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Obama: Let's campaign, not have more debates — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Sen. Barack Obama on Thursday suggested he doesn't see any point in having another debate with Democratic rival Sen. Hillary Clinton. — Clinton has agreed to a debate next week, but Obama has not yet accepted the invitation.
Wizbang Blue, Stop The ACLU, The Huffington Post, Taylor Marsh,, Hot Air and The Reaction

OBAMA FINGERS A ‘GOTCHA’ DEBATE — Sen. Barack Obama was on the stump today in Raleigh, N.C., the day after his debate in Philadelphia with Sen. Hillary Clinton. Have a look at his body language when he spoke of the sort of debate it was — a “gotcha” fest — and about Clinton being “in her element.”

Barack and the bomber — If we're judged by those with whom we associate, here's a question: — Would you rather be associated with a '60s radical who plotted to bomb the Pentagon and to this day believes, as he said a few years ago, “I don't regret setting bombs; I feel we didn't do enough …
New York Times, The American Mind, alicublog, The Corner, JustOneMinute and Gateway Pundit

Hillary Clinton ‘rescues’ Colbert Report — PHILADELPHIA—Unsuccessful in his attempt to become a presidential candidate in his native South Carolina, comedy show host Stephen Colbert was forced to rely on the — “expertise” of Sen. Hillary Clinton during a taping of tonight's “Colbert Report.”
Ben Smith's Blogs

George Stephanopoulos Responds To Obama, Defends Handling Of Debate — At some point amid the hailstorm of criticism that greeted ABC's handling of yesterday's Dem debate, moderator George Stephanopoulos received an email — one of the many, many missives about the debate he's received — from an Obama adviser.

On Saturday Night Live, (Fake) Hillary Told (Fake) Obama To ‘Man Up.’ After Last Night...

Obama Criticizes Debate, Says Hillary “Looked In Her Element”

For senior, abortion a medium for art, political discourse — Art major Aliza Shvarts '08 wants to make a statement. — Beginning next Tuesday, Shvarts will be displaying her senior art project, a documentation of a nine-month process during which she artificially inseminated herself …
Washington Post, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, The XX Factor, The Corner, Redstate, Gawker, Hot Air, TownHall Blog, Majikthise, Vox Popoli and Cassy Fiano

Aliza Shvarts: Abortion Goo Girl Rants Against the “Patriarchal Heteronormative” — [Note: Yale now claims this was all a hoax. See below.] — [Note: Yale Advisor removes video from YouTube. See below.] — VIDEO UPDATE: Like cockroaches running for the den when the lights go on …
Cassy Fiano, Rachel Lucas, The XX Factor,, protein wisdom, TownHall Blog and The Jawa Report

Yale: Student's Art Project Only ‘Creative Fiction’ — A Yale student's bizarre art project in which she claimed to have repeatedly impregnated and induced abortions in herself is a work of “creative fiction,” the university said in a statement this afternoon.

Yale Student Engages in Shocking Self-Induced Abortion Art Display
Reason Magazine

Dean: I need a decision ‘now’ — (CNN)— An increasingly firm Howard Dean told CNN again Thursday that he needs superdelegates to say who they're for - and “I need them to say who they're for starting now.” — “We cannot give up two or three months of active campaigning and healing time …

Democratic Operative Takes on McCain's Age — Despite a recent promise from Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean not to make Sen. John McCain's age — he turns 72 in August — an issue in the presidential campaign, a senior Democratic operative has started a new website designed to draw attention to just that fact.

This horrible “debate” — As mentioned earlier, family concerns (my father) have trumped other concerns for quite a while. Among various consequences, and in the cosmic sense a trivial one, is the list of items building up that I am looking for a chance to weigh in on …

Dirt off Your Shoulder — This business is pretty cool. Somewhere between a dog whistle to the kids and a reverse Sister Souljah. Check out Obama at 2:20: — And now Jay-Z: — Good stuff, thought I guess rap scold Douthat wouldn't approve.

You Gotta Get (Get) That (That) Dirt Off Your Shoulder — Starting at 2:20, bear witness to perhaps the coolest subliminal cultural reference in the history of American politics. — Brooklyn, stand up!
The Huffington Post

Huge War Supplemental in Works — The House Democratic leadership is close to finalizing a decision to combine all outstanding Bush administration requests for war funding — totaling at least $170 billion — into one huge bill, according to lawmakers and aides.

U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick — Representing North Carolina's Ninth District — Rep. Myrick Calls for Former President Jimmy Carter's Passport to be Revoked — (Washington, D.C.) - Today, Rep. Sue Myrick (NC-9) called on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to revoke former President Jimmy Carter's passport.

Would A Dem Say This? — Would a Democrat say: — There's really no difference between what happened in the Bush years and the Clinton years; that there's not much difference in how small-town Pennsylvania fared when Clinton was president, and in this decade when Bush was President.
Tom Watson, Anglachel's Journal, MyDD, CANNONFIRE, Booman Tribune and The Democratic Daily

The Two Wars in Iraq & Mistaken Republican Support for Obama — [T]he root function of language is to control the universe by describing it. —James Baldwin. — Bush screwed the pooch in Iraq. There is a good argument to be made that we should not have invaded in the first place.

Bill Clinton: No ‘Whining’ from Hillary — ABC News' Sarah Amos Reports: Former President Bill Clinton says he didn't see his wife “whining” when she's taken some tough political shots on the presidential campaign trail. — “When I watched that debate last night, I got kinda tickled,” …