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What Clinton wishes she could say — Why, ask many Democrats and media commentators, won't Hillary Rodham Clinton see the long odds against her, put her own ambitions aside, and gracefully embrace Barack Obama as the inevitable Democratic nominee? — Here is why: She and Bill Clinton …

12 reasons ‘bitter’ is bad for Obama — A Clinton comeback was looking far-fetched. But operatives in both parties were buzzing about that possibility Saturday following the revelation that Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) told wealthy San Franciscans that small-town Pennsylvanians and Midwesterners …

Barack's New Deal — Over at Powerline, there is an interesting post …
American Spectator

Forget It. It's Chinatown... Big Lizards Breaking Bombshell News! — The most iconic photograph from the riots attending the torch-bearing ceremony, the one that has every tongue wagging, is surely this one: A Tibetan supporter violently assaulting a wheelchair-bound woman carrying the torch through Paris.

Bill Clinton, China linked via his foundation — A firm that has donated to the president's charity is accused of collaborating with the government in its crackdown on Tibetan activists. Hillary Clinton has spoken out against China's actions. — NEW YORK — As Chinese authorities …

Dancing fools — I was very sorry to be missing this, as I'm out of DC for the weekend, but not as sorry as I am now—someone just got arrested. — The background: twenty people were at the Jefferson Memorial, dancing to the private groove of their own iPods so as not to disturb anyone.
The American Scene, Publius Endures, J.D. Talley, The Agitator, TigerHawk and Below The Beltway

Carter Will Not Endorse Until The Convention — ABC News' Mary Bruce Reports: Former President Jimmy Carter confirmed in an exclusive “This Week” interview with George Stephanopoulos that he will not be endorsing any time soon. “The only thing I know is that, I have not made an endorsement …

It's Obama, stupid: Carter and Gore to end Clinton bid — DEMOCRAT grandees Jimmy Carter and Al Gore are being lined-up to deliver the coup de grâce to Hillary Clinton and end her campaign to become president. — Falling poll numbers and a string of high-profile blunders …

“Dr. Phil” Staff Bails Out Girl Jailed for YouTube Beating — The TV talk show Dr. Phil McGraw confirmed on Saturday the fact that its staff bailed out of Florida jail one of the girls involved in the violent video posted on YouTube. The video depicted several teen girls beating one of their classmates while filming her.
The Moderate Voice, skippy the bush kangaroo, Wake up America, Macsmind, Hot Air and

Joking students called on the carpet — The pair at Colorado College are rebuked over a feminist-newsletter parody seen as threatening. — A satirical response to a feminist publication at Colorado College has landed the college and two of its students in the middle of a fierce debate over freedom of speech.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright criticizes media at Eugene Pincham funeral — The Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., former pastor of Barack Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ, has kept a low profile since some of his sermons landed him in the middle of a political firestorm.

Mary Matalin: Cheney is brilliant and People are sick of Bush bashing stuff — While talking about possible VP's on Meet the Press, Lady MacCheney praises her ex-boss by having the audacity to say Dick Cheney is brilliant because he overstepped his authority and turned the VP's office into a Co-Presidency.
Think Progress

FOR IT, BEFORE SHE WAS AGAINST IT — Theda Skocpol writes in ...

'I don't even know who Petraeus and Crocker are.' — The Washington Post writes that “few Iraqis paid much attention” to the testimonies of Gen. David Petraeus and Amb. Ryan Crocker: … “I don't even know who Petraeus and Crocker are,” said 31-year old shop owner Yasser Kadhoum al-Khafaji.

Pope will pray for terrorists at Ground Zero — The Pope will pray for the redemption of Islamic terrorists when he visits the site of the September 11 attacks in New York next week. — The pontiff will call for terrorists to convert to Christianity, saying: “Turn to Your way of love …
The Belmont Club