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VIDEO: Watch Sarah Palin Read Her Answers In Last Night's Debate — For Sarah Palin, last night's debate was an open-book exam. She spent much of the evening methodically reading and rehearsing answers from “carefully scripted talking points.” Palin's notes were largely hidden from plain view …

Hail Mary vs. Cool Barry — Krauthammer's Hail Mary Rule: You get only two per game. John McCain, unfortunately, has already thrown three. The first was his bet on the surge, a deep pass to David Petraeus who miraculously ran it all the way into the end zone.

45% Of Households In Top Local TV Markets Watched Palin and Biden's V.P. Debate — The combined overall household rating for Thursday night's vice presidential debate, in 55 of the 56 local television markets where Nielsen maintains electronic TV meters, was 45.0.

The Palin Rebound — There are some moments when members of a political movement come together as one, sharing the same thoughts, feeling the same emotions, breathing the same shallow breaths. One of those occasions occurred Thursday night when Republicans around the country crouched nervously behind …
Wall Street Journal, Eunomia, Washington Monthly, Washington Post, Jeffrey Goldberg, The Opinionator, The New Republic, Hot Air, Comments from Left Field, Los Angeles Times, The Reaction, Achenblog, New York Times, Hullabaloo, Left in the West,, Top of the Ticket, NO QUARTER and Boston Globe

Final: 69.9 million viewers — Palin-Biden the most-watched vp debate ever — UPDATED: Thursday's highly anticipated face-off between Alaska governor Sarah Palin and Delaware senator Joe Biden was the most-watched vp debate of all time. — Last night's event was seen by 69.9 million viewers, according to Nielsen Media Research.
Power Line, Crooks and Liars, Think Progress, Don Surber, TVNewser, Washington Post, CBS News, and NO QUARTER

Palin meets expectations but still falls short
The Swamp, Eunomia, The Republic of T., Guardian, The Nation, Los Angeles Times and Power Line

Biden won independents in VP debate
The Moderate Voice, Top of the Ticket, The Politico, The Reaction, Spin Cycle, PERRspectives Blog and Right Wing Nut House

Who Won VP Debate: A Review of Polls with October 3 pm update
The Moderate Voice

Palin Disagrees With Michigan Pullout, Takes Second Stab at ‘Gotcha’ Questions — Sarah Palin, in an interview with FOX News, disagreed Friday with the McCain campaign's decision to pull out of Michigan. — — Sarah Palin criticized John McCain's decision to pull campaign resources …

Moosehunter — So, I've been quiet thus far, but I figure it's …
Political Machine

SHE READ THE CLIFFSNOTES? — Fox gives Sarah Palin a second bite …
The Washington Independent

Why McCain Goes Easy on Fannie and the CRA — Here is the big question of the moment that many GOPers are asking: Why is John McCain not tearing into Barack Obama and the Dems on the huge role of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the Community Reinvestment Act in the financial crisis on Wall Street?
The Corner, The Jawa Report, Michelle Malkin, The Independent, Wall Street Journal, Weekly Standard and protein wisdom

Gallup Daily: Obama Leading by 7 Points — Today marks full week of Obama leading by significant margin — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup Poll Daily tracking from Sept. 30-Oct. 2 has Barack Obama leading John McCain by seven percentage points, 49% to 42%. — Obama has held a statistically significant lead …
The Moderate Voice

Bush Signs Rescue Bill After House Vote — WASHINGTON — The House of Representatives gave final approval on Friday to the $700 billion bailout for the financial system, reversing course to authorize what may be the most expensive government intervention in history.
The Hill, Washington Monthly, Michelle Malkin, TalkLeft, Economix, Slog, Feministe, Portfolio, Spin Cycle and American Power

Projecting through the Screen — A very wise TV executive once told me that the key to TV is projecting through the screen. It's one of the keys to the success of, say, a Bill O'Reilly, who comes through the screen and grabs you by the throat. Palin too projects through the screen like crazy.
Think Progress, The Daily Dish, Washington Monthly, Undiplomatic, Alas, a blog, Lawyers, Guns and Money and Wonkette

McCain Campaign's Ad Spending Now Nearly 100 Percent Devoted To Attack Ads — The McCain campaign has now shifted virtually 100 percent of his national ad spending into negative ads attacking Obama, a detailed breakdown of his ad buys reveals. — By contrast, the Obama campaign is devoting less …
Firedoglake, Washington Monthly, TalkLeft, Balkinization, Taegan Goddard's … and

The VP Debate: Odd Moments — In every debate, there are odd moments that tend to pass unnoticed because they do not concern the central issues of the day. Thursday night's vice-presidential debate featured two such episodes. In one, Sen. Joseph Biden was illogical on the matter of gay rights.

Old flame cited as part of McCain's Latin experience — Sen. John McCain's senior foreign policy adviser cites a steamy romance 50 years ago with a Brazilian babe among the things that illustrate the candidate's decades-long interest in Latin America — Speaking at an Americas Conference …

FBI raids Obama friend's office — The FBI on Wednesday raided the county offices of a former Illinois state senator who is a poker-playing buddy of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama. — According to Chicago authorities, the FBI visited the offices in Joliet, Ill. …