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The Palin interview — It is embarrassing to have to spell this out, but for the record let me explain why Gov. Palin's answer to the “Bush Doctrine” question — the only part of the recent interview I have yet seen over here in China — implies a disqualifying lack of preparation for the job.
Slate, The Opinionator, Washington Monthly, The Washington Independent, Matthew Yglesias, Balloon Juice, The Mahablog, Eunomia, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, FP Passport, Booman Tribune, Outside The Beltway, TalkLeft, Weekly Standard, Taylor Marsh, TPM Election Central, Seeing the Forest, Liberal Values, Broadband Politics and Obsidian Wings

Excerpts: Charlie Gibson Interviews GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin — Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sits Down for First Exclusive Interview … And watch Gibson's exclusive interviews with Palin tonight on “World News” at 6:30 p.m. ET, a special “20/20,” at 10 p.m. ET, and “Nightline” at 11:35 p.m. ET
Washington Wire, The Swamp, Ben Smith's Blogs,, Jonathan Martin's Blogs, Hotline On Call, Wake up America and The Caucus

Palin defends earmark requests for Alaska — NEW YORK - Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is defending the nearly $200 million in federal earmarks she has sought as Alaska governor. She also tried to explain why she was for the infamous Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it.

Sorry, Charlie — As I said in a post earlier today, any problem Sarah Palin had in that interview is her own fault — on no one else's head. But readers have been weighing in with critiques of Gibson's performance, and some of their criticisms are right-on. — Did he have to glower?

Pamela Anderson tells Sarah Palin to suck it — FIRST Matt Damon, now Pamela Anderson has spoken out against Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin saying:"I can't stand her. She can suck it!" — Anderson, 41, was recently in Toronto speaking out against the abuse of animals in Hollywood.

Palin Flip-Flops on Whether Global Warming Has Man-Made Causes …
The Huffington Post, The Raw Story, The World Newser, Salon, Think Progress, Top of the Ticket and Liberal Values

McCain Grilled On “The View”: Sarah Palin, His Abortion Stance, His Obama Attack Ads, And More — The ladies of “The View” confronted John McCain today for lying in recent attack ads. In arguably his toughest interview yet, View co-host Joy Behar asked McCain:
Open Left, Buck Naked Politics, David Corn, The Daily Dish, Undiplomatic, Pam's House Blend, Wilshire & Washington and Wonkette

On ‘The View,’ McCain Falsely Claims Palin Never Requested Earmarks As Governor Of Alaska — Appearing on “The View” today, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) falsely claimed that Sarah Palin never requested earmarks as the governor of Alaska. “Not as governor she didn't,” McCain told Barbara Walters after she noted Palin “took some earmarks”:

LYING MCCAIN — It's become pathological. John McCain just claimed on TV that Sarah Palin has never requested an earmark for her state — when actually her state gets more earmarks than any other state in the country. And this year she asked for $197 million worth of them herself.

EVEN THE AP.... As regular readers know, I've been pretty frustrated …

Obama camp seizes on ‘divorced’ comment — After a week on defense, Barack Obama's campaign is roaring back with a new theme for attacking John McCain: “out of touch.” — In a conference call with reporters on Friday morning, the Obama campaign seized on a comment by McCain in Thursday …

Battle for Congress Suddenly Looks Competitive — Democrats' double-digit lead on the “generic ballot” slips to 3 points — PRINCETON, NJ — A potential shift in fortunes for the Republicans in Congress is seen in the latest USA Today/Gallup survey, with the Democrats now leading …

Biden Releases 10 Years of Tax Returns — Joe Biden today released ten years of his personal income tax returns, drawing further attention to the tax issues raised by Sarah Palin's tax problems associated with her per diem reimbursements while governor of Alaska.

Who Vetted This Guy? — Joe Biden released ten years of tax returns. (In the open-book department the Obama camp is delinquent so I'm not sure what the point of this is.) But Scranton, we have a problem. From TaxProf Blog: … A handy chart follows.

McCain Pre-Palin: Mayors And Governors Can't Handle National Security — When does being a governor or mayor for a short period of time not disqualify your credentials on national security? When you are John McCain and your task is to defend your vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, MoJoBlog, Hullabaloo, D-Day, Think Progress and Daily Kos

Todd Palin subpoenaed in firing probe — The state Senate Judiciary Committee voted 3-2 today to subpoena 13 people — including the husband of Gov. Sarah Palin — in an investigation of whether Palin abused her power in trying to get her former brother-in-law fired.

McCain Issues A Challenge: ‘Nobody Can Name’ An Issue I Have Flip-Flopped On — On ABC's The View today, host Joy Behar complained to John McCain that “you used to be more of the Maverick, then you sort of turned.” “In what way?” McCain asked. “You became much more lockstep, I think …

Barack ‘Isotoner’ Obama to Take Off His Third or Fourth Pair of Gloves and Get Tough — Like any number of Democratic candidates before him — Mike Dukakis, Al Gore, John Kerry — Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., is once again declaring that he is going to take off the gloves and fight back against attacks from the Republican Party.
Hot Air, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Political Radar, Swampland and International Herald Tribune

Obama mocks McCain as computer illiterate
JustOneMinute, Mother, May I Sleep …, The Corner, Sweetness & Light, Hot Air and The Other McCain

The first Palin cable interview... with Sean Hannity, Fox says, as she heads back to a zone of relative safety.

Attack Politics 101 — Phil Singer mostly nails this: … Therein lies the rub of the McSame strategy and the challenges Obama has attacking. The McSame attack directly contradicts McCain's image as Bush's #1 rival in the Republican Party, something Democrats were all too happy to stoke back in the day.