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Obama: ‘Lipstick on a pig’ — Amie Parnes reports from Lebanon, VA: … The crowd apparently took the “lipstick” line as a reference to Palin, who described the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull in a single word: “lipstick.” — UPDATE: The McCain campaign is now saying Obama called Palin a pig, which he didn't.
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Obama Did Not Call Sarah Palin A Pig — The first McCain truthsquadding telephone call is taking place right now, and ex-MA Gov. Jane Swift is complaining about an idiom Barack Obama used today: … Suddenly, common analogies are sexist? — The McCain campaign has little respect for Obama, but they don't think he is stupid.

Obama Says McCain Is Offering Fake Change: 'You Can Put Lipstick on a Pig, But It's Still a Pig' — LEBANON, Va. — “That's not change,” Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said of what Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is offering. — “You know, you can put lipstick on a pig,” Obama said, “but it's still a pig.”
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The Hunt for Sarah October — City slickers invade Wasilla — Democrats understand Sarah Palin is a formidable political force who has upset the Obama victory plan. The latest Washington Post/ABC Poll shows John McCain taking a 12-point lead over Barack Obama among white women …

Obama on McCain/Palin: “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig”; Update: Video added; Update: “A pathetic attempt to play the gender card” — Perfectly innocent, I'm sure, just like Michelle's bon mot last week about the importance of choosing a running mate who's smart was perfectly innocent.

“Lipstick On A Pig” Update — The McCain campaign is holding a conference call with former Massachusetts Gov. Jane Swift, who is calling on Barack Obama to apologize to Sarah Palin for his “lipstick on a pig” comment. “We need to continually combat this stream of insults,” Swift said …

Should Obama apologize to Palin? — by Jill Zuckman and Mike Dorning, updated at 9:30 pm. — Former Massachusetts Gov. Jane Swift tonight denounced, in no uncertain terms, Barack Obama's “lipstick on a pig” metaphor as he tried to tell voters why they shouldn't believe John McCain and Sarah Palin when they say they represent change.
Jonathan Martin's Blogs

World wants Obama as president: poll — US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama may be struggling to nudge ahead of his Republican rival in polls at home, but people across the world want him in the White House, a BBC poll said. — All 22 countries covered in the poll would prefer …
DownWithTyranny!, The New Editor, Stop The ACLU, Hot Air, Wizbang, Comments from Left Field, marbury and Biased BBC

McCain Leaps Ahead in NC — Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain — RALEIGH (WTVD) — In an election for President of the United States in North Carolina Tuesday, September 09, Republican John McCain suddenly and breathtakingly surges to a 20-point win over Democrat Barack Obama …
The New Republic, Reuters, Sister Toldjah, D-Day, Commentary, TPM Election Central and The Politico

NBC/WSJ Poll: '08 race turns into a dead heat — Barack Obama holds a narrow one-point lead over John McCain — Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin stand together on the stage during a campaign event at in Albuquerque, New Mexico on September 6, 2008. — Deputy political director

Poll: Men and women don't see eye-to-eye on Palin
No More Mister Nice Blog

McCain Sex-Ed Ad Launched; Obama Camp: “Perverse” — John McCain is out with a response ad to Barack Obama's attacks today on his education policy, accusing the Democratic nominee of not accomplishing a single education-related goal other than to promote “comprehensive sex education” to kindergartners.
The Anonymous Liberal, Pam's House Blend,, Bob Cesca's Goddamn …, Hot Air and The Political Carnival

Comedy gold: Lefty radio hosts crestfallen as Palin defended by ... Mike Gravel — You don't hear their hearts actually start to break until he says, “Troopergate is going to come out in her favor.” Although the most traumatic part, surely, must have been the exchange about how the mayor …

House Dems to allow vote on energy bill — House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Monday morning that the newest Democratic energy bill will be brought to the floor under normal rules and will be subject to a vote on a Republican alternative that is likely to call for even more drilling than Democrats are prepared to swallow.

An awkward moment in Columbia — Victoria McGrane:
Weekly Standard

Ron Paul Plans ‘Special Announcement’ — Brad Haynes reports on the presidential race. — Rep. Ron Paul, the former Republican presidential candidate who excited a multitude of young voters during the primaries, announced a “major” news conference in Washington Wednesday.
Ron Paul's Campaign …, The Moderate Voice, Associated Press, Constitution Party … and Wonkette

Election 2008: Montana Presidential Election — Montana: McCain Surges Ahead by Double-Digits — John McCain has opened a double digit lead over Barack Obama in Montana. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the Treasure State finds McCain leading by eleven, 53% to 42% …

I Dream About Sarah Palin. Do You? — SEND US YOUR DREAMS ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN VICE-PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE. — I rarely remember my dreams, but for the past week, GOP vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin has been haunting me. Night after night, she appears in my dreams, always as a scolding, ominous figure.
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LYING SARAH WATCH — Sometimes when you've got a liar as big as Sarah Palin on the line only a timeline will really do justice to her fibbing ways. — So a lot of you have written in to ask: Okay, she says she said ‘Thanks. But no thanks’ to the Bridge to Nowhere. But how exactly did it all come out?

Was Biden Talking About Palin During Stem Cell Research Reference? — From CBS News' Ryan Corsaro: — (COLUMBIA, MO.) - Was Joe Biden referring to Sarah Palin, a mother of a child with Down syndrome, when he made this comment? — “I hear all this talk about how the Republicans …