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Can Hillary Cry Her Way Back to the White House? — DERRY, N.H. — When I walked into the office Monday, people were clustering around a computer to watch what they thought they would never see: Hillary Clinton with the unmistakable look of tears in her eyes. — A woman gazing at the screen was grimacing, saying it was bad.
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New Hampshire's Polling Fiasco — There will be a serious, critical look at the final pre-election polls in the Democratic presidential primary in New Hampshire; that is essential. It is simply unprecedented for so many polls to have been so wrong. We need to know why.
The Opinionator,, ABCNEWS, Commentary, Wake up America, Argghhh!, The Belmont Club, Betsy's Page, Soccer Dad, Blue Crab Boulevard and Redstate

Clinton Escapes to Fight Another Day — MANCHESTER, N.H. — Hillary Rodham Clinton is back. — With solid support from registered Democrats and the backing of women, who deserted her in Iowa, Senator Clinton beat Senator Barack Obama of Illinois with a margin that — if not particularly wide …
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Is “Bradley effect” behind the Clinton surge? — Does Hillary Clinton's unexpectedly strong showing in New Hampshire tonight mean that the racially charged Bradley effect" is still hanging around in American politics? — The “Bradley effect” is the name that some political pundits gave …

Shut Up, Maureen Dowd — Part wev in an Ongoing Series by Tart and me, named elegantly and succinctly by Tart, about the World's Most Obnoxious Feminist Concern TrollTM. — Wow. MoDo needs some spectaular amounts of Shutting Up for this one, which is mind-blowingly appalling …
Whiskey Fire, Lance Mannion, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Buck Naked Politics and Rox Populi

After N.H., can the media come back? — Cable news pundits may have successfully predicted John McCain's victory in New Hampshire, but they sure had a lot of explaining to do around 10:30 p.m., once The Associated Press and MSNBC projected victory for Hillary Rodham Clinton. — “The polls were so wrong.

One Day After Saying He'll “Never Underestimate Hillary Clinton Again …

Obama wins endorsement of SEIU Nevada
Marc Ambinder, The Carpetbagger Report, The Caucus, MyDD, Publius Endures, Pam's House Blend and TPM Election Central

Did The Ronulans Disappear Overnight? — A funny thing happened on my way to the predictable onslaught of Ron Paul supporters in my comments section after yesterday's post about his newsletters. The onslaught never arrived — and neither did the supposed Revolution from New Hampshire.
Hot Air, Vox Popoli, Fausta's blog, Easter Lemming Liberal News, Reason Magazine and The New Republic

More e-mails emerge in Harris County DA scandal — County GOP says Chuck Rosenthal should resign — New e-mails released Tuesday show District Attorney Chuck Rosenthal sent and received racist jokes and strategized with political consultants and colleagues about his re-election campaign on his county e-mail account.
The Texas Blue, Brains and Eggs, Grits for Breakfast, Bay Area Houston and Easter Lemming Liberal News

The Rings on Zarqawi's Finger — “I am a ring on your finger." — Al Qaeda in Iraq member Abu Anas to Abu Musab Al Zarqawi — Since Abu Musab Al Zarqawi formed the Al Qaeda in Iraq franchise, the terrorist group that destroyed the World Trade Center has fought American soldiers …

Iranian TV: Pentagon video, audio fake — TEHRAN, Iran - Iran accused the United States on Wednesday of fabricating video and audio released by the Pentagon showing Iranian boats confronting U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf. — The video from Sunday's incident shows small Iranian boats …

Diebold and New Hampshire — At the completion of the New Hampshire primaries, certain elements are are claiming an “astonishing” discrepancy between the results tallied by hand and those tallied by Diebold machines. Naturally reddit jumped on the bandwagon as fast as possible.
Discussion:, Cadillac Tight,, Political Machine and

Clinton Thanks New Hampshire for Comeback After Primary Win — SEN. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, D-N.Y. : Thank you. Thank you. — I come tonight with a very, very full heart. — And I want especially to thank New Hampshire. Over the last week, I listened to you and, in the process, I found my own voice.

McCain, Romney about to take Michigan by storm — Starting today, it's Michigan's turn. — And the state's presidential primary, at least on the Republican side, apparently has come down to a two-man battle between Arizona Sen. John McCain, fresh off Tuesday's victory in the New Hampshire primary …

Bold Prediction: The Impending Obama Media Backlash — So here is the latest Bold Prediction, inspired by a late night and little caffeine - Obama is about to endure a media backlash. — Why a bursting of his media bubble? Well, they (alright, “they") have finally admitted what was obvious …

NH Primary: Pre-Election Polls Wildly Different Than Results Announced for Clinton/Obama — [UPDATED several times at end of article, and still developing with new updates...] — I'm not sure why Obama would have conceded so soon, given the virtually inexplicable turn of events in New Hampshire tonight.

Giuliani: New York City Survived 9/11 Attacks Because Of Me — In a Wall Street Journal op-ed today on homeland security, Rudy Giuliani references September 11 nine separate times. In one of those instances, he claims he prepared New York City well to “withstand the 9/11 attack":
Cliff Schecter

Sources Say — By Erick Posted in 2008 — Comments (9) / Email this page » / Leave a comment » And NPR reports that Mitt Romney is shaking up his staff today and taking more control himself. — 9 Comments (0 topical, 9 editorial, 0 hidden) — Reply To This — User Info — #1