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Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby New Hampshire Poll: McCain Leads Romney; Clinton Leads Obama as Edwards Remains at 20%... Zogby News Releases
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Hillary Booed at NH Democratic Party Dinner — If the New Hampshire Democratic Party's 100 Club dinner is any bell weather - Barack Obama will handily win here. When Obama, the dinner's last speaker, took the stage the crowd surged forward chanting “O-bam-a” and “Fired Up, Ready to Go!”
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A Campaign Retools to Seek Second Clinton Comeback — MANCHESTER, N.H. — Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton have been in career-threatening scrapes before, but never quite like the one they face in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, when nothing less than their would-be dynasty will be on the line.
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Suffolk/7 Saturday poll: A post-Iowa bounce for Obama? — BOSTON - A new Suffolk University two-day tracking poll shows Barack Obama cutting into Hillary Clinton's lead in New Hampshire. Mitt Romney still holds a slim edge over John McCain. — The first half of the survey was done on Thursday …
Taegan Goddard's …

Hillary Clinton leans on husband Bill — WASHINGTON - In a presidential race where the Democratic candidates are competing as agents of change, Hillary Rodham Clinton's most reliable campaign prop is something of a political relic — her husband. — The former president was at her side …

Clinton: Obama's Too Liberal — Hillary Clinton's campaign seems determined to convince Barack Obama's detractors in the blogosphere that he is so a liberal after all: … Progressive record? Heaven forbid! I thought he didn't have experience. — The Tom Edsall article I got …
The Mahablog, D-Day, Sister Toldjah, The Carpetbagger Report, Open Left, TalkLeft, BitsBlog, Daily Kos, Cogitamus, The RBC, Lawyers, Guns and Money, PoliGazette, MoJoBlog, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL and Time

Fox's Bill O'Reilly in confrontation with Obama staffer at rally. Developing. — NASHUA, N.H.—Bombastic Fox News host Bill O'Reilly got into a confrontation with an Obama aide after O'Reilly started screaming at him as he tried to get Barack Obama's attention following a rally here.

Obama: The Movement Has Begun — NASHUA, N.H. — The line snaked for at least a half mile from the entrance of Nashua North High School. The first people in it had arrived at 7:30 a.m. — two-and-a-half hours before Barack Obama was scheduled to start speaking.
Jonathan Martin's Blogs

Clinton Speaks Truth To Power, Bill O'Reilly, A Fire Marshal, And A Huge Crowd — The surreal moments that preceded Hillary Clinton's town hall here might have been avoided if her campaign anticipated a turnout befitting a candidate on the rise. — 500 people RSVPd for the event at the Merrimack High School here.

Obama aide: O'Reilly shoved me — From NBC's Mark Hudspeth — NASHUA, N.H. — An aide to Barack Obama said talk-show host Bill O'Reilly shoved him several times at the rope line after a campaign event today. — Marvin Nicholson, Obama's trip director, said the commentator …

Stop Lying About Huckabee and Evangelicals! — Predictably enough, most media commentators have totally misinterpreted the nature of Mike Huckabee's big win in the Iowa GOP caucuses. Conventional wisdom says that he swept to victory based on overwhelming support from Evangelicals, but conventional wisdom is flat-out wrong.

Our View: Wyoming GOP caucuses futile — On Saturday, a few Republicans from across Wyoming will converge at local county caucuses to pick delegates to the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., in September. — Party leaders in the state believed by moving their caucuses …

Jonah Goldberg and Glenn Reynolds warn of “social unraveling” if Obama loses — (updated below - Update II - Update III) — Over at National Review, Jonah Goldberg has a “theory” about what might help Obama win in the general election. After noting that Obama will be …
Buck Naked Politics, QandO, Balloon Juice, First Draft, Shakespeare's Sister, The Heretik, The Corner and JustOneMinute

Is Bill Clinton About To Sandbag Hillary Clinton's Campaign? — It is often been said that former President Bill Clinton is Senator Hillary Clinton's closest, best and most astute political advisor. If that's the case and a recent statement he reportedly made is any indication, she should consider firing him and getting a new one.

Daring to Believe, Blacks Savor Obama Victory — For Sadou Brown in a Los Angeles suburb, the decisive victory of Senator Barack Obama in Iowa was a moment to show his 14-year-old son what is possible. — For Mike Duncan in Maryland, it was a sign that Americans were moving beyond rigid thinking about race.

WTF? — Okay, I could come up with a few good snarky lines on this one. But I'll settle for someone just explaining to me what the hell Mike Huckabee's talking about. — TPMer Eric Kleefeld and I were chatting this evening about whether everyone's underestimating Huckabee's chances in this race.
Washington Monthly, JustOneMinute, The Sideshow, Outside The Beltway, The RBC, protein wisdom, TPMCafe blogs, PoliGazette and BitsBlog