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ABC News Edited Out Key Parts of Sarah Palin Interview — A transcript of the unedited interview of Sarah Palin by Charles Gibson clearly shows that ABC News edited out crucial portions of the interview that showed Palin as knowledgeable or presented her answers out of context.
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She's Not Ready — While watching the Sarah Palin interview with Charlie Gibson Thursday night, and the coverage of the Palin phenomenon in general, I've gotten the scary feeling, for the first time in my life, that dimwittedness is not just on the march in the U.S., but that it might actually prevail.

Many Versions of ‘Bush Doctrine’ — Palin's Confusion in Interview Understandable, Experts Say — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin seemed puzzled Thursday when ABC News anchor Charles Gibson asked her whether she agrees with the “Bush doctrine.” — “In what respect, Charlie?” she replied.
Discussion:, New York Times, Washington Monthly, The Caucus, The Mahablog, Commentary, The Stump, Swampland, The Volokh Conspiracy and Spin Cycle

Palin's Performance—Fine, But... My take (and I didn't see the bits that aired on 20/20 or Nightline last night, although I read the transcript) was that she survived. That's all she had to do. Politically, everyone was grading her on a pass/fail, and she passed.

Palin camp clarifies extent of Iraq trip — Says she never ventured beyond Kuwait border — Private Christopher T. Grammer/Department of Defense via Associated Press/fileLieutenant Colonel David Cogdell helped Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska test out training equipment at Camp Buehring, Kuwait, on July 24, 2007.

McCain-Palin Crowd-Size Estimates Not Backed by Officials — Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) — Senator John McCain has drawn some of the biggest crowds of his presidential campaign since adding Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to his ticket on Aug. 29. Now officials say they can't substantiate the figures McCain's aides are claiming.
Daily Kos

Why McCain is going so negative, so often — It's hard to imagine a more unlikely perch for John McCain to be shamed for his increasingly hard-edged and truth-stretching campaign than the middle seat on “The View.” — Yet on Friday morning, there sat the Republican nominee …

Panic sets in for Obama, Democrats — Barack Obama knows it. The election he had in the bag is slipping away. — The selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate has so thrown him off stride, as it has most other Democrats, that all the momentum he had has vanished.

Florida may be falling from Obama's grasp — Barack Obama could be on the verge of falling out of contention in Florida. — Despite spending an estimated $8-million on campaign ads in America's biggest battleground state and putting in place the largest Democratic campaign organization ever in Florida …
Power Line, Wake up America, Commentary, Scared Monkeys, The Swamp, The Other McCain and American Spectator

The latest Sarah Palin smear from the Left: teen molester — Just when you thought the Left could not possibly sink any lower in their bid to smear Sarah Palin, Air America manages to provide what hopefully will be the nadir of their efforts. Randi Rhodes of Air America/Nova M Radio told …
protein wisdom, Stop The ACLU, The Radio Equalizer, Confederate Yankee and The Other McCain

The Triumph of Culture Over Politics — Liberals always think there's something broken in politics. Conservatives always think there's something wrong with the culture. Why that gives Sarah Palin and the Republicans the edge in November. — Culture war, culture war!

County judge urges caution as Ike weakens — Area goes dark as hurricane cuts power to millions — Comments Recommend — Harris County Judge Ed Emmett urged caution as Hurricane Ike continued to pummel the area with wind and rain this morning, asking residents to stay inside and conserve water.

Ike closes in on Galveston
Pajamas Media, SciGuy, The Lede, Daily Kos, Austin American-Statesman, Firedoglake, Brilliant at Breakfast and A Blog For All

Tina Fey ‘likely’ to play Sarah Palin on ‘SNL’ — NEW YORK - Tina Fey was “likely” to play Gov. Sarah Palin on “Saturday Night Live,” said a person close to NBC's sketch comedy show. — Fey is “likely” to return to her former show Saturday to play the Alaskan governor and Sen. John McCain's running mate …

Obama scales back campaign events in Ike's wake
Yahoo! News

‘RHETORICAL’ BOOK BANNING.... Charlie Gibson asked Sarah Palin yesterday about reports that she sought to ban books from the Wasilla public library. Palin rejected this out of hand: “Never banned a book, never desired to ban a book.... It's an old wives' tale.” — There's ample reason to believe this isn't true at all.

GOP campaign downplays Palin book-banning inquiry
Political Machine

Campaign of lies disgraces McCain — This nation is facing real challenges on the economy, health care, jobs and the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are significant differences between how Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain would address them.

Give 'em Hell, Sarah — Like Truman, a natural-born executive. — Lurking just below the surface of the second-guessing about Sarah Palin's fitness to be president is the serious question of whether we still believe in the American people's capacity for self-government …