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Pelosi firm: No vote on offshore drilling — WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday ruled out a vote on new offshore oil drilling even as Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said he might be open to a compromise that included it. — The scramble over expanded drilling …
Firedoglake, TownHall Blog, New York Times, TalkLeft, baldilocks, TigerHawk, Republican Leader John Boehner and Macsmind

House GOP's oil-drilling protest resumes — Scores of Republican House members will return to the Hill today, despite Congress being on recess, to engage in legislative guerrilla tactics meant to turn the screws on Speaker Nancy Pelosi who has so far refused to allow a vote on domestic oil drilling …
The Crypt's Blogs, Weekly Standard Blog, Wake up America,, baldilocks and TBogg

Obama: tap oil reserve to help gas prices
Sweetness & Light

Rerouting McCain's Bus — Frustrations Lead Campaign To Limit Reporters' Access — KANSAS CITY While the traveling press corps was shipped off to a barbecue restaurant here, John McCain charmed his way through an interview with a local TV reporter. Surae Chinn of KCTV posed such less …
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VP pick may chafe Hillary supporters — Many of the foremost activists in the women's movement ardently believe that Hillary Rodham Clinton should be Barack Obama's running mate — and primary wounds that are just beginning to heal may be torn back open should the Democratic nominee select someone else, as it seems very likely he will.

Obama Leads, Pessimism Reigns Among Key Group — Democratic Sen. Barack Obama holds a 2 to 1 edge over Republican Sen. John McCain among the nation's low-wage workers, but many are unconvinced that either presidential candidate would be better than the other at fixing the ailing economy …

Housing Lenders Fear Bigger Wave of Loan Defaults — The first wave of Americans to default on their home mortgages appears to be cresting, but a second, far larger one is quickly building. — Homeowners with good credit are falling behind on their payments in growing numbers …

Obama's crime? Acting too presidential — So the pundits' verdict is in: Obama is too confident. It all would be funny if many people didn't seem to be inhaling this multimedia stink bomb as if it were fragrant truth. — America, meet Barack The Arrogant.
The Moderate Voice,, Brilliant at Breakfast, D-Day, The Mahablog, MSNBC and

Energy fueling Monday's agenda. Obama, 47 today, acts, McCain reacts. — The Obama campaign jumped in first to try to set the storyline of the day, producing a new spot called “Pocket,” hitting McCain by picturing him with oil man President Bush and for taking contributions from “Big Oil.”

McCain likely to let Obama choose VP first — John McCain's extended circle is divided on whether he should announce his running mate in the immediate days ahead—but the Republican is more likely to wait for Barack Obama to announce his choice first, according to advisers.

Republicans to Mock Obama With Tire Gauges — McCain supporters in Michigan will distribute tire gauges at Obama's energy speech in Lansing. — The RNC will also deliver gauges reading “Obama's energy plan” to Washington newsrooms. — An allusion to Obama's call last week for drivers to keep their tires inflated.

THE PLIGHT OF POLITICO — AND EVERYONE ELSE. — The success of Politico actually seems like an incredibly discouraging sign for the media. Here you have this forward-thinking, primarily virtual venture to create a political news organization that marries old-school reporting values …

New book: Obama a lefty, not a reformer — The first serious negative biography of Senator Barack Obama casts the Democratic nominee as a fake reformer and a real liberal. — “The Case Against Barack Obama,” by National Review's David Freddoso, blasts Obama for failing to take on the Chicago machine …

Knights Templar To Sue Pope — I just spotted a report that isn't politics, just interesting to me as I've a long-standing interest in the various Templar conspiracy theories. They're such fun. — A self-proclaimed successor group to the famous Knights Templar are to sue the Pope …

Obama-Bayh Team Up for Injured Vets — ABC News' Teddy Davis and Matthew Jaffe report: Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., along with rumored vice-presidential possibility Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., and eight other senators, wrote Monday to Defense Secretary Robert Gates urging …