Top Items:

Powerful Video of Ugly Sexist Vilification of Hillary Clinton — Sexism is alive and well in America. — One exit poll I saw had almost twice as many voters having trouble voting for a woman for president than voting for a black man. — The New York Times had a long piece about a future woman president today, Kate Zernike writes:

As Clinton chances wane, old slights come due — Some prominent Democrats recall past grievances — WASHINGTON - When Democratic superdelegate Jim Cooper, a Tennessee congressman, pondered the choice between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, his thoughts wandered back to 1993.

Better messaging please — Man, I really don't want to step into this but it just really bothers me. Yes, the blatant sexism in this Youtube is horrible. It's unfair, but so is the central message the video seems to be conveying, at least to me. — I'm hearing that I should be blaming Obama for not solving sexism.

Clinton: ‘Think about this as a hiring decision’ — (CNN) — Despite Sen. Barack Obama's commanding lead in the delegate count, Sen. Hillary Clinton campaigned hard Sunday, telling voters she's “running for the toughest job in the world.” — Clinton spent her weekend in Kentucky, which …

She Just Might Be President Someday — If not her, who? — Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton may or may not become the first female president of the United States, but if fate and voters deny her the role, another woman will surely see if the mantle fits. — That woman will come from the South, or west of the Mississippi.
Liberal Values, The Mahablog, JustOneMinute, Swampland, Open Left, No More Mister Nice Blog and Althouse

And The Democratic Primary Campaign Battle Goes On (UPDATED)
Comments from Left Field

75,000 ATTEND OBAMA RALLY IN PORTLAND — From NBC's Mark Hudspeth — Per the Obama campaign, 75,000 people (60,000 in the gates and 15,000 outside of them) turned out in Portland to hear Obama speak there this afternoon — making it the largest Obama crowd to date.

Obama Draws Record Crowd in Oregon — An estimated 75,000 gathered on the banks of the Willamette River in Portland on Sunday to see Barack Obama. — “Wow! Wow! Wow!” were his first words, as he surveyed the multitude, which included people in kayaks and small pleasure craft on the river.
Group News Blog

Another top McCain official resigns — Former Rep. Thomas G. Loeffler, a Texan who is among the McCain campaign's most important advisers and fundraisers, has resigned as a national co-chair over lobbying entanglements, a Republican source told Politico on Sunday.
Comments from Left Field, Balloon Juice, Blue Girl, Red State, Obsidian Wings, RADAMISTO and The Other McCain

Annoyed at lobbyist issue, McCain camp plays Ayers card — Aggravated over persistent questions surrounding their new policy on lobbyists working for the campaign, Team McCain sought to change the topic tonight by raising Barack Obama's ties to a 60s-era radical.

Mccain vs. Lobbyists
Marc Ambinder, DownWithTyranny!, Political Punch, Open Left, Booman Tribune, The Carpetbagger Report, Think Progress, Emptywheel and Wonk Room

U.S. General Apologizes for Desecration of Koran — BAGHDAD — The commander of United States troops in Baghdad asked local leaders and tribal sheiks this weekend for their forgiveness after the discovery that a soldier had used a Koran for target practice at a shooting range.

U.S. soldier uses Quran for target practice; military apologizes — BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — A soldier used the Quran — Islam's holy book — for target practice, forcing the chief U.S. commander in Baghdad to issue a formal apology on Saturday. — Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Hammond …
Jihad Watch, Hot Air, JammieWearingFool, Gateway Pundit, Los Angeles Times, RADAMISTO, Atlas Shrugs and VetVoice

May 18: Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA), political roundtable — MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday, John Edwards endorses Barack Obama after Hillary Clinton's landslide victory in West Virginia. The next battle for the Democrats: Tuesday in Oregon and Kentucky. John McCain outlines his priorities for a first term.

President Bush Attends World Economic Forum — Sharm el Sheikh International Congress Center — THE PRESIDENT: Klaus, thank you very much. Thanks for inviting me. Klaus said, it's about time you showed up. Proud to be here. Laura and I are so honored that, Klaus, you gave us a chance to come.

Obama To Spend Tues. Night in Iowa, Possibly Will Claim Victory — Barack Obama will return to Iowa Tuesday night. The New York Times says it may be to “claim victory” and declare himself the Democratic nominee. His campaign views winning a majority of 2025 pledged and unpledged delegates victory.

Shoot the messenger — You may recall, from early last year, a riveting documentary from the British TV network Channel 4. Undercover Mosque showed preachers at some of the most “moderate” mosques in Britain urging their congregants to beat their wives, toss homosexuals off cliffs, etc.