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Obama criticizes in patriotism speech — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Monday, in a major speech on patriotism, criticized for referring to Gen. David Petraeus as General Betray Us last year. — The Illinois senator said politics too often seems …

Some on left target McCain's war record — The highest voltage third rail of this presidential campaign may not be race, sex, or age, but Senator John McCain's military service. — McCain's campaign Sunday issued a pair of outraged statements after retired general and Barack Obama supporter Wesley Clark …

Obama Rebukes Clark — The McCain campaign would love to keep talking about Wesley Clark's weekend comment—that McCain “getting shot down” during Vietnam is no credential for commander in chief. Indeed, even as Obama speaks on patriotism in Missouri, McCain is holding a presser in Pennsylvania to discuss the Clark comment.
Firedoglake, Top of the Ticket, The Impolitic, The Corner, MyDD, and JammieWearingFool

DC PRESS LORDS LAY DOWN FIRE FOR MCCAIN — It's not surprising. But it is an example of the fatuous McCain worship that is the bread and butter of the Washington press corps that Wes Clark's comments this weekend on Face the Nation are being called ‘swift-boating’.

Obama: I will never question others' patriotism — INDEPENDENCE, Mo. - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Monday he will never question others' patriotism during the race and blames his own “carelessness” for some criticism of him so far. Obama sought to reassure voters …

Swiftboating McCain — Ben Smith documents the left's gross attacks on McCain's military record: … Wesley Clark is now and always has been a Clinton-type, but this is pretty revolting. This kind of personal attack was repulsive coming against Kerry from the far right. And it's repulsive the other way round.

Obama fibs and flip-flops on patriotism — The AP's Jennifer Loven covers Barack Obama's speech on patriotism, in which he said he “will never question the patriotism of others in this campaign” and implictly threw his surrogate Wesley Clark under the campaign bus for questioning John McCain's war record.
Democracy Project

Text of Obama's Patriotism Speech - “The America We Love” — Remarks of Senator Barack Obama — The America We Love - as prepared for delivery — On a spring morning in April of 1775, a simple band of colonists - farmers and merchants, blacksmiths and printers, men and boys …

Gen. Clark challenges McCain's qualifications
Discussion:, Media Matters for America, Politics Blog, Fox News, Firedoglake, The Debate Link, Daily Kos, and The Next Right

Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?

Get Ready For The Mother Of All Hissy Fits
The Jed Report, ad astra, per aspera, The Political Carnival, SteveAudio, Crooks and Liars, Cliff Schecter, MyDD, Balloon Juice and TBogg

Independence Day — Barack Obama speaks in Independence, MO, today about patriotism.
protein wisdom

Note to the religious right: auto-replace is not your friend — Auto-correct can be a very helpful feature of any word-processing program. But when conservatives use it, they run the risk of embarrassing themselves. — Some far-right sites that subscribe to the Associated Press feed …

Romney tops McCain veep list — Surprising many Republican insiders, Mitt Romney is at the top of the vice-presidential prospect list for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). But lack of personal chemistry could derail the pick. — “Romney as favorite” is the hot buzz in Republican circles …
MoJoBlog, Top of the Ticket, The New Republic, The Swamp, PERRspectives Blog and

McCain surrogate defends Swift Boaters — One of the participants in McCain's conference call today was Colonel Bud Day, a longtime McCain ally who was also a member of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004. — I asked Day whether how he'd compare the attacks he was saying McCain faces today …
Discussion:, TPM Election Central, The Daily Dish, New York Times, Democracy Project, Hullabaloo and

GOP Sharpens Attacks on Obama — Allies of McCain Casting Democratic Candidate as Unprincipled, Opportunistic — CLEVELAND — Sen. John McCain's allies have seized on a new and aggressive line of attack against Sen. Barack Obama, casting the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee …

Krugman Is Stumped, Too — Hey, it's not just Republican surrogates …

In Flag City USA, False Obama Rumors Are Flying — FINDLAY, Ohio — On his corner of College Street, Jim Peterman stares at the four American flags planted in his front lawn and rubs his forehead. Peterman, 74, is a retired worker at Cooper Tire, a father of two, an Air Force veteran and a self-described patriot.

OBAMA'S IRAQ PROBLEM — In February, 2007, when Barack Obama declared that he was running for President, violence in Iraq had reached apocalyptic levels, and he based his candidacy, in part, on a bold promise to begin a rapid withdrawal of American forces upon taking office.

Obama's for Equal Pay, Yet Pays Female Staffers Less Than Males — ( - While Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has vowed to make pay equity for women a top priority if elected president, an analysis of his Senate staff shows that women are outnumbered and out-paid by men.
Hot Air, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, The Corner, Wake up America, Redstate and Macsmind

Obama's Dry Hole — “I want you to think about this,” Barack Obama said in Las Vegas last week. “The oil companies have already been given 68 million acres of federal land, both onshore and offshore, to drill. They're allowed to drill it, and yet they haven't touched it …