Top Items:

McCain Camp Pounces on Obama Comments From ABC News Interview — The campaign of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., tonight pounced on comments Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., made in an interview today with ABC News. — This was the exchange in question. — TAPPER: Speaking of the Supreme Court …

Contempt Of Courts — The day after the Supreme Court ruled that detainees imprisoned at Guantanamo are entitled to seek habeas corpus hearings, John McCain called it “one of the worst decisions in the history of this country.” Well. — Does it rank with Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) …

McCain camp: ‘Naïve’ Obama has ‘Sept. 10 mindset’ — The campaign of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Tuesday accused Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) of being “naïve” and “representing the perfect manifestation of a Sept. 10 mindset” in his approach …

Report Questions Pentagon Accounts — Officials Looked Into Interrogation Methods Early On — A Senate investigation has concluded that top Pentagon officials began assembling lists of harsh interrogation techniques in the summer of 2002 for use on detainees at Guantanamo Bay …

The Supreme Court Goes to War — Last week's Supreme Court decision in Boumediene v. Bush has been painted as a stinging rebuke of the administration's antiterrorism policies. From the celebrations on most U.S. editorial pages, one might think that the court had stopped a dictator from trampling civil liberties.
Discussion:, New York Times, neo-neocon, The Progress Report, Right Wing News, Althouse, FP Passport and

Pin at the GOP state convention in Texas: “If Obama is President... will we still call it the White House?” — Expect the Republican party to do absolutely nothing about the racists in its own midst. The national Republican party in Washington has contacts all the time with its state parties.

67% Support Offshore Drilling, 64% Expect it Will Lower Prices — Most voters favor the resumption of offshore drilling in the United States and expect it to lower prices at the pump, even as John McCain has announced his support for states that want to explore for oil and gas off their coasts.

Haditha Watch: Charges dismissed against Lt. Col. Chessani — Fight the smears. Call John “Cold-blooded” Murtha for comment: 202-225-2065. — Note: As of 1:40pm Eastern, you will not find the Haditha story on the front page of the NYTimes website. — Told you to watch out for this yesterday.

Put Your Right Wing In, Take Your Left Wing Out — If John McCain keeps dancing like this, he's liable to break a hip. — Last month, he shimmied to the left on energy policy, infuriating conservatives with a plan to cap carbon emissions. Yesterday, he shuffled back to the right …

N.C. Poll: McCain Leads Obama 45-41 — Both Candidates Improve Standing with Base — Raleigh, NC - After solidifying the Democratic nomination for President, Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) has pulled to within four points of Republican nominee Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) in North Carolina according …

Leader of the Pack — AS the Democratic primaries revealed, Barack Obama is having a hard time winning the support of blue-collar voters. — So here's a piece of strategic advice for the candidate: Lose the Nicorette. Light up instead. — Consider these statistics, culled from studies of smoking patterns.
The Democratic Daily

Fifth severed foot found on Canadian coast — (CNN) — A severed human foot was found washed up on an island on the western coast of Canada this week, the fifth detached foot found in the area in the past 11 months, according to local police and media reports.

Targeting Steny Hoyer for his contempt for the rule of law — (updated below) — It is now definitively clear that House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is the driving force behind a bill — written by GOP Sen. Kit Bond — to vest the President with vast new warrantless eavesdropping powers and to vest lawbreaking telecoms with amnesty.

In China, Fascination With Obama's Skin Color — America may be discussing whether Barack Obama is tough enough to field a 3 a.m. phone call, but for the Chinese Communist Party's official newspaper, the real issue is his race. — “Obama's skin color is the biggest focal point of this year's U.S. election …

FIRST THOUGHTS: GORE-ACLE FINALLY SPEAKS — From Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, and Domenico Montanaro — *** The Gore-acle finally speaketh: For months, the question wasn't if Al Gore was going to endorse Obama, but when. And would he do it at a time that was pivotal in the primary?

Are Dems talking about McCain's age in ‘code’? — In a campaign year marked by flare-ups surrounding comments that have offended one group or another, John McCain and Barack Obama have moved on to the next sensitive battleground: the question of McCain's advanced age.