Top Items:

What Clinton wishes she could say — Why, ask many Democrats and media commentators, won't Hillary Rodham Clinton see the long odds against her, put her own ambitions aside, and gracefully embrace Barack Obama as the inevitable Democratic nominee? — Here is why: She and Bill Clinton …

Bill Clinton Flashback: “All These Economically Insecure White People...Are Scared To Death” — As the rumination continues over Barack Obama's comments about economically-depressed small town voters, statements made by Bill Clinton on the same topic — uttered while he was running for president in 1991 — have now surfaced.

Barack Obama, for leadership — All of the myriad issues facing the next president of the United States coalesce into a single question: Who can best lead? — For Pennsylvania Democrats, the best answer in the April 22 primary is Barack Obama. — In a nomination campaign that has defied convention …
Bitter Voters For Obama

Carl Bernstein's View: A Hillary Clinton presidency — What will a Hillary Clinton presidency look like? — The answer by now seems obvious: It will look like her presidential campaign, which in turn looks increasingly like the first Clinton presidency. — Which is to say, high-minded ideals …

Bill Clinton on Obama's ‘Bitter’ Comment — ABC News' Sarah Amos reports: When former President Bill Clinton took the stage in Bloomsburg, Pa., early this afternoon he wasted no time before mentioning Sen. Barack Obama's now infamous remarks about rural America.

Obama's vision is reason to nominate him — Pennsylvania's Democratic voters on April 22 will choose between two candidates in the presidential primary. Both are qualified to become the nation's chief executive. They have more similarities than differences.

Obama turns tables on Clinton — STEELTON, Penn. - Democrat Barack Obama lashed out Sunday at rival Hillary Rodham Clinton, mocking her vocal support for gun rights and saying her record in the Senate and as first lady belied her stated commitment to working class voters and their concerns.

Clinton Says Obama's ‘Bitter’ Remark Could Cost Party General Election — ABC News' Eloise Harper Reports: Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., took the opportunity to capitalize on her rivals comments that people in small towns are “bitter” for the third day in a row.

‘Not relevant’ last time I went to church, fired gun — SCRANTON, Pennsylvania (CNN) - After a weekend spent making direct appeals to gun owners and church goers, Hillary Clinton said Sunday a query about the last time she fired a gun or attended church services “is not a relevant question in this debate” …
Power Line, The Swamp, The Daily Dish, Ben Smith's Blogs, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, Oliver Willis, Cliff Schecter …, The Page, AMERICAblog and Balloon Juice

Clinton Portrays Herself as a Pro-Gun Churchgoer
The Fix, JustOneMinute, Comments from Left Field, Doug Ross, Political Punch, Ankle Biting Pundits and ScrappleFace

Obama Allies Avoid Trying to Explain Most Controversial Part of His Remarks — As Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and his allies have locked into damage control mode and attempted to explain his controversial remarks about small-town Pennsylvanians, they've attempted to focus their pushback away …

James Carville, Bob Shrum, Mary Matalin, Mike Murphy — MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday: In just nine days, the Pennsylvania primary. Then, on May 6th, showdowns in Indiana and North Carolina. Obama and Clinton, another heated exchange. — SEN. HILLARY CLINTON (D-NY) …

Rev. Jeremiah Wright criticizes media at Eugene Pincham funeral — The Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., former pastor of Barack Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ, has kept a low profile since some of his sermons landed him in the middle of a political firestorm.
Gateway Pundit, Doug Ross, Patterico's Pontifications, Hot Air, NO QUARTER, baldilocks, Flopping Aces and Political Radar

Hillary Clinton's Booze Adviser — While I have enjoyed writing columns here at The Moderate Voice in the short time since Joe Gandelman invited me, I feel it only fair to give warning to both the Editor and our readers that I may be moving on to a new position which could stop me from doing this.

Bottoms Up: Just Another Saturday Night For Clinton? …
Below The Beltway

National Security Adviser Hadley Confuses Tibet And Nepal — This morning on ABC's This Week, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley repeatedly confused Tibet and Nepal while discussing President Bush's decision to attend the Olympics. At least 8 different times, Hadley said “Nepal” …