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Obama Camp's Memo on Clintons' Politicizing Race — Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign has prepared a detailed memo listing various instances in which it perceived Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign to have deliberately played the race card in the Democratic primary. [See the full memo here.]
The Moderate Voice, Balloon Juice, Talking Points Memo, JustOneMinute, Wake up America, Don Surber, Comments from Left Field, American Thinker, Sister Toldjah, Betsy's Page, Jules Crittenden, The Mahablog, Right Wing News, Gateway Pundit, The Trail,,, Times of London, CNN and Taylor Marsh

President Clinton Does More Damage Control on Black Radio — In an interview Monday, President Clinton mounted a less-than-vigorous defense of comments a prominent supporter of Senator Clinton's presidential bid, Robert Johnson, made which many interpreted as a reference to Senator Obama's admission …

Clinton Attacks on Iraq — To add to what Ezra Klein says about the new round of Iraq-related attacks Hillary Clinton is making on Barack Obama, my issue here is that I don't understand what point her campaign is trying to make. Has Obama been less of a consistent, strong anti-war leader than I would have liked?
The New Republic, TalkLeft, Independent Liberal, American Prospect and The Glittering Eye

In Defending War Vote, Clintons Contradict Record — WASHINGTON — Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton have repeatedly invoked the name of Senator Chuck Hagel, a longtime critic of the Iraq war, as they defend Mrs. Clinton's 2002 vote to authorize the war. — In interviews and at a recent campaign event …

McCain Faces Payback From Old GOP Foes — Over the past decade, Sen. John McCain has annoyed, aggravated and nearly destroyed some of the most powerful members of Washington's Republican establishment, creating a list of antagonists including anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist and the vehement Gun Owners of America.
The Caucus, Comments from Left Field, Classical Values, Connecting.the.Dots, Cliff Schecter and PoliGazette

The Democrats' Fairy Tale — “Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen." Thus spoke Bill Clinton last Monday night, exasperated by Barack Obama's claim that he — unlike Hillary Clinton — had been consistently right (or wrong, depending on your point of view) on the Iraq war.
Discussion:, Cato-at-liberty, Norwegianity, The Carpetbagger Report and Brilliant at Breakfast

Obama goes gloves off, head-on — He discusses how race has flared up in the campaign, a suit over voting on the Strip — In a Sun interview Sunday, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama addressed the suddenly front-and-center issue of race in his fight with New York Sen. Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.

New Poll: Democratic race in Nevada a dead heat — A new poll by the Reno Gazette-Journal shows a neck-and-neck three-way race among Democrats for Saturday's caucus. On the Republican side, U.S. Sen. John McCain has taken his first lead in Nevada of the election season, and Mitt Romney …

Responding to Recession — Suddenly, the economic consensus seems to be that the implosion of the housing market will indeed push the U.S. economy into a recession, and that it's quite possible that we're already in one. As a result, over the next few weeks we'll be hearing a lot about plans for economic stimulus.

Financial advisers' No. 1 worry: A Democrat in the White House — Nothing worries financial advisers more than the prospect of a Democrat's being elected president in November, according to a quarterly poll by Brinker Capital Inc. — The fourth-quarter edition of the Brinker Barometer …

The Pork King Keeps His Crown — The new earmark disclosure rules put into effect by Congress confirm the pre-eminence of Representative John Murtha at procuring eye-popping chunks of pork for contractors he helped put in business in Johnstown, Pa. The Pennsylvania Democrat …

Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll: McCain Clings to Slim Lead in Michigan — Utica, New York - Arizona Sen. John McCain holds a slim lead over former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney heading into the Republican primary election in Michigan, a new Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll shows.

January 14, 2008 - Four-Way GOP Horse Race Among Florida Likely Voters, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Clinton Leads By 21 Points Among Democrats — Four candidates are running neck and neck in the Florida Republican presidential primary, while New York Sen. Hillary Clinton retains a 52 …
The Caucus

Escalating Ice Loss Found in Antarctica — Sheets Melting in an Area Once Thought to Be Unaffected by Global Warming — Climatic changes appear to be destabilizing vast ice sheets of western Antarctica that had previously seemed relatively protected from global warming, researchers reported yesterday …