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Obama Camp's Memo on Clintons' Politicizing Race — Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign has prepared a detailed memo listing various instances in which it perceived Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign to have deliberately played the race card in the Democratic primary. [See the full memo here.]
Comments from Left Field, American Thinker, Right Wing News, Jules Crittenden and The Politico

NOT BEAN BAG — We seem to be at the point where there are now two credible possibilities. One is that the Clinton campaign is intentionally pursuing a strategy of using surrogates to hit Obama with racially-charged language or with charges that while not directly tied to race nonetheless play to stereotypes about black men.
Eschaton, The Trail, The Mahablog, Open Left, Taylor Marsh, politburo diktat 2.0, The Carpetbagger Report and BAGnewsNotes

The Democrats' Fairy Tale — “Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen." Thus spoke Bill Clinton last Monday night, exasperated by Barack Obama's claim that he — unlike Hillary Clinton — had been consistently right (or wrong, depending on your point of view) on the Iraq war.
Brilliant at Breakfast

PRESIDENTIAL TRIAL HEATS: WHO'S WEAKEST FOR G.O.P? — This weekend, CNN released results of general election trial heats, pitting each of the four leading Republican candidates for President against both of the leading Democrats. — The unmistakable message from this national exercise …
Riehl World View

Fluidity in G.O.P. Race; Democrats Eye Electability — WASHINGTON — Republican voters have sharply altered their views of the party's presidential candidates following the early contests in Iowa and New Hampshire, with Senator John McCain, once widely written off, now viewed more favorably …
Firedoglake, Captain's Quarters, Washington Post, Truthdig, Talking Points Memo, American Power and Taegan Goddard's …

McCain leads Romney in Michigan — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican John McCain holds a slim lead on rival Mitt Romney in Michigan one day before the state's hotly contested presidential nominating contest, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Monday.

Race and Gender Are Issues in Tense Day for Democrats — LAS VEGAS — After staying on the sidelines in the first year of the campaign, race and to a lesser extent gender have burst into the forefront of the Democratic presidential contest, thrusting Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton …

What Hillary supporter Robert L. Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television, said — Over the weekend, Black Entertainment Television founder Robert L. Johnson took the stage next to Hillary Clinton and smeared Barack Obama twice. The Clintons-she and The Big He-and their operatives …

Michelle Obama Enters the Race Fray — Michelle Obama spoke today in South Carolina at the Trumpet Awards, an event celebrating black achievement. After commenting on Bill Clinton's fairy tale remark she said: … More... She then wove the women issue into her comments:

Michelle Obama reaches out to blacks at Trumpet Awards
Gateway Pundit

Responding to Recession — Suddenly, the economic consensus seems to be that the implosion of the housing market will indeed push the U.S. economy into a recession, and that it's quite possible that we're already in one. As a result, over the next few weeks we'll be hearing a lot about plans for economic stimulus.

AMICUS BRIEFS FOR PETITIONER IN D.C. V. HELLER: — On Friday, 20 amicus briefs were filed in support of the District of Columbia government, in the case challenging the District's ban on handguns and on functional firearms. The briefs are here. — Most notably, the Solicitor General asked …

In Defending War Vote, Clintons Contradict Record — WASHINGTON — Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton have repeatedly invoked the name of Senator Chuck Hagel, a longtime critic of the Iraq war, as they defend Mrs. Clinton's 2002 vote to authorize the war. — In interviews and at a recent campaign event …
Captain's Quarters

Citi Could Write Down Up to $24 Billion — Citigroup could write down as much as $24 billion due to subprime and credit-related losses, CNBC has learned. In addition, the company could lay off as many as 20,000 workers as part of a comprehensive plan to slash costs and raise capital.

Beyond Mother Nature — Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger's 2004 essay “The Death of Environmentalism” sparked passionate debate and earned them a reputation as the bad boys of the environmental movement. Judging from their new book, “Break Through,” which expands their argument …

Paul supporters ‘freak out’ town clerk — Vote-counting flub draws ire, threats — January 12. — Jennifer Call's eyes searched the office for nothing in particular. Her arms waved and her fear spilled out. — “This is where I grew up,” Sutton's town clerk said yesterday.
Transterrestrial Musings