Top Items:

Heated Exchange At Romney Press Conference — From CBS News' Scott Conroy: — COLUMBIA, S.C. — There was an ice storm in South Carolina this morning, but it was even colder inside a Staples store where a Mitt Romney press conference suddenly went sour. — Romney was in the middle …

Romney clashes with reporter — Mitt Romney scolded a veteran campaign reporter in South Carolina today after being challenged on claims about lobbyists' involvement in the campaign. — Holding a news conference in front of the pen rack of a Columbia Staples store, Romney wanted to tout his “strategy for a stronger economy.”

Huckabee Going Off the Rails — Mike Huckabee joins Mitt Romney on my personal list of candidates for whom I would not vote even if the only alternative is Hillary Clinton (in which case I'll just sit home and complain). Why? — 1. From ImmigrationProfBlog:

Huckabee Directly Equates Homosexuality With Bestiality — At some point you'd think Mike Huckabee's views would be seen as so controversial that there's no way he could possibly be a contender for the nomination of one of America's two main political parties. — Especially now.
rubber hose, Comments from Left Field, Pam's House Blend, Fausta's blog, Attytood, Slog and AMERICAblog

Huckabee: Outsiders not welcome in Confederate flag decisions — MYRTLE BEACH, South Carolina (CNN) - Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told South Carolina voters Thursday that the government had no business making decisions over the Confederate flag. — “You don't like people from outside …

Joke leaves 'em gasping — Obama quip stuns Citizen of the West banquet crowd — A Greeley businessman apologized Wednesday after a joke about Illinois Sen. Barack Obama fell flat during the National Western Stock Show's annual Citizen of the West banquet.

Edwards Jabs Obama and Clinton — From CBS News' Aaron Lewis: — HENDERSON, NEV. — John Edwards ripped Barack Obama for praising the way Ronald Reagan brought about change when he was President of the United States. — “When you think about what Ronald Reagan did to the American people …

Ad: ‘Hillary Clinton is shameless’ — The radio ad aired by one of Obama's labor allies re-injects ethnicity into the Democratic primary contest in sharp terms. — “Hillary Clinton does not respect our people,” the ad says in Spanish (original and Clinton campaign translation after the jump) …

When Ross Perot Calls... The former presidential candidate blasts John McCain, and gets an education about Barack Obama's religion. — The phone rang and it was Ross Perot, who hasn't given an interview in years. Perot, who won 19 percent of the vote in the 1992 presidential election …

Gen. Tommy Franks Paid $100,000 To Endorse ‘F’ Veterans Charity — Congressional Investigators Say Only 25 Percent of Charity's Raised Funds Went to Vets — Retired U.S. Army Gen. Tommy Franks, who led the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, was paid $100,000 to endorse a veterans charity …

Happy Birthday, Monicagate! — AN ANNIVERSARY WE'D ALL RATHER FORGET. — The press loves anniversaries of big public events because they're predictable, a quality seldom found in the news. Coverage can be planned in advance. Stories can be written, laid out, and put to bed without …

No Ifs, Ands or Butts: Hitchens Calls It Quits — That bit of hell frozen over? Courtesy of raffish provocateur Christopher Hitchens, who's given up his beloved cigarettes — cold turkey. — In an interview with the Financial Times published last week, Hitchens casually announced he'd quit smoking …

Bylines of Brutality — As Casualties Mount, Some Question The Emotional Stability of Media Vets — An Iowahawk Special Investigative Report — With Statistical Guidance from the New York Times — A Denver newspaper columnist is arrested for stalking a story subject.

RJ says Romney, Clinton leading — The RJ, ever-fearful that the Internet-illiterate newspaper will be scooped on its own information by someone who knows about new media, put out its results early of its poll that will be released Friday. The RJ indicates in an email to subscribers shows …
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