Top Items:

Multiple Oil Company Executives Gave Huge Contributions To Electing McCain Just Days After Offshore Drilling Reversal — Ten senior Hess Corporation executives and/or members of the Hess family each gave $28,500 to the joint RNC-McCain fundraising committee, just days after McCain reversed himself …
Macsmind, Blog, Cogitamus, D-Day, The Carpetbagger Report, Blog entry, Daily Kos, Sunlight Foundation, The Anonymous Liberal, Truthdig and MyDD

Obama's Overstatement — An Obama ad says McCain's campaign got $2 million from “Big Oil.” The total is actually $1.3 million. — Obama released a TV spot saying McCain's campaign got $2 million from “Big Oil” while McCain proposed “another $4 billion in tax breaks” for the industry.

Left Keeps Hammering McCain Oil Ties — Left-leaning interest groups, the Democratic National Committee and the campaign of Democrat Barack Obama have been hammering away at Republican John McCain over the the Arizona senator's fundraising success with oil companies.

POCKET....Here's the latest Obama ad pushing back on John McCain's oil policy.

ATV/Zogby Poll Toss-Up! McCain 42%, Obama 41% as Undecided Voters Increase... Obama loses support among his strongest demographic groups — UTICA, New York - A national Associated TV/Zogby International telephone poll of 1,011 likely voters conducted July 31-Aug. 1 finds Republican …

GOP won't let go of its new tire-gauge toy — Atrios asked this morning, “Does anyone understand why Obama suggesting that people keep their tires properly inflated is some sort of hilarious gaffe?” — I've been trying to figure out the same thing for days.
FOX Embeds, CNN, The Campaign Spot, Washington Wire, Associated Press, The Gun Toting Liberal?, The Huffington Post, Think Progress, The Caucus, Big Brass Blog, The Reaction, The Moderate Voice, Blog entry, The Jed Report, Newsweek Blogs, The Huffington Post,, Eschaton, The Field on the Narcosphere, Happy Furry Puppy Story …, Stop The ACLU, D-Day, PERRspectives Blog, The Sideshow, Sadly, No!, Daily Kos and RADAMISTO

Bob Herbert: Why is everyone missing the phallic symbols in McCain's Britney ad? — Between this and last week's Godwin-ing of the crowd scenes, I'm honestly curious to see where the left takes the critique next. One would think they'd either run out of cards to play or would quietly pocket …

McCain Not First to Compare Obama to Paris Hilton — Editor's Note: Update below the fold. — The uproar of the media, serving as adjunct PR firms in defense of their beloved Sen. Barack Obama in response to Sen. John McCain's video comparing the Illinois Senator to Paris Hilton, was deafening.

Obama will name Bayh his VP choice on Wednesday — Updated at the end of the post. — I'm going to put my neck out on the line by making a prediction. Barack Obama will announce his vice-presidential choice Wednesday morning. It will be Indiana Senator Evan Bayh.
Firedoglake, Patterico's Pontifications, MyDD, The Reaction,, Wilshire & Washington and American Spectator

Bayh Partisans cancel softball game — Sen. Evan Bayh's staff softball team, The Bayh Partisans, has cancelled the game it had scheduled for tomorrow evening with the drug policy team The One Hitters. Bayh staffer Jonathan Stahler sent One Hitter team captain Kris Krane an e-mail Monday morning citing …

Sun-Times political columnist Robert Novak retires — FROM SUN-TIMES STAFF REPORTS — Robert Novak has announced his immediate retirement following the diagnosis of a brain tumor, a prognosis the Sun-Times' political columnist describes as “dire.” — “The details are being worked …
Chicago Tribune, The Raw Story, The Caucus, The Swamp, Outside The Beltway, and Patterico's Pontifications

White House says no to special session of Congress — The White House has rejected calls from House Republicans that it convene a special session of Congress on energy, saying it wouldn't make a difference. — “We don't have plans to call Congress into session — it won't make a difference …

Barack Obama shifts on tapping national oil reserves — In a campaign speech in Michigan, the candidate suggested releasing oil from the emergency stockpile, a relief plan reminiscent of President Clinton's in 2000. — LANSING, MICH. — Democrat Barack Obama called today for tapping …

THE LATEST MEME — Truly a Kuhnian moment. John McCain is so honorable and straight-shooting that the only explanation for his campaign's headlong dive into sleaze, xenophobia and gonzo bamboozlement is that McCain is so out of it and controlled by his advisors that he doesn't actually know what they're doing in his name.

Pressure Grows for F.B.I. to Show Anthrax Evidence — WASHINGTON — After four years of painstaking scientific research, the F.B.I. by 2005 had traced the anthrax in the poisoned letters of 2001 to a single flask of the bacteria at the Army biodefense laboratory at Fort Detrick, Md. …
Prometheus 6

Barack in Lansing, MI: “We must end the age of oil in our time.” — Senator Obama just concluded a major speech in Lansing, Michigan where he addressed our current energy crisis and described our addiction to foreign oil as “central” to all of the major challenges facing us today.

Boston's birthday gift to Obama — Happy Birthday indeed. — Boston's biggest names in Democratic politics, once divided into two camps during the presidential primary, united this evening to throw Barack Obama a 47th birthday fund-raiser bash. — The event at the swank State Room near Faneuil Hall …

The Meaning of Capitalism — I've received an enormous amount of email, mostly positive, about my capitalism column (the most common complaint from the friendly readers was that capitalism is a Marxist term we shouldn't concede. A fair complaint). But I thought this email is worth responding to: