuckraker, Guardian, Washington Post, BLACKFIVE, US Conservative …, THE REACTION and The Daily Dish

Hillary Backer Bayh: Assassination Reminds Us That If We Don't …

Pakistan's Bhutto killed in attack
Crooks and Liars, The Corner,, Xinhua News Agency, Thomas P.M. Barnett and Winds of Change.NET

Bhutto Adviser: Musharraf Is To Blame
New York Sun, Firedoglake, Hindustan Times, MoJoBlog, truthout, Times of London, Business Standard, At-Largely, The Galloping Beaver and Hot Air

Obama runs even with Clinton in two key states — A new Times/Bloomberg Poll finds them statistically tied in New Hampshire and in a three-way race with Edwards in Iowa. GOP's Huckabee has a big lead in Iowa but trails Romney by a wide margin up north. — WASHINGTON — Barack Obama …

Fred off the air in Iowa, for now — When I got a generic fundraising email “from” Fred Thompson campaign manager Bill Lacy last night offering “a quick update” on their efffort to get “on the air statewide in Iowa” I didn't take it literally. — I should have. — Fred has gone dark in Iowa.

Three-Way Brawl — One week to go and while almost anything …
The Corner

Best Blog Posts of 2007 (Chosen by the Bloggers Themselves) — Just as nobody anticipated the levees breaking in New Orleans, according to President Bush, I don't think anybody anticipated the overwhelming response I would get when I asked the members of my very extensive and eclectic blogroll …
The Newshoggers

Remarks of Senator Barack Obama: Our Moment Is Now — Ten months ago, I stood on the steps of the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois, and began an unlikely journey to change America. — I did not run for the presidency to fulfill some long-held ambition or because I believed it was somehow owed to me.