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Palin rebuts rumors, says daughter pregnant — Featured Topics: - John McCain - Barack Obama — ST. PAUL (Reuters) - The 17-year-old unmarried daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said on Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors …
Fox News, Hot Air, Talk To Action, Associated Press, Yahoo! News, Firedoglake, MyDD, The Blue Voice, AMERICAblog News, Roger Ailes, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Anonymous Liberal, Comments from Left Field,, Booman Tribune, The Corner, Draft Sarah Palin …,, All Spin Zone, Flopping Aces and Oliver Willis

Palin's Teen Daughter Is Pregnant; New G.O.P. Tumult — ST. PAUL — The 17-year-old daughter of Gov. Sarah Palin, John McCain's running mate, is five months pregnant, Ms. Palin announced today, adding a new element of tumult to a Republican convention that had already been disrupted by Hurricane Gustav.

Palin Was a Director of Embattled Sen. Stevens's 527 Group — ST. PAUL — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin began building clout in her state's political circles in part by serving as a director of an independent political group organized by the now embattled Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens.

Exclusive: Todd Palin's 1986 DUI Arrest Called “Lesson Learned” — Sources close to Sarah Palin tell The Brody File that the husband of the GOP Vice-presidential choice, Todd Palin, was arrested and charged with Driving under the Influence of alcohol back in 1986. He was 22 years old at the time.
Hullabaloo,, MSNBC, Jonathan Martin's Blogs, Pensito Review and Firedoglake

In Wasilla, Pregnancy Was No Secret — So his name is Levi. — That's about the only thing that I didn't know about Bristol Palin's pregnancy. The rest of the details I picked up almost without trying, while talking about other things with townsfolk — some who know the governor and her family well, some who don't.

JUST REALLY ODD — We haven't touched it. But you probably know there have been internet-based rumors claiming that Sarah Palin's newborn son Trig is actually the son of her 17 year old daughter, Bristol. In an effort to knock down these rumors, Palin and the McCain camp have now put …

Palin's unmarried daughter is pregnant — Besieged by blog rumors about her 17-year-old daughter, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin — named Friday as running mate of John McCain — released a statement Monday saying her daughter is pregnant and plans to marry the father.

Palin opposed sex-ed — Sarah Palin's personal story, and her views on personal morality, are at the core of her politics and of why she was nominated, and why she'd energized the conservative base. — Now, her daughter's pregnancy has cast her views on teenagers and sex directly into the spotlight.
Weekly Standard Blog

Assessing the Political Impact of Bristol Palin's Pregnancy — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's family at a rally in Dayton, Ohio, gust 29, 2008. Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol, is holding four-month-old Trig Palin. (Melina Mara / The Washington Post) — ST. PAUL — Alaska …

Oy: Palin's daughter is pregnant; Update: Althouse on Palin vs …
Althouse, Washington Post,, Reuters, protein wisdom, The Huffington Post, Jonathan Martin's Blogs, Blue Crab Boulevard, American Princess, Comments from Left Field, American Power, Patterico's Pontifications, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Wake up America, Pensito Review, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, The Other McCain and

Matthew Yglesias, Washington Monthly, Media Matters for America, Los Angeles Times and Feministing

What the Heck is McCain Up To? — That seems to be the question this Labor Day.
Clive Crook

The Rebuttal — A reader points out what is left implicit in the Palins' statement:
Marginal Revolution

Bristol Is Pregnant — So that explains the wedding ring I spotted.
The Corner

Guardian, Washington Wire, Newsweek Blogs,, Swampland, Macsmind, Taylor Marsh and Commentary

Saving the GOP and The Unbearable Lightness of Being Sarah Palin

Blackballed From The Republican National Convention — This week, the Republican National Convention is kicking off and there are going to be almost 200 bloggers attending. However, I'm not going to be one of them. That's not because I didn't put in an application, it's because they didn't want me there.
Little Miss Attila

Post-Democratic Convention Poll — The eight-point lead for the Democratic ticket is up from Obama's three-point lead before the convention. But there are still a significant number of voters who have yet to firmly make up their minds. — Before the Democratic convention …

Rove: Obama's inexperienced; Biden's a ‘big, blowhard doofus’ — MINNEAPOLIS — Maine's Republican delegation got a surprise visit from former White House political operative Karl Rove at its convention breakfast this morning. — During his speech, he talked up John McCain's Republican presidential bid …
Marc Ambinder

A Leading Hillary Supporter Defects to McCain — Newsweek Exclusive: Top Clinton Supporter John Coale Endorses McCain — John Coale, a prominent Washington lawyer, husband of Fox TV host Greta Van Susteren and a supporter of Sen. Hillary Clinton, announced today that he was supporting John McCain for president.