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Gallup Daily: Obama 51%, Clinton 40% — Both Democratic candidates have 46% to 44% margins over McCain — PRINCETON, NJ — Barack Obama is maintaining his lead over Hillary Clinton among Democrats nationally in the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking, with a 51% to 40% margin in the April 12-14 average.
The Moderate Voice, TPM Election Central, The New Republic, The Daily Dish, Wonkette, Salon and Donklephant

What Obama Really Got Wrong — Timothy Noah, surveying the literature on the white working class and its voting behavior in the wake of Obama's San Francisco fiasco, tiptoes close to an important point about the roots of culture-war politics but doesn't quite get there.

Woe Is He — Barack Obama's going to be the bitter one at the end of this. — Some liberal commentators have downplayed the effect of Barack Obama's fundraising speech at a San Francisco fundraiser last week. But that's wishful thinking. Along with the revelations about Obama's pastor Jeremiah Wright …

Some Perspective on ‘Bitter’ — Maybe Barack Obama felt he couldn't afford to give the correct answer. — He was asked at a fund-raiser in San Francisco about his campaign's experiences in the run-up to next week's Democratic primary in Pennsylvania. One of the main problems, of course …
Rachel Lucas, JustOneMinute, Boston Globe, Washington Post, The Mahablog, Hot Air, MSNBC and Media Blog

Clinton losing traction over Obama in Pennsylvania, Indiana — Her formerly double-digit lead is now just a five-point margin in Pennsylvania, survey finds. The reduced margin makes a win for her there less significant. She trails Obama among Hoosiers. — WASHINGTON — With three …

Poll: If Primary Held Week Early, Clinton Would Win By Double-Digits — If the Pennsylvania primary to select a Democratic nominee for president were held Tuesday, a week before the actual primary, Hillary Rodham Clinton would defeat Barack Obama by double-digit figures, a new SurveyUSA poll found.

Clinton Stalls Obama, Holds 6-Point Pennsylvania Lead, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Many Clinton Dems Would Back Mccain Over Obama — New York Sen. Hillary Clinton has stalled Illinois Sen. Barack Obama's drive in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary and holds a 50 …

Upcoming: New L.A. Times/Bloomberg polls for Pennsylvania, N.C. and Indiana — Pollsters for the L.A. Times and Bloomberg have been in the field in the three states that will next shape the careening Democratic presidential race, and the results will be welcomed by the recently battered and bruised Barack Obama campaign.

On Cable, Obama Deluges Pa. with Ads — As the Democratic candidates for president close in on Pennsylvania primary day, Sen. Barack Obama continues to vastly outspend Sen. Hillary Clinton on television advertising in the state, an imbalance that is allowing him to pursue voters on specialty channels …

MORE PA POLLS — Yesterday we reported on the ARG poll showing …

Remarks By John McCain On The Economy — ARLINGTON, VA — U.S. Senator John McCain will deliver the following remarks as prepared for delivery at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, today at 9:45 a.m. EDT: — Thank you. I appreciate the hospitality of the Allegheny Business Conference …

Return of the pin — As a reader noticed, Obama was sporting the much-debated flag pin for his speech to veterans today. — UPDATE: The pin was given to Obama by a disabled vet at the event.
The Page

On MSNBC, Brzezinski and Novotny falsely asserted McCain's gas tax plan would eliminate “20 percent of the cost” … On the 9 a.m. ET hour of MSNBC Live, host Mika Brzezinski said that Sen. John McCain “will lay out a new plan to help Americans deal with high gas prices.
The New Republic

LOYALTIES IN PLAY....Compare and contrast. In the LA Times, Jerome Karabel reminds us that lifelong political loyalties tend to be cemented during your 20s, which means that Democrats are playing with fire if they don't nominate Barack Obama: … Next up is Amanda Fortini …

Why Hillary Clinton's Slash-and-Burn Politics May Hurt Her More Than Obama
Middle Earth Journal

J Street — Here's an exciting development — J Street, a new, progressive, Israel- and Mideast-focused organization has launched. The main idea behind the outfit is to address the paradox that most Jewish Americans have liberals views on the issues, including such matters as West Bank settlements …

Clinton Rates Slim Edge Over Obama in PA District Delegate Race — Is Barack Obama trailing Hillary Rodham Clinton in Pennsylvania by double digit percentages? Or has he closed the gap to single digits, as recent polls suggest? Could he even win the April 22 primary …

At McLean School, Playing Tag Turns Into Hot Potato — A playground pastime is getting a timeout this spring at a McLean elementary school. — Robyn Hooker, principal of Kent Gardens Elementary School, has told students they may no longer play tag during recess after determining that the game of chasing …

It's Official: Bush Is Objectively The Most Hated President In History — Congratulations to George W. Bush and the Republican Party for another historic milestone set by the Great Leader: … And the Torturer-in-Chief/Loser-of-Two- Wars has another 8 months to pad his record. Why all the BDS?

Long-lost article by Obama's dad surfaces — Barack Obama's dad was such an important but absent figure in his life that he devoted his first book, Dreams From My Father, to the search for details about his father's life and how the quest helped forge a son's identity.

Cling V. Bitter, Elitist V. Snob — I agree with Rich entirely. I don't mind him saying that small town blue collar workers are bitter over lost jobs. I think that's objectively true in some cases and perfectly defensible as a general statement. The offending word here is “cling.”