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The Low Road to Victory — The Pennsylvania campaign, which produced yet another inconclusive result on Tuesday, was even meaner, more vacuous, more desperate, and more filled with pandering than the mean, vacuous, desperate, pander-filled contests that preceded it.
The Moderate Voice, The Corner, Washington Wire, Balloon Juice, Swampland, protein wisdom, Spin Cycle, Boston Globe, Shakesville, Sister Toldjah, Gawker, Hot Air, Matthew Yglesias, The Plank,, MSNBC, The Washington Note, Guardian Unlimited, CANNONFIRE, Real Clear Politics, Salon, Top of the Ticket, The American Conservative, Buck Naked Politics, The Huffington Post, Comedy Central, No More Mister Nice Blog, American Street, The Strata-Sphere, Connecting.the.Dots, ABCNEWS, TalkLeft, TPMCafe, Marc Ambinder, Hotline On Call, Daily Kos, The Mahablog, Commentary, and Gallup

In Oklahoma: Henry backs Obama — Gov. Brad Henry, who said earlier he would not endorse a Democratic presidential candidate until this summer's national convention, announced this morning he is supporting Barack Obama. — The endorsement means Obama, a U.S. senator from Illinois …
Matthew Yglesias, Political Machine, The Page, Donklephant, Political Punch and The Field

Obama Shifting Focus From Clinton to McCain — EVANSVILLE, Ind. — Senator Barack Obama opened the next phase of his presidential campaign here Tuesday evening, seeking to turn his focus away from Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and persuade party leaders that time is running out for Democrats …

News Analysis: The Bruising Will Go on for the Party, Too — For better or worse — and many Democrats fear it is for worse — the race goes on. — Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton defeated Senator Barack Obama in Pennsylvania on Tuesday by enough of a margin to continue a battle …
Discussion:, Althouse, MSNBC, NO QUARTER, New York Magazine, Tennessee Guerilla Women, Liberal Values, PoliGazette, The Huffington Post and The Page

Obama's Gloves Are Off — And May Need to Stay Off — Unable once again to score a knockout, Sen. Barack Obama is likely to make his new negative tone even more negative — with a sharp eye on trying to end the Democratic presidential nomination fight after the May 6 primaries in Indiana and North Carolina.
TownHall Blog, TPM Election Central,, The Page, The Moderate Voice and Political Machine

Superdelegates For Obama — Sooner? — Could Obama's defeat last night actually speed up the process of superdelegates declaring themselves in favor of Obama? Maybe. Here's the logic. Superdelegates are smart, and their decision-making is governed by their answers to at least four different questions …

TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE — HILLARY'S PENNSYLVANIA WIN — Hillary Clinton refuses to die. Having been given up for dead after losing Iowa, she rebounded in New Hampshire. Then a string of 11 straight consecutive losses - followed by a win in Ohio and a tie (in delegates) in Texas.

Clinton Clearly Outduels Obama in Pennsylvania — Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton scored a decisive victory over Senator Barack Obama on Tuesday in the Pennsylvania primary, giving her candidacy a critical boost as she struggles to raise money and persuade party leaders to let the Democratic nominating fight go on.
MSNBC, QandO, The Carpetbagger Report, The Caucus, American Street, Harry's Place, PunditGuy, ScrappleFace and BBC

McCain's Stalking Horse? — If Hillary can't win the nomination—and it's clearly very, very hard for her—she's basically a stalking horse for McCain. She's preparing the demographic ground for McCain, by getting white working-class Democrats used to (if you will) not voting for Obama.

Why Clinton won Pennsylvania
The Huffington Post, ABCNEWS, Washington Post, The Carpetbagger Report, Outside The Beltway and marbury

Clinton's win in Pa. leaves Obama battered, party reeling

Breaking News (Updated): Ron Paul surges in Pa. — While some people pay attention to the alleged contest between Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (and she won big), almost unnoticed is the Republican primary. — Many people think Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain has won the GOP nomination.

THE FRIENDS OF BARACK OBAMA, PART 1 — When Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer decided to retire in 1995, she hand-picked local left-winger Barack Obama as her successor. In order to introduce Obama to influential liberals in the district, she held a function at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.
Discussion:, The Jawa Report, The Campaign Spot, Hot Air, Dr. Melissa Clouthier,, Pajamas Media and PrestoPundit

The Ayers-Dohrn 2007 Audio — Mark Steyn and James Lileks …
Sigmund, Carl and Alfred

Dead actor Roy Scheider donates to Barack Obama campaign anyway — Sen. Barack Obama does come from the Chicago school of politics, where historically voter turnout has been unusually high for residents of certain graveyards. And he has been unusually successful raising money.
Power Line

CIA to describe North Korea-Syria nuclear ties — Officials will tell Congress members this week that North Korea was helping Syria build a reactor last year when it was destroyed by an Israeli airstrike, a U.S. official says. — WASHINGTON — CIA officials will tell Congress on Thursday …
The Lede

Wilting Over Waffles — He's never going to shake her off. — Not all by himself. — The very fact that he can't shake her off has become her best argument against him. “Why can't he close the deal?” Hillary taunted at a polling place on Tuesday. — She's been running ads about it …
TalkLeft, Cheat Seeking Missiles, Publius Pundit, Whiskey Fire, Prairie Weather,, Althouse and Brendan Nyhan

Lynchings in Congo as penis theft panic hits capital — KINSHASA (Reuters) - Police in Congo have arrested 13 suspected sorcerers accused of using black magic to steal or shrink men's penises after a wave of panic and attempted lynchings triggered by the alleged witchcraft.

STATUS QUO ANTE — Lots of spin coming from both campaigns tonight. I'd say the real story is that this leaves us basically where we were. It was a decisive win for Hillary but that was the expectation. Going into tonight I think the dividing line was about 8 points.

GREEN & SMART — EARTH-SAVING DONE RIGHT — I HAVEN'T been able to get very excited about the big global-warming debate - but I am excited about some solutions to global warming. These are just as worthwhile even if you don't believe that human-created climate change is a big problem, or even a reality.