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The Low Road to Victory — The Pennsylvania campaign, which produced yet another inconclusive result on Tuesday, was even meaner, more vacuous, more desperate, and more filled with pandering than the mean, vacuous, desperate, pander-filled contests that preceded it.

EXIT POLLS: Negative Campaign Tarnishes Clinton, Obama — Preliminary Exit Polls Show Few Last-Minute Deciders in Pennsylvania Primary — Despite all the down-to-the-wire campaigning, preliminary exit poll results indicate that nearly eight in 10 Pennsylvania voters made up their minds …
Weekly Standard Blog, Marc Ambinder, The Caucus, CNN, SurveyUSA, Buck Naked Politics, Open Left, The Page,, The Reaction, The Gun Toting Liberal™, The Raw Story, Gateway Pundit, Spin Cycle, TalkLeft, American Spectator, American Power, Donklephant, Commentary and Patterico's Pontifications

On the Verge of a Stunner in Pennsylvania? — Hold on to your hats. I've gotten the usual word of the exit poll results from one of my usual reliable sources. He notes that Obama traditionally over-performs in the earliest exit polls, and that he expects the numbers to change as the night wears on - perhaps a reversal.
The New Republic, The Strata-Sphere, Irish Trojan in Tennessee, Comments from Left Field, MyDD and Obsidian Wings

LIVE BLOGGING PENNSYLVANIA EXIT POLLS AND VOTE RETURNS — I will be live-blogging here starting very soon on what the exit polls will have to tell us about the exit polls. More details to follow, but please feel free to use this as an open-thread on what is appearing on the net and elsewhere on the exit polls.
Open Left, Election Inspection, Weekly Standard Blog,, American Street, The Field, Salon, Booman Tribune, Talking Points Memo, Marc Ambinder, US Presidential race 2008 real …, Daily Kos, Irish Trojan in Tennessee, Althouse, Crooks and Liars, Ben Smith's Blogs and Hullabaloo

Dems Fight On; Clinton Wins PA Primary — Despite Delegate Lead, Obama Can't Seem To Lock Up Democratic Nomination — Sen. Hillary Clinton has won the Pennsylvania primary vote as expected, ABC News has projected. — Clinton has led polls in the state, and her win now fuels questions …
New York Times, MSNBC, TownHall Blog, CBS News, The Democratic Daily, The Trail, US Politics, Political Radar, skippy the bush kangaroo, Pajamas Media, QandO, Gawker, Trailwatch, The Moderate Voice, Redstate, Washington Times, Classical Values, Los Angeles Times, Donklephant and The Corner

Clinton Outduels Obama in Primary — Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton scored a decisive victory over Senator Barack Obama on Tuesday in the Pennsylvania primary, giving her candidacy a critical boost as she struggles to raise money and persuade party leaders to let the Democratic nominating fight go on.

Clinton on Obama: “Why Can"t He Close the Deal? " — From CBS News' Fernando Suarez: — CONSHOHOCKEN, PA. — Hillary Clinton said if Barack Obama does not win Pennsylvania despite his huge campaign war chest, people ought to ask the question, “Why can't he close the deal?”
The Moderate Voice, TalkLeft, No More Mister Nice Blog, Spin Cycle, Taylor Marsh, The Democratic Daily and The Page

Who Wins? Both, And Neither — The bottom line for tonight: both fields of spin have within them a few grains of truth. It's still likely that Obama wins the nomination, and it's true that his pledged delegate lead will still be in excess of 150 when tonight ends; it's true that Clinton …
The New Republic

The Bruising Will Go On for the Party — For better or worse — and many Democrats fear it is for worse — the race goes on. — Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton defeated Senator Barack Obama in Pennsylvania on Tuesday by enough of a margin to continue a battle that Democrats increasingly believe …

Lynchings in Congo as penis theft panic hits capital — KINSHASA (Reuters) - Police in Congo have arrested 13 suspected sorcerers accused of using black magic to steal or shrink men's penises after a wave of panic and attempted lynchings triggered by the alleged witchcraft.

THE FRIENDS OF BARACK OBAMA, PART 1 — When Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer decided to retire in 1995, she hand-picked local left-winger Barack Obama as her successor. In order to introduce Obama to influential liberals in the district, she held a function at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.
Pajamas Media

McCain's Peak? — Even with the Democratic Party locked in a fierce civil war, John McCain still hasn't pulled ahead of either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama in national polls. — The Democratic primary campaign - divisive, bitter, and seemingly endless - has made many Republicans optimistic …
The New Republic, Real Clear Politics, Comments from Left Field, Hot Air, Roger L. Simon, GINA COBB and Media Blog

Wilting Over Waffles — He's never going to shake her off. — Not all by himself. — The very fact that he can't shake her off has become her best argument against him. “Why can't he close the deal?” Hillary taunted at a polling place on Tuesday. — She's been running ads about it …

A Note On Pledged Delegates — As NBC's Chuck Todd points out tonight, Clinton's chances of winning the nomination based on pledged delegates is effectively over tonight. — If Obama keeps his pledged delegate lead to around 150, Clinton needs to win 70% of them on May 6 — and if not, 80% of them after May 6.

Obama's Speech From Indiana — Barack Obama will be speaking shortly from Indiana. I will put highlights here. — Barack and Michelle are dressed in black. Mellencamp is playing. Reportedly, Mellencamp has not endorsed Obama and will be playing at an event for both candidates in a few weeks.

The Near-Triumph Of Rovism — It's worth recalling what this primary came to be about, because of a self-conscious decision by the Clintons to adopt the tactics and politics of the people who persecuted and hounded them in the 1990s. It was indeed in the end about smearing and labeling Obama as a far-left …