Top Items:

BET Founder Slams Obama in South Carolina — COLUMBIA, S.C. — Robert L. Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television, who is campaigning today in South Carolina with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, just raised the specter of Barack Obama's past drug use.

McCain Rises in Fluid G.O.P.; Obama Gains on Electability — WASHINGTON — Republican voters have sharply altered their views of the party's presidential candidates following the early contests in Iowa and New Hampshire, with Senator John McCain, once widely written off …

PRESIDENTIAL TRIAL HEATS: WHO'S WEAKEST FOR G.O.P? — This weekend, CNN released results of general election trial heats, pitting each of the four leading Republican candidates for President against both of the leading Democrats. — The unmistakable message from this national exercise …
Riehl World View

NOT BEAN BAG — We seem to be at the point where there are now two credible possibilities. One is that the Clinton campaign is intentionally pursuing a strategy of using surrogates to hit Obama with racially-charged language or with charges that while not directly tied to race nonetheless play to stereotypes about black men.

‘Meet the Press’ transcript for Jan. 13, 2008 — MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday: Obama wins Iowa. — (Videotape): — SEN. BARACK OBAMA (D-IL): Thank you, Iowa. — MR. RUSSERT: Clinton wins New Hampshire. — (Videotape): — SEN. HILLARY CLINTON (D-NY) …

CBS Poll: McCain Surges To National Lead — On Democratic Side, Clinton Maintains Double-Digit Lead Over Obama — (CBS) Surging after his win in the New Hampshire primary, Arizona Sen. John McCain has come from behind to now lead the national Republican race, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll.

National Polls: Clinton And McCain Lead But More Contradictary Than Ever — A new ABC News/Washington Post poll reveals two things: Presidential campaign 2008 is a free for all- and Republican Senator John McCain and Democratic Senator Barack Obama are picking up steam in the battles for their parties' nominations.

Clinton backer appears to raise Obama's drug use — (CNN) - BET founder and prominent Hillary Clinton supporter Bob Johnson said Sunday he is ‘insulted’ with the Obama campaign's latest criticisms of Clinton, and appeared to take aim at the Illinois senator for his admitted drug use as a young man.

Clinton Surrogate Makes Veiled Reference to Obama's Drug Use — ABC News' Eloise Harper reports: Speaking in Columbia, S.C., BET founder Bob Johnson was introducing Clinton and made a veiled swipe at Barack Obama's past drug use. The last surrogate to talk about Obama and drugs …

It Has Begun... Hillary Takes Credit For Surge She Opposed!!
Hot Air, protein wisdom, Stop The ACLU, Blue Crab Boulevard and Irish Trojan in Tennessee

Obama Slams Clinton's ‘Meet’ Appearance
The Reaction, TalkLeft, Firedoglake, The Moderate Voice, Associated Press, MSNBC and Balloon Juice

CLINTON, OBAMA, IRAQ. — Just got this e-mail from the Clinton campaign: … On one level, this is true. Barack Obama did not step into the Senate and seek leadership in the anti-war movement. When Elizabeth Edwards said Obama's Senate record showed “a relatively complacent and go-along Senator,” she wasn't necessarily wrong.

He May Be Unwelcome, but We'll Survive — IN 1972, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, the publisher of The New York Times, was looking for a conservative columnist for his left-leaning Op-Ed page. — At a charity dinner, he wound up sitting next to William Safire, the Nixon White House speechwriter …

Paul supporters ‘freak out’ town clerk — Vote-counting flub draws ire, threats — January 12. — Jennifer Call's eyes searched the office for nothing in particular. Her arms waved and her fear spilled out. — “This is where I grew up,” Sutton's town clerk said yesterday.
Transterrestrial Musings

Defiant Levant republishes cartoons — Complaint from Muslims sparks rights hearing — Jim Young, Reuters File PhotoEzra Levant: “To me, this is offensive." — A controversial conservative commentator was unrepentant going into a Human Rights and Citizenship Commission hearing yesterday …

Mail-In Voters Become the Latest Prize — LOS ANGELES — The first Tuesday in February, when 22 states hold primaries, may turn out to be the biggest day of the presidential campaign. But for many voters, half or more in some states, the polling place will be the kitchen table …

Is Black The New Teflon? — The impression I've been getting lately is that every barb and criticism aimed at Obama is almost bound to be characterized as racist by Obama surrogates. — Isn't there something wrong when a candidate (or commentator) has to fear the racism card each …

Obama: Clinton rewrites history — Obama, during his endorsement from Claire McCaskill, accused Hillary of distorting her words and his and of trying to change her story on Iraq. — Here's the whole thing: … The Clinton campaign backed up Hillary's comments here.

Not-Much Shorter Jonah: “Tom Wolfe Likes It!” — Two of the recurring themes at Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism blog are that (I paraphrase) none of the liberal critics of the book have actually read it; and rather than engage its arguments, liberal critics dismiss the credentials of the author.