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McCain surrogate defends Swift Boaters — One of the participants in McCain's conference call today was Colonel Bud Day, a longtime McCain ally who was also a member of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004. — I asked Day whether how he'd compare the attacks he was saying McCain faces today …

Dem Guru: McCain ‘Limited’ by POW Years — ABC News' Teddy Davis and Molly Hunter Report: While Barack Obama was urging supporters not to devalue the military service of rival John McCain, an informal Obama adviser argued Monday that the former POW's isolation during the Vietnam War has hobbled …

Obama criticizes in patriotism speech — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Monday, in a major speech on patriotism, criticized for referring to Gen. David Petraeus as General Betray Us last year. — The Illinois senator said politics too often seems …
The Caucus, CNN, Wake up America, Hot Air, Crooks and Liars, John McCain Report blog and NO QUARTER

“Attacking” McCain's Military Record — What Wesley Clark really said, and how the press missed it — So: The latest round of mock outrage—in a presidential race that has turned the tactic into an art form—now comes in response to comments made by General Wesley Clark.

MEAN OLD WESLEY CLARK. — Via DDay comes the full transcript of Wesley Clark's blood libel against John McCain's military experience: … Today, the Obama campaign put out the following press release: … Politics is politics, to be sure, and the Obama campaign presumably needed to quiet this controversy down quick.

Clark Marks the Seventh Democrat to Go After McCain's Wartime Service — Three points to note about Wes Clark's statement on Face the Nation about John McCain that “I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.” — 1) “Riding” in a fighter jet?
The Caucus, Weekly Standard Blog, The Trail, Confederate Yankee, TownHall Blog, Swampland, Commentary and On Background

McCain Uses Swift Boat Vet Bud Day To Rebut Wesley Clark — Sen. John McCain's campaign launched on Monday, the McCain “Truth Squad” - a group of political and Vietnam contemporaries who would counter attacks on the Senator's military record. — In hopes of nipping any criticism in the bud …
The Seminal, Crooks and Liars, Daily Kos, MSNBC, The Huffington Post, AMERICAblog News and Spin Cycle

The General's Big Mouth — ASPEN — It could be the thin air up here; maybe that gives me the perspective equivalent to the astronomer who is looking into a black hole and sees the Democrats and Republicans slowly revolving around the event horizon, beneath which is total absurdity and oblivion.
AMERICAblog News

Swiftboating McCain — Ben Smith documents the left's gross attacks …
Salon, The American Mind, NO QUARTER, Political Machine, Gateway Pundit, GayPatriot, The Swamp, TownHall Blog,, Confederate Yankee, The RBC, TigerHawk and PoliGazette

Don't call me ‘shirley’ — As an addendum to Karl's post about O!'s fibbing, Barry states
Cold Fury

Obama Campaign Condemns Wes Clark's Comments About McCain
Open Left

Note to the religious right: auto-replace is not your friend — Auto-correct can be a very helpful feature of any word-processing program. But when conservatives use it, they run the risk of embarrassing themselves. — Some far-right sites that subscribe to the Associated Press feed …
Outside The Beltway, Latest, Liberal Values, The Impolitic, Publius Endures and The Moderate Voice

The Dangers of Auto-Replace — In addition to blocking traffic from websites they don't like, it looks like the web-geniuses behind the American Family Association's OneNewsNow site have a few other tricks up their sleeves, such as automatically replacing any use of the word “gay” with the word …

Romney tops McCain veep list — Surprising many Republican insiders, Mitt Romney is at the top of the vice-presidential prospect list for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). But lack of personal chemistry could derail the pick. — “Romney as favorite” is the hot buzz in Republican circles …

Hillaryland at War — Hillary Clinton's campaign had it all: near-death moments, hard-won triumphs, dysfunctional relationships—and a staff consumed with infighting over how to sell their candidate. It was a battle that revealed why she came so close to victory, as well as why she didn't make it.

DNC protests will be behind fence — The fence around the public demonstration zone outside the Democratic National Convention will be chicken wire or chain link, authorities revealed in U.S. District Court today. — That may allow protestors to be seen and heard by delegates …

Prosecutor: Couple's crimes related to cult — DURHAM, N.C. — A Durham couple charged with kidnapping, rape and assault was involved with a satanic cult, a prosecutor said Monday. — Joy Johnson and Joseph Craig appeared at a bond hearing Monday. A judge set Craig's bond at $590,000 …

Obama's for Equal Pay, Yet Pays Female Staffers Less Than Males — ( - While Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has vowed to make pay equity for women a top priority if elected president, an analysis of his Senate staff shows that women are outnumbered and out-paid by men.
Hot Air, NO QUARTER, Redstate, The Moderate Voice, The Jawa Report, Wake up America and The Hill's Blog Briefing Room