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Women Are Never Front-Runners — THE woman in question became a lawyer after some years as a community organizer, married a corporate lawyer and is the mother of two little girls, ages 9 and 6. Herself the daughter of a white American mother and a black African father — in this race-conscious country …
Captain's Quarters, JustOneMinute, Firedoglake, The Plank, TalkLeft, The Daily Dish, Wake up America, Too Sense, Althouse, Don Surber, The Huffington Post, No More Mister Nice Blog, Fausta's blog, The Trail, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Gawker, Brian Beutler, Sister Toldjah, Taylor Marsh, The Corner, QandO and Whiskey Fire

Even Conservative Media Chorus Sings Obama's Praises — Barack Obama, now the media's odds-on favorite to win the White House, is drawing effusive praise from the chattering classes. — “You'd have to have a heart of stone not to be moved by this. . . . This is a huge moment,” one commentator wrote.
Booman Tribune, Donklephant, The Caucus, The Democratic Daily, Macsmind, RealClearPolitics, Buck Naked Politics and Althouse

New Hampshire votes: Small state, big impact
Confederate Yankee, New Hampshire Union Leader, Jules Crittenden,, Election Projection, Associated Press, Washington Times, Outside The Beltway, The Gun Toting Liberal™, Sigmund, Carl and Alfred, Captain's Quarters, Wake up America, The Campaign Spot, Sister Toldjah, New York Magazine, The Strata-Sphere, Central Sanity,, Scared Monkeys, PoliBlog (TM), Viking Pundit and Vodkapundit

Huckabee vows to defy birthright citizenship — Mike Huckabee wants to amend the Constitution to prevent children born in the U.S. to illegal aliens from automatically becoming American citizens, according to his top immigration surrogate — a radical step no other major presidential candidate has embraced.

You Have to Be Kidding Me — Now, I know most of the Republican candidates have changed certain of their positions. But I have to say, when I read this story this morning, I was floored. — Heading into South Carolina, where illegal immigration appears to be the biggest issue among Republicans …

Dartmouth Students Walk Out on Bill — HANOVER, N.H. — About thirty minutes into Bill Clinton's nearly two-hour stop here at Dartmouth College, a steady stream of students started walking out of the venue. — Moments later, Clinton — his voice hoarse, sometimes cracking …

Dartmouth not feeling Obamentum — The Obamentum is a little hard to assess this morning. Obama held a 9 a.m. event open only to students at Dartmouth College. The audience was capped at 700 students and, remarkably (for Obama), the gym is not full. — There are at least several hundred students …

LOOKING FOR NEW HAMPSHIRE EXIT POLLS? — Looking for leaked exit poll results from New Hampshire? Sorry to disappoint, but whatever their merits, we are unlikely to see any such leaked results until moments before the polls close. — In past years, the network consortium that conducts …
Democratic Strategist

New Hampshire Turnout ‘Absolutely Huge’ — ABC News' Karen Travers Reports: New Hampshire Deputy Secretary of State Dave Scanlan told ABC News that turnout among primary voters today is “absolutely huge” — and there are concerns about running out of ballots in towns like Portsmouth, Keene, Hudson and Pelham.

Large voter turnout reported — MANCHESTER - Long lines of people formed inside some polls this morning minutes after they opened at 6 a.m. for the New Hampshire presidential primary. — Louise Gosselin, Ward 6 moderator, said election officials expected about 150 people to vote each hour at St. Pius X on Candia Road.

See No Good — AT SATURDAY'S New Hampshire debate, Democratic candidates were confronted with a question that they have been ducking for some time: Can they concede that the “surge” of U.S. troops in Iraq has worked? All of them vehemently opposed the troop increase when President Bush proposed …
Weekly Standard, Bookworm Room, Political Machine, Say Anything, The Strata-Sphere and Blue Crab Boulevard

The Woman Who Changed the World — With Barack Obama's meteoric rise topping the news these days, many people have forgotten the bizarre series of events that paved the way to his stunning ascendance. It's especially interesting given that some personal and minor details …
American Power,, No Runny Eggs, UNCoRRELATED, No More Mister Nice Blog and JammieWearingFool

Obama's Surge Deflates Forum and Talk of a Bloomberg Run — NORMAN, Okla. — He arrived here for what seemed like it could be a big moment. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, eyeing a third-party presidential bid, joined Republican and Democratic elders at a forum to denounce the extreme partisanship …

Clinton Braces for Second Loss; Union, Senators May Back Obama — NASHUA, N.H. — With Barack Obama strongly favored — even within Hillary Clinton's camp — to win a second straight victory in today's New Hampshire Democratic primary, both rivals are looking to the next battle grounds.

US recession is already here, warns Merrill — The US has entered its first full-blown economic recession in 16 years, according to investment bank Merrill Lynch. — Merrill, itself one of Wall Street's biggest casualties of the sub-prime crisis, is the first major bank to declare …
New York Times, The Newshoggers, PoliGazette, Donklephant, The Big Picture and The Supreme Irony of Life

Seriously, Is Matt Lauer Serious? — This morning, theToday Show host interviewed Mitt Romney with hostility and Hillary Clinton with protective understanding. He asked Mitt if he's a liar buying the election and he asked Hillary about her emotions, both aired near the top of the show, Romney was live, Hillary was taped.